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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Mama Pedro was much more "bougie" than Usman's mother. Somehow I don’t think Mama Usman would be impressed with a designer bag or even a vinyl Walmart concealed carry bag like Angela brought Michael’s mother. I recall Kim saying when she was buying her headscarf at the market that she wanted to buy something there for Usman’s mother and I thought that a scarf could never compete with BGL’s gift, Barney the Goat. I’m sure Kim watched Lisa’s season and decided to outdo the goat with a cow, but from the description of tonight’s episode, for some reason a cow is not the way to Mama’s heart. Or maybe Usman was behind the idea, knowing that the gift idea would backfire (maybe the cow will, too) but his mother will end up with a nice cow while embarrassing Kim at the same time.
  2. I don’t know, I can’t imagine THIS sexually aggressive Veronica being satisfied sleeping with Tim for seven years, but maybe that’s what broke them up.
  3. What woman wouldn't be flattered to be the subject of this? (notice he's wearing Kim's necklace) Can anybody figure out the story he's telling? There appear to be two women involved. Is the redhead supposed to be "Zara" and the other woman wishes she were?
  4. I was suspicious that that was a clever pseudonym, but apparently not: https://www.mirabilemd.com/meet-the-team/dr-james-mirabile/ Those nasty claws should be classified as weapons!
  5. I was SO disappointed when it turned out they were going on a carriage ride and not horseback riding!
  6. Wow, Angela’s arm really got banged up in the altercation at Micheal’s
  7. Wow, Kim must have seen BGL’s goat gift to Mama Usman and decided to upstage it with a cow!
  8. Chloe is 15 now. I laughed when Josh told Natalie “just be yourself” when meeting his ex. BTW, I read somewhere that Nat has a Bachelor’s degree in PSYCHOLOGY of all things!
  9. I think Zara might have been a good option but I remember him saying SHE was the one who broke things off with him. I got the impression he was still interested. She even got a song!
  10. There are rumors that Kolini had a nose job. There are reports that Asuelu has posted on Instagram that he is “single”. I’ve noticed on PT that the sisters never mention him.
  11. Ooh, you’re right! Like one of those old portraits whose eyes follow you as you move around the room!
  12. Didn’t Jamal say to Kim, “I’m not gonna call him Dad”?
  13. I took it to mean that Josh and his ex have shared custody of their daughter and she stays with him when it's his "turn." They promised each other to let their ex meet any dates before introducing them to the daughter. I didn't catch what Veronica's date said about his ex and living arrangements
  14. I just remember Natalie’s mother soothing her “Golden Child.” But I came here to post: Does Natalie live in a brothel?
  15. It’s not like she tossed things into the sewer grate. Don’t forget there was a camera crew standing by to watch the phone and retrieve the ring.
  16. Okay, so that means Janelle can park on "her" lot for 120 days, then she must move it to a Sister Wives' plot and again for another four months before the clock resets? Got it!
  17. I don't know anything about this, but is it absolutely necessary for the RV to be on some kind of "pad" short term? That's why I suggested a campground that was set up for RV parking
  18. Why can't Janelle move the RV to a campground for just enough time to reset the 120 days restriction instead of keeping it on their plots?
  19. My question is why they can't continue to celebrate holidays together if they want to?
  20. Debbie’s friend, Audrey, “What do you know about Tony?” “Everything!” Debbie in her TH, “I don’t know enough about Tony to move to Canada.” so, which one is it?
  21. Watching late, Tania is freaking out about Joel still having the lips tattoo, but did she have HER wedding ring finger tattoo removed? I hardly recognized Tiffany with her shoulders covered! Fabian is short and has a gummy smile.
  22. What are the holidays going to be like without Christine and her girls doing all the work? They'll be missed!
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