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Happy Camper

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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Me too and I pronounce about "a-bowt" ( rhymes with doubt, not "a-boot". Just like every other Canadian I know. I really don't mind when people make fun of us though. After all we do live in igloos and eat bacon all the time. And then there is hockey.
  2. I guess she found out real quick that she was the only one that thought it was funny. She removed the Instagram post when she saw the responses were not all of the LOLs that she expected. Terry thought he was real funny when he called David a "penis". No one laughed at that either. They must be a real hoot to hang out with.
  3. Stay Classy, Heather and Terry. Her hashtags tell me all I need to know about Heather. http://imgur.com/QqcEUAQ
  4. Could this blind item be more obvious? http://blindgossip.com/?p=82301 Inquisitive/nosy wife and all the baseball terms.
  5. Looks like the white robe has been packed away or donated to Goodwill.
  6. Meghan's comment about "TV Heather" reminded me of the time that Meghan and Jim were entering a party and Jim said to Meghan, "You're waving at no one". I do agree about "TV Heather". Both Heather and Terry seem to love the cameras way too much.
  7. Agreed. I just want to say " Hey, Vicki, get off OUR SHOW!"
  8. Is Meghan hinting around that she wants to return next season? https://www.instagram.com/p/BMcoRmgjE6A/
  9. I love her quote..."I'm seeking, I'm striving, I'm in it to win it".....is she referring to her game of gin rummy? Oh and by the way, Daisy is cheating, looking at Yolanda's cards. I knew that woman was not to be trusted.
  10. Somebody moved the finishing line. She just cannot stop with the sick selfies. https://www.instagram.com/p/BJefmrkAftp/
  11. From Yolanda's recent Instagram. She has finally been cured. The journey is over? Ready for a new journey? Like New York? She is so easy to read. She really wants to join RHONY. They respond with concerns based on her health issues preventing her from filming last season's RHBH. Suddenly she is CURED! Does she really think we are that stupid? https://www.instagram.com/p/BJTwPN8g8l5/?taken-by=yolanda.hadid&hl=en
  12. I feel badly for Meghan. She would have been so much happier if she had married a guy that did not have kids and could share this exciting journey of becoming first time parents with her. She did not choose well for her partner.
  13. I can't help but speculate....what is behind the door that must remain closed? Is that where she keeps her married boyfriend?
  14. She is the worst. I want to feel sorry for her because she is having a baby with someone who obviously can barely tolerate being around her, but she is so self centred I just can't. I don't understand her motive. She has knowingly placed herself and her unborn child in this unfortunate position. I just really feel sorry for her baby, who will be used as a pawn in the upcoming divorce.
  15. I bet she had to tie Jimmy into a chair and forced him to watch her videos, with the volume cranked up for full effect.
  16. Funny, I posted a link, just yesterday, regarding this. It's on the Meghan board. She has documented her journey with plenty of photos and the most cringeworthy videos on a special Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/meghansivfjourney/?hl=en
  17. Meghan has taken a page out of Yolanda's Book. No wonder Jimmy is running away. https://www.instagram.com/meghansivfjourney/ It's so sad that she is travelling this journey alone. She is going to be a married, but single Mom, living on her own in Orange County, with her RHOC camera family to keep her company.
  18. It's really sad that Jim already has to split his time between all of his kids. Meghan will probably be very resentful when he is spending time with his kids in SL and her little girl has to share her time with a daddy who is already never around. Either she didn't think this out, or the show means more to her than the quality of life for her daughter. If not for the show, she could live with her baby in SL and have a father who may actually be involved, or at the very lease, present. I also think it weird that Meghan would not want to be closer to her own family more often at this time, rather than always travelling back and forth.
  19. I can't figure out how that even makes sense. Why could he not have driven both of them and not have any drinks? How did Meghan get there?
  20. I think that from now on Jimmy could just send a life sized cardboard cut out of himself to take his place in all of the Meghan segments. We wouldn't even notice. Come to think of it, Meghan wouldn't notice either. He wasn't even required to be present at the conception of his own child.
  21. Oddly, Yolanda has not tweeted a peep about this. None of her outraged response as per usual. I am quite curious about this. She usually is fairly quick to respond when someone says anything negative about her. What could be keeping her quiet? She must be seething. I mean cartoon like steam coming out of her ears seething. Maybe she is scrambling around in her "vault" looking for a grenade to fire back. I can imagine the attempted phone call to David after she heard this interview. I hope he had a heads up in time to block her number. Probably followed up by a call to her lawyer, who probably also blocks her number. I am sensing that we are going to see an increase in the sick selfies and a decrease in the "Look at me bouncing back in my bikini" selfies. Poor Daisy is going to have her work cut out for her. She would probably like to tweet away more pics taken with her girls, but they are too busy for her. She can't keep up, unless she moves to New York. Guess her #proudmommy tweets will have to suffice. What makes this even more interesting to me is the fact that the Foster girls were so supportive and positive about Gigi and Bella and Mohammed. I was happy to hear them say that. Although that should make Yolanda proud, I am certain that it must piss her off even more. Interesting that she is now retweeting pics of herself and her dying friend Ellie, after nothing relating to Ellie for a very long time. Yolanda plays a very strange game.
  22. http://blog.siriusxm.com/2016/06/29/david-foster-daughter-sara-slams-yolanda-hadid/ There are four audio clips which capture the entire discussion of Yolanda and David and Yolanda's illness. It's all quite interesting.
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