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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I'm pretty sure Michael at some point said he was Christian. Angela brought his mother a "Lord's Prayer" purse. She couldn't have been that clueless about that being inappropriate for a Muslim, could she?
  2. I forget, was the last "Before..." Tell All filmed with the Americans in the studio sitting by TV monitors? Didn't some of them also have a friend or parent with them in the studio? Will David and Yolanda be sitting by blank TV screens? Was the TA already filmed before quarantine? If not, how will this play out?
  3. He doesn't even have basic "back and forth" conversation skills which involve listening as well as speaking.
  4. So Avery was “selfish” because she wanted her own hotel room and some time apart from Ash? Add that to growing list of her shortcomings along with “heartless,” “hard” and ”hurts others.”
  5. Count me in! It sounds like such fun, I’ll do it gratis.
  6. Over on the Darcey forum page, there's an obviously (badly) photo-shopped "House of 11" ad with the two girls where they look much older than 13 and 15. What kind of mother puts their underage daughters on the internet looking so provocative?
  7. If anyone needs a tutorial on how to use toenail clippers and apply polish, they probably also need to watch the flight attendant demonstrating how to fasten your seat belt. My issue isn't HOW to do it, I just can't reach my toes!
  8. How about Baby Girl Carly? As much as I have never liked Avery, I have to say she pulled out all the stops to make a good impression on Omar’s mother. BGL should take notes. My guess is not only did Bianca’s agent (who might also be Jesse’s agent) arrange their fake date, after that the agent went to the nursing home and promised a group of residents cookies and juice for watching Jesse’s presentation. I have to give Jesse props for not arguing with the old man who delivered his practiced lines about love. Ash would have told him he was wrong and some mumbo jumbo about his masculine energy. Oh and in the previews, Bianca has a secret. Of course.
  9. Caesar said meeting Maria was “like a dream.” No, it WAS a dream, you big oaf. His story so closely mirrors David’s, I wonder if Caesar also met Maria with 9 roses in the same cafe. When we first saw his high-as-a-kite date, for a minute I thought it was Larissa! Her cake looked like dog shit, but maybe it had a special Avery inspired ingredient. Later, when Caesar kept talking about the chocolate, I was half expecting it to be leftover panties from Cancun.
  10. Chantal is almost unrecognizable without her spider lashes
  11. This is Kinsley during the Molly/Luis season which I believe was 3 or 4 years ago
  12. Last I read, Jay was detained in the YORK County prison so he's in Lisa's 'hood. Hmmmm
  13. I thought he was talking to the camera. He also called her "heartless" which didn't make any sense to me. He was totally irrational and out of control but he did pack a bunch of condoms to "wrap his tool"
  14. He admitted early on that they've never SPOKEN, just exchanged translated texts on the dating app. I found that very strange because since childhood he was so obsessed with "Natasha" type accents since childhood but had never actually heard Lana's voice.
  15. Are we going to be treated to seeing BGL storming the US Embassy in Nigeria and demanding her "tax payin' rahts" like Angela? Among his other transgressions, I'm surprised Rose didn't mention how Ed hounded her about her 4000 FB friends. With 3999 more, I'm sure she can find a better prospect to bring her to America.
  16. She said he had asked her to send him money for an airline ticket to the US but she decided to go to the "London airport" instead, but although she denies it, I'm sure she's sent him money. She straight up lied when she told Kara that she had just sent him "regular pitchers" until she was cornered and admitted they were nudes.
  17. I thought he was getting rid of his worldly goods in order to move into the $300K RV?
  18. I've never asked anyone, no matter how close a friend, to adjust my bra strap
  19. I haven’t had my cleaning crew come since the quarantine. I vacuumed the couch cushions the other day then my husband asked “What, no artful pillow arrangement?”
  20. Have you ever heard of some new high tech thing called a “reverse image search”?
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