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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought he introduced himself as "Michael" when he first started talking to her online. (And, IIRC, at first didn't she also think he was in England or am I getting my Yahoo Boys mixed up?) But dopey Benjamin couldn't begin to pronounce Akinyi's real first name and calls her by her surname.
  2. Wasn't it enough that he introduced her at the club as his "White American Woman Fiancee?"
  3. Another thing about Lisa that should be a deal breaker is her refusal to pronounce his name correctly. Everyone says "OOOS-mahn" while she continues to say "US-min" in rapid staccato. I don't mean she needs to adopt an affected "Andreeiii" pronunciation, but it's not that hard to say it correctly. But she's lazy and finds "Bibbiluv" easier.
  4. Unfortunately, they must have gotten enough viewers to justify a second season, just like "The Family Chantal."
  5. not even a diamond chip, it was a CZ, but David's supposed explanation is that it's a "placeholder" ring to give Lana when he proposes then gets to pick out a ring she likes. I'm hoping Lana whips out a jeweler's loupe to appraise it and says NYET. Maybe Ed would sell him the allegedly REAL diamond solitaire he brought for Rose (tucked into his suitcase along with various dental products.)
  6. My friend is a retired flight attendant and she told me the way she handled passengers was the nastier someone got, the sweeter she would become. Honey would drip off her tongue and she would nod and smile broadly. It was totally disarming and people most people didn't know how to react so they backed off. IOW, kill 'em with kindness!
  7. I believe Laura lives in Toronto and would not have been able to bring the dog with her “BRINGING PETS INTO ONTARIO All animals are subject to veterinary inspection on arrival in Canada, and information about this procedure is available through Canada Food Inspection Agency. Currently Ontario has a ban on the import of pit bull terrier breeds into the province...”
  8. What I meant was, she learned about the flight far enough in advance to apply for the loan and wait for the approval but waited until the money was in her account to attempt to book the flight. someone up thread said you aren't allowed to bring pit bulls into Canada. Also, I paused the partially blurred out screen on the bank transaction and it showed something like $ 315, then a number about $ 1300 then a total of the two numbers. I guess the three hundred plus was the balance in the account before the travel money cleared.
  9. don't miss the colorful giant centipede crawling up his arm and wrapping around his back!
  10. Laura's saga reminds me of a mash up of "Casablanca" and "A (Wo)Man Without a Country."
  11. oh that's right. Either place, the idea was "the other way" as opposed to bringing your foreign fiance/husband to the US (which was never an option anyway as she's Canadian.)
  12. I figured the timeline was that she didn't move to Tunisia (negating the whole premise of "The Other Way") and had returned to Florida but traveled to NY for the Tell All filming. Her US visa had or was expiring so Evelin suggested she come to Ecuador where she could escape the legal and financial issues that were waiting for her back home in Canada. She could live in "Paradise" cheaply on her 90 Day money. After the Tell All, she went back briefly to Florida to move out of her apartment, Liam returned to his father's in Canada but Laura and the dog went to Ecuador (where she's been for six months.) What drove me crazy was why did she have to wait for the money to be in her bank account before she bought an airline ticket? Unless her credit cards were totally maxed out (which is entirely possible) why didn't she just charge the ticket, get back to Canada and then worry about repaying for the ticket? Could anybody be that naive to think that you could get on the last flight out of the country by reserving your seat just the day before? Furthermore, did she really think she'd be able to get a pitbull on the plane with her? Was she just planning on abandoning the dog? (that reminds me, wasn't there something about planning to put the dog down before she went to Tunisia because she couldn't re-home it?) That's why I think it was all staged drama and she's still Ecuador with no plans to return to Canada.
  13. Stage direction to Varya: instruct the dogs to “be calm” in Russian as you walk towards the house.
  14. How's this scenario...Two women enter, two women leave...carrying between them a garbage bag containing pieces of Geoffrey to float down the river.
  15. I think David said early on that the website translates. I think the translation service back and forth adds to the messaging cost. Molly must have missed David saying that. But I keep harping on the fact that he said he had been attracted to a "Natasha" type accent since childhood, yet he has never heard Lana's VOICE.
  16. I thought Geoffrey's entire estate was creepy! That pond must be full of snakes and a mosquito breeding ground
  17. at the very least she could have taken that plush hotel robe and cleaned out the mini bar
  18. ITA. Lana was probably in her mid to late 20s when she put her photos of her 20 year old self up on the dating sites 7 years ago. Even then the photos weren't necessarily taken recently. David obviously sent her old photos, too. PI Sergey is correct, the photos were on dating sites. What I think happened was that after paying to chat with her for years, David came to the Ukraine to meet her four times and she had an excuse or just didn't show up each time, but then after PI Sergey "found" her, (via an easy internet search that anyone could do) Sharp convinced her to stage a meeting with David and paid her for it. When asked why she hadn't met him at the cafe, she kind of shrugged and said, "I changed my mind." I think she "changed it back" when she was offered money to appear on camera. Maybe David never went back to the US and returned again, he just stayed there for a couple of extra days filming. In the previews, he asks her if she would go back to his hotel room with him. I would love it if she said, "Not until we go horseback riding and bowling like you promised!"
  19. Lots of "juicy" details on Lana on the couples page which I sincerely doubt will ever be addressed on the Tell All.
  20. I believe when we first "met" Lisa she said something about Usman having asked her to marry him but she was waiting until she got to Nigeria for the official proposal. What a romantic!
  21. Probably with a sentence on a blue screen that says some BS about “Geoffrey and Varya have chosen not to participate in the Tell All for personal reasons.” I forget, how did TLC explain Paul and Karine not being there? I think they glossed over the real reason.
  22. I think he is in TN. Oops, you’re right. Paul and David were in KY. I can’t keep them straight.
  23. In contrast, I watched Erika's pink and purple hair for "roots" the entire time and only at the very end had the colors faded a bit and she had a little bit of dark hair growing out.
  24. Geoffrey and Varya have never been on Pillow Talk, not even in the "next time on" previews. I just wished I could have seen everyone's reactions, first to her turning him down last week and now to her showing up on his doorstep in KY.
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