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Everything posted by Maya

  1. There can't be a bra under that top, what is holding her boobs up?
  2. Looks like one of those duct tape dresses.
  3. I wonder if this is true? They are definitely dumb and desperate enough to get back together.
  4. I have heard nothing about it, but I'm worried it will be like that horrible Project Runway for accessories.
  5. I just wish I had as much free time as these people in Washington Square Park who can drop everything at a moment's notice and appear on Project Runway for three days.
  6. You're right. Moob aside, he looks very feminine in that photo.
  7. Oh the cameltoe. Kanye looks like a homeless person and also like he's wearing a mini skirt. North is cute but all that leather must be boiling hot.
  8. "Kris's Fairytale Wedding." I'm so excited!!!
  9. Oh yes I can just imagine him carefully creating a syllabus for the course, constructing well thought out lectures each week, giving quizzes to reflect the material... HAHAHA! He will show up once on the first day, rant for about three hours about himself, not take questions, and then never return.
  10. Is she is chesty enough to be a VS model?
  11. Right, she should have ignored the whole designing for a 9-year-old thing, and just sent one of her "adult" designs down the runway. It would have been perfect!
  12. She looks mad/bored/expressionless in the last photo. She needs to work on her runway face.
  13. The area between her nose and mouth looks longer again.
  14. I thought Fade came across as kind of a creepy weirdo this week. I think he's more lovable in small doses.
  15. I thought this was the new name for the Amanda Valentine thread, which is pretty funny.
  16. So did she shave the back of her head or not? If she did, what's the point of shaving it for one day and then getting extensions? Makeup, injections, whatever it is, I hate what she has done to her face. She has a generic plastic surgery look now.
  17. I liked Emily's red dress the best. The color was beautiful, it draped very nicely in the front and back, and I liked the interesting skirt. The model looked young and cute, and the necklace looked awesome with it.
  18. Kim should consult Mindy Kaling's stylist. Mindy has a similar shape (OK from the waist down LOL). Short and curvy, and Mindy always looks stylish, sexy and sophisticated.
  19. I was just going to write that in the Part 1 thread! For someone who hates Kris and is so hurt by Bruce, Brody sure keeps showing up on this show somehow...
  20. I think if you expect someone to attend your wedding in another country, the least you can do is invite their significant other so they have someone to travel with. Just my opinion.
  21. I remember them mentioning that Scott and Kourtney slept separately years ago. I think it's fine if they are not compatible sleepers. He probably snores all night from all the drinking and passing out.
  22. I forgot about the lemon heiress! LOL wtf? I am starting to get suspicious of Kini's speedy sewing skills and design. I am wondering if he's just making things he's made before, and somehow the judges are picking up on that too.
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