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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. Fernanda is just too young and immature for this
  2. My general rule as a white person is, if someone Black tells me they are uncomfortable or expereincing racism... I believe them.
  3. Silly me thinking those were carrots. Of course they are cheetos.
  4. It was the smug way he said “its bigger on the inside”
  5. Fernanda is nuts, He wasnt even dancing and if he was, who cares?
  6. Yes, Im womdering if they might. If not, shes just not working
  7. Shes been overseas for 2 years, Possibly in a war zone? They may very well have real issues. This happens a lot when someone comes home. To the poster who mentioned leave. She may not have had any simce ahe was deployed. She may in fact have months of it saved up and that could be why she’s still home. I was stateside in Gulf War 1 but in a needed job, I wasn’t allowed leave for a long time, I ended up having a bunch accrue.
  8. My experince is, Not really. You can get away with English only in most of western Europe. In fact I spend a lot of time in Europe and find the common language is most often English. If a Norwegian, A frenchman and a German wasnt to speak with each other, they will often all use English. Most europeans speak their native language and English, and may speak more languages after that. Most Scandinavians speak perfect English. Otherwise, your point is valid. Id also add that Europeans have more paid time off for travel. The amount of time most Americans have off can make international travel tough.
  9. Actually, no. Dental is covered when you are in.. but Eric did what, 8 years and got out? Even of he somehow medically retired the Tricare retiree dental program sucks and barely pays for anything. I know because I was on it. If he was rated 100% disabled by the VA he would get some dental through them. However, if he was 100% disabled by the VA he wouldnt need to live in a hovel. The pay is decent. As I said in the live thread Eric creeps me out. I was a woman Marine and Im prettty sure I can guess how he treated WMs. He just gives off that vibe. I dont trust him. And what Marine says “I wanted to volunteer to go fight ISIS”? He’s just so sketchy to me. Something is not right.
  10. who would have guesses that Colt tttt is a sex machine?
  11. I think Leida has watched a lot of Grey’s Anatomy and she thinks she can become a rich doctor here. That’s why she is doing this.
  12. Dont Marry Coltie. In the words of Diana, Princess of Wales, "Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded"
  13. This is is true! But its a shorthand way of clarifying that Im not currently serving
  14. As a former woman Marine who experienced some shit while i was in in, Eric creeps me out. Im really glad I didnt serve with him. I feel like he would have been one of those Marines that made life tough for women.
  15. Im ready. I’ve got beef stew and chicken feet, a 90 day Fiance feast I lie, I just had free pizza at California Pizza Kitchenfor Veterans day, but Im eating chicken feet in spirit
  16. Hey, I excluded the Navy because I thought thy had the worst uniforms and I was told the Marines would not make me cut my hair. They were my only reasons for my choice, but they were memorable ones.
  17. Florida is the Australia of America. Everything here is trying to kill you.
  18. Copied from Statistical outlier Holy cow, that's a hell of a deal. But I think along those lines. I had a coworker who was in a car wreck and the tips of some of her fingers were severed, and she sued and got a very nice sum. The rest of us were looking at our hands and thinking, "What would I take to give up the tips of these fingers?" In the case of the military, if you're going to get cancer anyway, you'd be WELL advised to get the diagnosis while on active duty. Of course you don't know you'll get cancer, and there are other considerations when it comes to being in the military, but with the health insurance situation these days, they should have that front and center, instead of relying on participants in forums about trash TV to educate/recruit people. Your comments about Eric's eight years do make me wonder. He looks like hell for someone who's 40, and obviously being sick can do that to a person. So you might be on to something. (And if I can ask just one more question--does the sickness or injury have to prevent you from ever performing your job again, or can it just be that you can't perform it because you're undergoing cancer treatment] I dont know how to quote from one thread to another. To answer the last question... Im not 100% sure of this answer, but Ill use myself as an example. I was diagnosed as HIV pos while on active duty in 1991. I was offered a full retirement as well, it was AIDS.... in 1991. If it had beem cancer it would have been different. It would have depended on the diagnosis and maybe even what that person wanted to do. If it looked terminal or hard to fight, it would probably get you a full medical retirement. If it was a treatable cancer and you wanted to try and stay in, you could try. I knew people who got cancer while in, got treatment and stayed. If their health deteriorated, they would be retired. So its a case by case situation. Basically if its a treatable, temporary illness, they will try to keep you in. Unless, they discover you are sick while in basic training. They can discharge you with nothing. We had a girl in basic discover she had cervical cancer. She was immediately discharged, same with the girl with narcolepsy. I must remind people though, that when one joins the military, one agrees to poternitally die for their country and as such, the government offers you things in return. Its also why medical tests are so very very involved when you join. If you get sick or injured, they may have to cover you for life. The best way to get immediately discharged is for thm to discover you did not disclose an illness or injury. Sadly, one more common that you would think reason for a medical discharge for women in MST...... Military Sexual Trauma, rape or repeated sexual harrasment, usually of women.
  19. If it were me, and I was going to a foreign country for the first time, the last thing I would want was food from my home country, Now, I can understand she is there full time and that some food thta she is familar with would be good, but for the first meal, I would want. something from the country I was eating in. I remember the day I got to london for the first time, My friend took me for Mexican food. I wanted English food , pub food, or even indian food..Not something i could find everywhere in the US. He should have taken her out for, or served her a typical American meal, not what i assume was a gross beef stew Statistical Outlier, taking your question to small talk
  20. Its a little complicated. When you do your 4 or 6 years you then move to th IRR. All enlistments are actually for 8 year with some active, some inactive. As a general rule, if you are eligable for tricare then so is your family.. My husband and kids are/had Tricare. However VA medical benefits are different from Tricare and are only for the service member. There are actually 2 healthcare systems for the military. Tricare, which is for active duty, retirees and their family. Tricare can be used either at a military treatment facility or at any doctor which takes tricare. The VA is strictly for the service member, although I think there may be some weird rules for a disabled spouse. Im both retired and rated 100% disabled for the VA. I can use both the VA and Tricare. I prefer civilian docs and only have ever used the VA for dental. Something that makes me wonder if Eric is either rated disabled by the VA or mediclaly retired is that fact that he did 8 years. Most people who reenlist plan to do 20. People usually do their 2 , 4 or 6 year enlistement and then get out. He did 8, which means he reenlisted. So was that his plan and then something happen? I would love a peek at his DD214
  21. Sorry, AD is active duty, Basically if you get sick or injured while on active duty and cannot perform your job, they can retire you. It can be anything from getting cancer or a heart condition, to a physical injury. You get the same benefits as doing 20 yearsTricare, retirement pay, space a travel, etc. Them usually one would file for a VA pension of some sort, but thatbit a different system. Many people qualify for both military retirement and a VA disability pension.(although your taxable military retirement pay then gets rolled into your Non taxable VA pension). I would not be surprised if he gets either military retirement benefits of VA benefits.
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