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Everything posted by Capricasix

  1. I’m finding banner ads frequently blocking the notification popup at the bottom of forum pages. I’m on mobile, using Safari. I’ve included a screenshot. Thanks
  2. Respectfully, if only a minor subset of viewers perceives undercurrents between the main characters, and hardly any other viewers see the same - I think that’s more to do with what those viewers bring to the table. By that, I mean that’s what those viewers are expecting to see because of the previously mentioned and pervasive male/female trope in our popular culture. As to Joel and Ellie “sleeping and eating next to each other”, well, I’ll note that the two times we’ve seen them sleeping, there’s been an emphatic distance between them.
  3. I like your avi 👍🏼 (also big BSG fan, see my username 😄)
  4. Well, we’ve seen that the Boston QZ was able to communicate with other locations across the country via shortwave radio, so it’s plausible that others who had made their way cross-country (in either direction) could have reported back to Boston about road conditions, locations of raider groups, etc. Great episode once again, if not quite so heartwrenching. I like that Joel and Ellie are becoming a bit more at ease with each other. Being of a certain age (not as old as Joel, but a bit older than Pedro Pascal), I also appreciated Joel’s grunt when he got up from a crouching position, and his breathlessness after climbing 33 floors :D I felt bad for them losing the truck and all their supplies. Joel didn’t even get his backpack :(
  5. I was a child in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, and I remember my parents having one or two Linda Ronstadt LPs. “Blue Bayou” and “Ooh Baby Baby” stand out in my memory.
  6. I’ve been listening to HBO’s official show podcast with Troy Baker, Craig Mazin, and Neil Druckmann (it’s really good btw - I recommend it). In the very first podcast episode, they discussed the fact that TLOU is at its heart a love story. And we’ve seen that from the beginning - Joel’s love for his daughter, and then his love for Tess (even if he doesn’t outright acknowledge it). So, to the point of the article, why shouldn’t Bill and Frank’s love story be part of it? It showed that amongst the apocalyptic horror, love still abides, and as others have said, people can go on *living*, rather than merely surviving. On another note, I’d just like to say how much I appreciate all of the thoughtful posts and discussion here. That’s what I like about this forum - so many of you eloquently articulate my thoughts in a way that I never seem to be able to. So thanks for that! ❤️
  7. Bella Ramsey’s American accent is very natural. If I didn’t know she was English, I’d have thought she was born and raised in the US (or Canada).
  8. I never liked them anyway. Take that, Cordyceps! 😄
  9. I thought the same thing, and also that he should close the gate so that he could continue to use the bunker’s supplies in the future…but then I realized that he probably didn’t think he would ever go back to Boston. Tess is dead, so he’s got no reason to go back.
  10. I wondered the same. I looked up the phrase’s origin, and it appears to have been coined by a physicist who was once Albert Einstein’s professor, so it’s not impossible that Tristan could have read about it in the newspaper.
  11. Well, it was filmed in Alberta 😄 Ellie may not be showing the effects of what she’s seen and done - yet - but she is only 14, and 14-year-olds are still so young. Maybe she’s not reacting the way we think we would in a similar situation, but then again she’s grown up in a very different world than we have. Remember what Tess said in the first ep? “These kids who’ve grown up post-pandemic - they never learned how to argue.” And Ellie was raised in a FEDRA orphanage - god only knows what horrors she’s seen in her 14 years of life.
  12. OK I’m replying before reading any posts! I was okay until the “last day”, and then they went and played “On the Nature of Daylight”, which I have loved ever since it was used in Arrival. Cue the tears 🥺🥺🥺 I think Joel is broken by Tess’s death, but he’s so used to keeping his emotions buried that he can’t show any sign of them to Ellie. I had to laugh when they were downstairs in the bunker and she saw all the guns on the wall. She was so hopeful that Joel would let her have one 😄 Of course, now that she has one in her backpack, she’s gonna have to use it at some point!
  13. I didn’t know this! I follow him on Instagram and I had noticed him wearing a wedding ring in some of his pictures 🤔 (and if it’s not a wedding ring, it sure looks like it!)
  14. Oh, I can’t look at them at all 😄 I’m especially grossed out when the tendrils come out of their mouths 🤢 EWWWWW I get the creeps just writing that out!
  15. I have to look away from that type of scene…I didn’t even watch the ep last night and I still dreamed about zombies! 🧟‍♀️
  16. She did turn the TV on, though, when she went downstairs after being awakened by the helicopters - wasn’t it right before Mercy scratched at the window? And there was just the test pattern and emergency broadcast.
  17. Or being rendered almost comatose by a Saveloy sausage! Edit: I just realized who I was replying to, Peaches! Hello from the Y&R forum 😄
  18. Thanks! I’ve watched the ep four times and it didn’t even occur to me that the classmate was having muscle spasms - I thought he was just twiddling a pen or something. I did notice a small continuity slip. The teacher tells the class that their homework is due “tomorrow”, but those scenes happened on a Friday. Of course, they wouldn’t be handing in the homework on Monday or any other day!
  19. There’s a brief shot of dust (spores?) floating in the air when Joel is in his apartment pulling his stash out from under the floorboards. Is that shot significant at all, is it a connection to the game? (I haven’t played the game)
  20. I love this show, but a couple of things about this episode rubbed me the wrong way. Tristan gives a dog a very cursory examination and says that he can’t see anything wrong with it, and then when the owner rushes the dog to the vet clinic/surgery because of the same problem that he missed the first time, the clinical room is covered in papers and dirty instruments and such? He doesn’t clean up after each patient? Come on now. I get the suspension of disbelief, but even in the 1930s they knew the importance of hygiene, disinfection, quarantine etc. And James has been working there for a couple of years now - I don’t believe that he wouldn’t have had at least a nodding acquaintance with the practice’s financial situation and how the books were kept.
  21. I did not realize that was Christopher Heyerdahl, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen him in anything but Stargate Atlantis.
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