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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. CC keeps saying his name is John Cesar.. Do they have it wrong?
  2. The biggest scandal of all. One filet, really really really well done.
  3. Joining the *6* . I have never liked or trusted LVP. I think Dorit is horrible too though. I do have an actor friend who has known Lisa since drama school and he says she’s lovely. PS. I keep reading Sessa as Sansa. I have GoT on the brain
  4. Yeah.. sorry, I meant LVP. thought it was official, but I may be wrong
  5. I think it was first used by William’s parents during their engagement interview Interviewer. Are you in love? Charles... Dead Ass, whatever in love means.
  6. Ive been trying to figure out who she reminds me of. You might be right.
  7. i like, could not Like, be married like, to someone who says like, like every 5 words. #Kate
  8. In the Marines 4 of us cooked for 500. It wasnt that hard. We had a much better kitchen though.
  9. Sorry, Im late, I bought a butt. What a mess that was. I really did turn it off 20 minutes before the end and now im watchign Dirty John. much better.
  10. I turned it off. Im going to take this 20 minutes to try to buy a butt.
  11. Can they just play “try to buy a butt” in a loop
  12. Yes! Thats what it is! And he has his own LaFawnduh!
  13. I just realized that Colt sometimes talks like Napoleon Dynamite
  14. I hate both Tasha and Leida...and of course Eric
  15. Coltee calling Jonathan a doofus. Coltee is the txtbook definition of one.
  16. Im going to assume some of these people didnt have insurance. Im sure that some who do have insurance will have insurance turn down certain procedures as “cosmetic”
  17. Kate says that he said it in the preview aired last night.She said that he told her that when he kissed her he felt dead and repulsed.
  18. Honestly its the fact that he said in the preview that he felt repulsed by kissimg a pretty women. Even if she wasnt your cup of tea, she isnt hideous. Repulsion is a bit much. I could understand if he said he felt nothing at all. Im not going to say what my gaydar tells me. My first husband turned liking men and i was clueless.
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