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Everything posted by Maya

  1. All I want is for Winston and his partner to fall in love now!
  2. I think I need to hear the word "shady" one more time. I have a living will. I decided under which conditions I want to be removed from life support -- no one else has to determine if I'm too wilted or wtf Kris was talking about with the flowers.
  3. I definitely recognize the same things over and over -- specifically those white flower stems she arranges in three glass vases on each and every mantle.
  4. OMG Marnie's nasal speaking voice is worse than her singing. She's basically unwatchable to me at this point because of it. I think Fran must be one of those people who claims he doesn't want drama but is actually drawn to it.
  5. I'm starting to seriously feel that things are going to end badly for Scott.
  6. So it looked to me that Kylie did not do anything to her lips, and that it was in fact makeup this whole time. ???
  7. I always assumed both the "there's a little extra" project and "phone call of doom" project were already decided and just filmed for the show. I also assumed they've driven by the home -- I would! Although maybe there is some last minute outdoor staging, because the homeowners always seem genuinely surprised at the reveal.
  8. Should we take bets on how long he stays this time?
  9. Every last one of them is a famewhore. I thought the scene with Kris and her blond friend at the beginning was kind of sad, just because every single thing about these women screamed, "I've had plastic surgery!" Although that could explain how no one noticed Bruce's transition -- they are too enamored with their own faces.
  10. Whoever called Kim setting up the need for a surrogate - good job! That whole plot is so stupid. She mentioned "just" having sex about a dozen times, yet Kanye was nowhere to be seen. It feels like they were really telling it like it is this episode - Kourtney saying French was stupid, Brody bitching about the wedding and saying he would rescue Reggie Bush over Kanye in a burning building :)
  11. I did not recognize Bradley Whitord at all. I had to check later and see who that vaguely familiar looking actor was. He even looks shorter than I remember!
  12. LOL! I love it! She looks like a tiny 14-year-old.
  13. Oh the possibilities are limitless. Jonathan's a spy. Scott's a stupid drunk. And I predict everyone deflates their ass this season and breaks the Internet.
  14. I am surprised no one has mentioned how hostile and psychotic Shoshanna was in that interview! Did she not know she was marketing soup before she got there?? Why even go to the interview if you despise the product so much? Let's just say she didn't realize she despised the soup until she got there... Who acts like that??
  15. Her dress is way too big on her, from the sleeves obscuring her hands, to the droopy shoulders, to the length. Why would it not be tailored for the Grammys?? The whole thing makes her look short and squat. I don't understand.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/02/09/kanye-west-storms-grammy-stage-over-beck-surprise-grammy-win/ Appearing on the E! network's aftershow, West said, "I just know that the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us. We ain't gonna play with them no more. And Beck needs to respect artistry and he should've given his award to Beyoncé." Disgusting.
  17. Her upper lip is completely immobile at this point.
  18. I don't think she has enough charisma to be a model. She always looks dead-eyed and unsure of herself. She does not engage the viewer like the best models do.
  19. I have watched every episode of this show since the series began, HOWEVER: with every episode, I'm always wishing the characters had more of a backstory. Not a scene or two with their weird parent, something else that defines who they are and why they do the things they do. Marnie is awful and passive aggressive. Why? And why should I care about such an awful character, if she has no history of not being awful, or an explanation that helps me understand her. Jenna and Hannah were also never portrayed as basically good people who sometimes do bad or stupid things. They have always been horrible too. I WANT to care about these characters, but I am never given any reason to. They all seems like really terrible people who I would cut out of my life in a heartbeat.
  20. I can't figure out how to quote right now, but I too can't figure out why everyone thought it was so delicious and funny that their grandmother had an extra marital affair. Is that not what was implied?
  21. Could the promos have been anymore misleading? I thought Helen was going to hyperventilate and die in the shark tank, Dimitry and Zanna were going to get all up in each other's faces in the workroom, and one of the designers was going to give the guest judge a "look." Does everything on this show have to consist of made up drama? (That was hypothetical--of course it does).
  22. Re: Baxter's thieving past. I'm kind of mad at Molesley's reaction to her. Has he never made a mistake that he regrets and is now sorry for? Why is he acting like this is such a foreign concept? She didn't do it to him, and it was before he met her. I kind of hope there is no back story, she just did something stupid in the past and is now sorry. Just because Molesley is bugging me so much.
  23. If Kim and Kanye were smart, they would wait out both Beyoncé and princess Kate. They can't compete.
  24. I liked how Holt was glad he tried the sauce, not because he liked it, but because it would make a good story to tell Kevin.
  25. Alyssa should wear her hair down. She looked so pretty in that USA Today photo (yet another gimmick...sigh). The old lady up-do is doing her no favors. And OMG she is big. I can't even remember what she was wearing I was so transfixed by her size.
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