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Happy Camper

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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Note to Self: Self, If you should ever consider having an affair with a married man, don't do it with a guy who is a regular on a reality show and think it will be kept a secret.
  2. So does this mean that she is actually lying in her Bravo Blog when she states that she "has just been appointed official spokes person"? ​After all the crying about Brooks being a liar, now she is making false claims? I miss the days when you could comment on those blogs. Please let this come up at the reunion!!
  3. I am confused. In her blog, Meghan states the following "A big part of my life has been exposed to you so that cancer can get the much-needed attention it deserves (By the way, it worked. I have been honored to have been appointed as the official spokesperson for Fight Colorectal Cancer www.fightcrc.org). And with any cause that is worthy of a fight I will seek answers until there is a cure, justice, or truth is exposed. From now on, the audience can decide what their truth might be." So she is not just a spokesperson? She has actually been appointed THE OFFICIAL SPOKESPERSON???? What organization would want this woman as their official spokesperson? ​ ​
  4. I'm sure that is why Ms. "Classy as F%^&" is no longer with that husband.
  5. Hmmm, I have a few hours to kill today. I think I may send a text to Meghan's ex and make a few inquiries. Because I think I know someone that I knew in high school whose brother's best friend's sister in law was one time married to a friend of Meghan's ex husbands cousin. Then, her ex mother in law may have a few stories. Also Allison Edmonds may be willing to enlighten us a little regarding Meghan. I don't doubt that there are a few juicy anecdotes out there that would be very interesting.
  6. I'm just imagining the whole scene. Meghan calling and saying "Hello, (cough, cough), I would like to make an appointment, (sniff, sniff) but first I have to ask you one thing. (Cough, sniff) Do you cure cancer?"
  7. This is what baffles me as well. That's why Jim keeps trying to shut her down. He's terrified of what she is going to do/say next. He must be so embarrassed and humiliated. What do his friends think? He used to be the cool baseball guy friend, now he's just that poor guy with the crazy wife.
  8. This perfectly captures Meghan. Thank you for so succinctly summing her up.
  9. I just think that Meghan should not have dragged Hayley into the whole housewives drama. I think that Hayley, just having lost her mom, is very impressionable. Meghan is so immature and has recruited a teenager to be her back up. Really selfish.
  10. I think that Meghan is a terrible influence on Hayley and will ultimately lead to Hayley having a bad reputation. Meghan is selfishly dragging Hayley into the whole housewives drama. I hope that Jim is smart enough to put a stop to that. I don't think that Hayley is mature enough to realize the impact that this will have on her life and her mom isn't around to help her cope and make sensible decisions. I think that LeAnn would be very upset to see how Meghan is influencing Hayley.
  11. This makes me angry. People demanding medical records is completely offensive. Even if records are produced, people will think they are fake. I am not a Brooks fan, but these people questioning the cancer are sickening. Meghan digging around under the guise of "caring" is the worst of all of them. Meghan is one crazy, scary b*&^%!
  12. Inevitably, Kris will cry and complain that Caitlyn is selfish and not being more sensitive to the girls.. Caitlyn will refute that vigorously and explain to Kris how she gave up her lifelong dream for her family and that she's finally happy being who she was born to be, and yadda yadda yadda. Caitlyn looked like a warrior with a few weapons at the ready. Whoops, sorry I am new to this and meant to agree with this comment.
  13. Yest. 12:22 pm I just don't see any evidence that suggests the reservations people have about Ryan aren't warranted. Just because it's not caught on camera AGAIN for all to see doesn't mean he isn't repeating his ragey ways. I hope he isn't but the demeanor of Vicki and Brianna around him does give me pause and I feel is enough to still be wary of this man. I mean hell people call Brooks all kinds of things and make all kinds of assumptions and honestly I don't see the smoking gun outside of very human flaws, errors in judgment and stupid (not physical) drunken behavior. Ryan has some serious Sketch going on in his world so to me alarm bells and worry doesn't seem like much of a stretch. Acting as if Ryan's messy trail ain't no thing is more of a stretch to me. Just sayin' This is what I meant to respond to, but not sure how.
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