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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. To me she looks like the type who douses herself in gaggingly strong smelly perfume
  2. To me, Pao's hair in her THs looks like a cheap nylon wig. It's even parted on the opposite side than she usually wears it and it's so much more shiny and smooth than her "normal" hair, it reminds me of doll's hair.
  3. I thought their original budget was $ 400,000 but they ended up spending $ 1.2 million which INCLUDED the renovations
  4. the Tampa couple aren't exactly newlyweds, they've been married for four years at this point, but no mention of children. It killed me to see that they tore out that beautiful library, "but, in a nod to the former library, they also added (wait for it) a BOOKSHELF!"
  5. Am I remembering correctly that Danielle met with a female attorney who told her annulments were almost impossible to prove in court and that over the years she had only had one case that resulted in annulment rather than divorce? Was the same attorney still representing her at the hearing? When she got home after the courthouse proceedings, and broke the news to her daughters that it resulted in a divorce instead of "an anuh-mit", it appeared that the girls hadn't seen it on Mohamed's so-shul media so why was she so upset that he had scooped her on the results? And who was the third young woman curled up on the couch next to her, on the right, usually out of camera range? Is she a third daughter I wasn't aware of and if so, does she ever speak? Something seemed "off" about her.
  6. Oh my goodness, you're right! But I see MRS. PH! Even down to the little hat!
  7. Maybe that's why her bottom was blurred out? Over on page 9 of the Social Media forum is a photo of her wearing extremely uncomfortable looking thong-like Daisy Dukes that barely cover her ass, and there were comments about her right butt cheek having a weird looking, flattened section.
  8. As per the rumors of Danielle going on a "Not to Hot" show like Mama June did when she got a drastic surgical makeover, I predict that Danielle's results would be much like June's, as there doesn't seem to be a way to alter a permanently "derp" expression.
  9. They're still wearing their carefully thought out "going to the courthouse" outfits so I get the feeling that she might have tracked him down for some kind of confrontation afterwards. But maybe the judge hadn't ruled on the divorce vs annulment decision or if one had "frauded" the other
  10. I watched Pao's music video and it seemed really cheesy and low budget. I noticed the makeup artist was also one of the dancers in the background of the club scene. Someone else commented on the video website that Pao's ruched white dress resembled a giant TAMPON!
  11. Why would a reggaeton musician think a TLC show would increase his audience? Maybe a Spike or Cinemax show "star", but a network that airs "Outdaughtered"??? NOT a natural fit, demographically speaking. Good point! But no matter if Heric contacted TLC or it was the other way around, somebody somewhere thought it was a mutually worthwhile collaboration.
  12. Right, and apparently somewhere he found out that he needed to consummate the marriage to make it harder to annul so he finally had sex with Danielle ONCE after avoiding it for three months. I agree with some of the theories that he's gay and terrified of going back to Tunisia
  13. I would have had a ton of respect for Pao if she had gotten to that sleazy video shoot, looked around and said, "No, I've changed my mind. My marriage means more to me than my career" and walked out with her dignity intact. But that was never going to happen! My theory is that obscure rapper King Heric (or Eric with an H) heard about the show, decided that booking Pao for his video ensured his 15 minutes of fame, and contacted TLC about his interest in the storyline. I had to laugh about how the Danielle/Mohammed laying out their clothes, grooming in the mirror and getting ready for the big day montage was exactly like a WEDDING preparation video!
  14. I thought her body looked puffy and nowhere near toned enough to carry off all those criss-cross straps.
  15. At least no Jorge and Anfisa tonight! It occurred to me after watching the rehash and re-rehash of Chanel's argument with Mama and Sister Pedro...Sister said "punto" which Chantel misheard as "puta" so she went ballistic and said to the camera, "Did she just call me a (bleeping) BITCH?" No, technically she NEVER used the Spanish word for "bitch", Chantel misheard the word for WHORE! No wonder Mama and Sister were confused and Mama even honestly said, "I never heard her use that word."
  16. She was stunning, wasn't she? She was in a league of her own and I suspect she was the only "legit" model there. That private tete-a-tete with Pao looked totally set up and the rest of the women there were wannabes hired by TLC.
  17. BLAN Bride had many of us fooled until we saw how her seemingly altruistic actions and her nasty attitude didn't match up. I'd spring for the $ 1.99 to watch!
  18. Thanks, I seem to recall a score in the mid 50s too. The best part of Marie's loss is that it wasn't even close! I'll look for BLAN bride... edited to update: Here you go, Mrs. Hanson! It was an episode called "Four Weddings and a Giraffe" first aired in January, 2013. http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/four-weddings/about-the-show/four-weddings-giraffe-bride-guide/ edited yet again when I found this interesting tidbit. The BLAN episode first aired January 10, 2013 and Marie's "FW & Dracula's Castle" aired exactly one week later. Season 7 must have been a doozy!
  19. I couldn't sleep last night, so I turned on the TV just in time to see the Marie's Vampire Wedding. I had read about her stank attitude before, but this was my first opportunity to see what all the talk was about. What an awful dress on an even awful-ler bride! I just loved how she proclaimed if she didn't win the other brides were "idiots" then to see the look on her face when her husband didn't get out of the limo was priceless. What was even more satisfying was to see she ended up dead last with an incredibly low 61 points! (is that an all-time record low?) It just proves that a huge budget doesn't necessarily translate into a great wedding that your guests will remember for the right reasons. It didn't help that she looks exactly like a woman I used to work with who was equally unlikable.
  20. Wasn't the premise of the fictitious Pedro Show (at least as explained to Family Chantel) that he was being filmed because he was in the US to go to school? Maybe for something like airplane mechanic training? I thought her parents knew about their relationship, but not the seriousness of it or that he was really here on a Fiance Visa which is the part she hid from them. Of course, they got increasingly suspicious when he didn't actually attend classes...
  21. On some website, I read that Paola claims she started modeling at 18 which would have been while she was still in Colombia. And apparently she was also an actress as seen in these commercials! http://www.paolamayfield.com/#/videos/ (my favorite is the second one by the carpet rolls)
  22. ITA! Would any of us watch a show about typical Americans trying to bring their fiance to the US from another country and the K-1 visa process? A dry, factual documentary perhaps, but not a show that is trying to get ratings and generate "buzz," not to mention the possible spin-off. The couples were specifically chosen because of their potential for drama and sometimes when nothing materializes, the producers take something minor and orchestrate and edit it into a big crisis.
  23. Especially if she was living rent-free with her parents and was able to spend her money entirely on herself (trips to the DR, application to bring Pedro here, etc.) Is it possible that when she applied to be on 90DF, TLC thought her story of keeping everything from her parents was reality show drama enough that they footed all or part of the bill to bring him over?
  24. I was wondering if maybe in the DR culture only the sons are expected to take care of their mothers. Do we know anything about Pedro, Sr. and whether or not he is still in the picture? Pedro's abuela may be Lidia's mother-in-law and perhaps there are uncles who take care of their mother. Also, I was thinking of the overly dramatic seating dilemma for the wedding (if it even comes to pass). They are expecting 50 guests? Put all four of Family Chantel on one end and Family Pedro on the other and let the neutral guests fill in the middle as a buffer zone. I would imagine there will be quite a few "no shows" (didn't Abuela already say she wasn't coming?) and there might be a boycott similar to Loren and Alexei's wedding in Israel.
  25. Looking again at that reunion picture, I think Cody's shirt looks like he time traveled through space and brought back a girl from the 60's
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