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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I retired from the Marines after 3 years with full benefits, Medicla retirement, Lots of people do this fromeither getting ill while on AD or being injured. It could even be for something like PTSD. One doesnt have to be disabled in the VA/SSDI sort of way, just unable to do ones job.
  2. I live in Orlando and I am sometimes shocked at how many cars i see with no A/c in summer.
  3. Im a marine. This is true. We arent all neat and orderly. not even close
  4. i think it may be because Orlando does have a lower amount of seniors than coastal areas
  5. I cant watch tonight because Im in the. Emglish countyside on vacation. [yorkshire) l Jon’s home town got a mention today on something I was watching.and its as beautiful in England as it looks but freaking cold.
  6. I thought I saw him in this during next weeks preview.
  7. Having (or not having) meat on your bones, is not a sign of not having an eating disorder. Not everyone with an eating disorder is thin.
  8. Jon is what my UK friends would call a chav, and they are known for getting in fights. More little skirmishes than anything.
  9. It really is a term in the culinary world. I worked in a restaurant. @@. I really eally legit was a cook in the Marines and then in the civilian world. It means cut at an angle. Its commonly done with carrots and other veggies. Personally, I render the fat on the steaks, cook each side in a hot cast iron pan to get caramelization on the outside. If its thick i pop it in the oven for a few minutes, Then let it rest and cut on a bias. That is If I cant use BBQ
  10. Karine’s Father looks like a Brazilian Charles Bronson
  11. No! Noooooo! No! Europeans still eat pizza with a fork and knife. Funny, but in Italy Thin pizza is always handed to you unsliced and you work your way through it with a fork and knife. In Roma, small takeout places serve thick pizza by the kilo. It is amazing, and you walk along eating it with your hands
  12. I must say, its not a good sign for the show that we only have 4 pages of chat and half are about Eddie”s health issues.
  13. Im supposed to be in Amsterdam in a month. I want pancaked a la RHOBH and im tempted to try pot. I think it might help hubby’s pain.
  14. Thank you! I have to take care of myself. Im a Real Housewife of Orange County(fl)
  15. Gitta Sereny also Wrote Into That Darkness, a book about her interview with Franz Stangl, commandant of the Nazi death Camps Treblinka and Sobibor, Harrowing stuff. She seems to have a deep desire to try to undertand evil.
  16. I love that movie I love Escargot, but when its cooked right. I have no idea about that cooking prep.
  17. Someone commented about Eddie seeming angry. Im sure that he is. It something that doesn't get talked about much with regards to illness. A lot of people go through anger and depression. In some cases its worse than others. There is also denial. The anger comes from having a body that you trusted that you now feel you have no control of. When your whole body is tied into your identity like it is with Eddie, Its even worse. Who is an Eddie who cant work out, be physical and eat and drink what he chooses? How can you be a Marine with AIDS? I've been there. I see a man who is struggling and its sad. I know that person. I've been that person. My husband has been that person. Tamra can get angry but it wont help. Eddie has to figure this out for himself. This isnt just a disease, its an identity crisis. Im doing really well actually. Im on fosinopril and Atenolol right now and have been for around 15 years. Finally went to college at 43 and wlll graduate magna cum Laude in December.
  18. I take heart pills. Ive taken them for 20 years. Digoxin, atenolol, fosinopril, just to name a few I have zero issues with any of them. I have aids, I know about drug side effects. Ive had some awful ones over the years. My mother.. Nope, its in her head. Shes been through 6 in the past year. She now wont take them at all. I kind of feel shitty for saying this but its an attention thing. My mother got cancer, which is awful. That same week my husband had an aortic dissection ,spent 3 months in the hospital and almost died. She said he did it to “steal her thunder” . She also once told me( before cancer), a long term survivor of AIDS, that i had no idea what it was like to worry about my health all the time. Shes um... a bit difficult.
  19. i wonder if Eddie is like my mother. You give my mother any med and she will convince herself that whatever the worst and most unlikely side effect is, she has it. I mean this happenes with every pill. The list of things she thinks she cant take is enormous. Whenever something is physically wrong, its got to be the meds. eddie may be convinced that the drugs are worse than Afib
  20. oh, I feel you on that. If it were me, I probably wouldnt drink. But its not me and i cant control others behavior. My husband lives in constant pain in his leg and often in his chest. No amount of afib meds will fix him with his aortic dissection. He will always have chest pain. But since 90% of people with aortic dissection dont make it to the operating table, we will take it. We have never seen any increase in Afib after a couple glasses of wine. I think if he did, that might change his mind. In his case, his valve is now 11 years old. They last 10 to 15. So we are reaching the point where he will need the valve replaced. Its a matter of deciding when the quality of life drops such that the valve has to be replaced. Will this bout of Afib be the tipping point? We shall see. They seem ok with letting him stay in Afib for a while and are holding off on cardioversion. I have come across many people like Eddie, especially Europeans, who just dont want the meds. Hes not unique. I refused HIV meds from 1990 to 1998. my docs werent happy. i saw how sick those early meds made others. I went with my gut. When the protease inhibitors came out in 97 or so, i balked at taking them but eventually saw that they worked. I can tell you that, of the group that i was in, they are all gone now and I am alive. I wonder if those early meds didnt help hasten their deaths. Sometimes you have ro make choices that other dont approve of. Its your life. I just have a tough time questioning others medical choices, especially of they are of sound mind.
  21. My husband with Afib was not told no alcohol. He was told not to drink excessively. Hes done pretty well using that criteria for 11 years. His afib is caused by his replacement valve. Not all AFib is The Aldi thing ticked me off. I was like, Did Vicki just say Aldi? And then when they cut to commercial it said," this episode brought to you by Aldi"
  22. The patient tells him? My infectious disease doc could tell if I were not taking my HIV meds if my viral load shot up
  23. I cant tell you though, how many people I know who just WILL NOT TAKE BP or heart meds. Its frustrating. My best friend, who is English has had high BP for years. He would not take meds. He insisted he could fix it by "living Healthy". He is finally taking meds for it after a crisis. We shall see. He genuinely believes that taking the meds is bad for him and unhealthy in an of itself. Lots of people feel like he does. I think Eddie is having a hard time accepting that he this is actually out of his own physical control and he needs to take the meds. I know that I've said that hubby and I have sometimes made bad choices when it comes to behavior while living with chronic illness, but we take our meds.
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