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Everything posted by Maya

  1. Looks like the media has officially moved on from Kim's ass to Khloe's ass.
  2. I have been wondering if having an entirely new face at age 65 (or any age, actually) is jarring for a person. I understand that her face now reflects her true self, and I'm sure she's happy about that. However it must be very strange to SO SUDDENLY have a completely different face. I think that would be an odd feeling.
  3. She needs someone taller and better looking.
  4. I don't know if that investor guy (Pete?) is a really bad actor or just uncomfortable in front of a camera, but everything he says sounds like he's reading from a cue card. Particularly funny when he's trying to be "angry."
  5. Ugh Malika. Is she the new Jonathan or what? Go away.
  6. I just watched a repeat of the fake vandalism house (jeans hanging from the ceiling fan? Really?) and I am very confused. Isn't that what the final walk-through is for? You schedule a walk-through a couple hours before the closing and make sure everything is still ok? I looked through the posts about that episode and didn't see anyone mention this. That's how it works where I live. Also hopefully they called the police after the water heater was stolen. They didn't show that, and it made them look kind of stupid.
  7. You forgot to throw first divorce in there.
  8. I think what bugs me most about Caitlyn is that she just seems so fake and insincere. Not even factoring in money, I believe that if she had to choose between fame and helping the transgender community, she would choose fame.
  9. I wonder if the cameras were there.
  10. Why do I still feel like she's been photoshopped to within an inch of her life?
  11. And who are all those blond girls? I assume one is Caitlyn's daughter. And Khloe's ass - OMG!
  12. I was just reading in People that he stuffed a $100 bill in a waiter's mouth in 2009. I think it's safe to say he's a disgusting person with more problems than just alcoholism.
  13. He'll be back for sure. He may have his own money, but he can't live without the fame. He will go to rehab (I laugh as I write that) and Kourtney will take him back because apparently she is a glutton for punishment with no self esteem. She will say she's doing it for the kids though.
  14. If she already knows the sex of the baby, doesn't she need to be around 20 weeks? (assuming there were both male and female embryos as she claims...I can't believe I listen to a word she says).
  15. Can you imagine how long it took to style those bangs??
  16. Maybe it's news because she's wearing knee high leather boots in June in California? I'm kidding.
  17. I'm embarrassed to admit I just thought he was going a little overboard too, trying to fit in, etc. I know, I know... SMH
  18. I have wondered this before - are her doctors actors too? I have to think so.
  19. I guess I'm in the minority, I think Kendall's very striking (with makeup). Kind of dead-eyed with no natural spark, but beautiful!
  20. I laughed when Bruce was talking about buying his house, and said something like -- "Men don't usually get to pick out their house, their wives just go out and purchase it and they show up after it's decorated!" No, Bruce, that's only men who are married to Kris Jenner.
  21. I wonder what percentage of "Bruce's" show will actually be Bruce, and what percentage will be Kardashian.
  22. Kind of sheds new light on why they were so desperate to paint their bedroom. I bet looking at that horse made them sick :(
  23. Why doesn't he explain this then? Clearly people don't understand, including his own family. If he wants to be a spokesperson for the transgender community, he needs to be more forthright.
  24. I am starting to suspect that he already knows he wants to be with men after he transitions. However he can't admit that to anyone, and will go on for a couple more years dating women, hurting others and dragging them into his lie - only to reveal in an epic interview that he does indeed like men, and it's time to be true to himself.
  25. It's all of them. It's Bruce, for being selfish and arrogant and marrying Kris and fathering two more children, when he already knew that he could not spend the rest of his life as a man. This 2-night Kardashian "Bruce Special" is all Kris, when she saw what a positive response Bruce got after the Diane Sawyer interview, she wanted a piece of the pie. It's Khloe, Kim and Kourtney for acting shocked and betrayed, even though they must have known prior to January that Bruce was full-on transitioning, since that's the reason Kris and Bruce divorced. (Except Kourtney, who can't act for shit, and delivered all her lines last night in an unsurprised monotone).
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