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Everything posted by ShaNaeNae

  1. I recorded it, but haven't watched it yet and not sure if I want to. They sound even more insufferable than the last time they were on, which was when? Last month or two? Their heads are just getting so big. Plus, I wouldn't doubt some of Parkers problems are the chaos in the home. Minimal discipline, parents off on vacation every few months, camera crew in and out, shooting storylines that aren't actual things happening. It's probably too much for her little introverted self.
  2. Beats me. Honestly I still don't get it. I guess a certain style? I asked my 18 year old, he didn't know. I didn't even know scrunchies were back in style until reading this board yesterday. Bet they don't match their socks (double socks, 2 different colors) to their scrunchies. I guess my point of the post is Jenelle chooses to call Maryssa out publicly on her style which is shitty. Then when I Googled it, I read it's usually an insult, so yeah Jenelle playing the mean stepmom again. What is e-boy day @Mkay? Is that like WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)?
  3. I've been following Jamie Kern (now Lima) for years, but I'm also a makeup geek. She did REALLY well for herself, but sold it to L'Oreal. What has also changed about her is back on BB, she would not take off her makeup. She slept with a full face in fear of being seen without it. She was highly self conscious. Now she demonstrates the power of her makeup with frequently showing her no makeup rosacea-filled face. She's also put on a bit of weight, which actually for me, makes me more comfortable. It seems everyone famous is always a perfect, size 2 and I get self conscious, so it's nice to see someone like some of us. And I couldn't stand her on BB1. I was shocked to hear about BB11 Michelle some years ago with her porn career. I mean she was cast as the brainy nerd! Last I checked, she was promoting medical marijuana I believe.
  4. Is Umbro shorts a 90's thing? Never heard of them! I graduated in 1991, but guess you can say a majority of my teen years were in the 80's. That picture above with them all in the studio, Jenelle is looking (un)pleasantly plumpy. I know we say that every week but she's just ballooning up. It wouldn't be a huge deal if a) she and David didn't always fat shame Kail and the others (karma, bitch) and b) she'd get clothes for her size. She's always wearing spandex shit and just...no.
  5. She really is the stepmom from hell. Being old, I had to go look up what a VCSO girl is and still not sure if I totally get it. But did read it's considered an insult to call someone that. She's just so jealous of Maryssa.
  6. Me too. And we live in the same city and have a mutual friend. She of course said she just got back but Kim’s not spilling. BUT, HGTV was filming her last week, she could possibly have her own show soon since she’s an interior designer.
  7. I watched the review of Jenelle's eyebrow kit, as someone upthread posted and loved it. It's typical Wish.com shit from China. But looking on the reviewers Instagram, I found in her comments Jenelle is trying to get her to remove it. Tough shit, Jenelle, it's freedom of speech and part of the cosmetics game. Some highlights: Hairs were found in the wax The tweezers are tiny and cheap The pencil broke on the girl 3 times while trying to do her brows The "universal" shades were 3 shades of light brown so screw it if you're blonde, dark brown, red head, POC or dark complexion. Basically anybody but Jenelle's shading can't use it. She had to contact Jenelle directly for tracking. She placed the order and nothing happened for the longest time. Jenelle didn't think to send out kits to all the big influencers. The reviewer got her money back for the hairs, but saw a second reviewer on YouTube that also had hairs.
  8. Well, that and he's married now. That's one thing I see often and don't get. I remember in dance when I was young, they told us to never mouth the words to the song. And I've seen so many dancers do it. Lacey used to do it a lot too. Ally does seem overdramatic. The whole bit of being "bullied online for dancing so watch me do this VW and I'll cry after" had me eyerolling hard.
  9. I just screamed out loud at work picturing Tony playing dolls and action figures and having them "talk" to each other on his desk while impatient customers wait in line.
  10. Both of these...YES. I'm tired of Ashley and Sam acting like they solved world peace while patting themselves on the back for getting the boys back together. I think it's all for film anyway, the brothers will probably never be close. I felt weird watching the tree planting. The letters, etc. I watch these shows for a light hearted chance to forget about real life. I'm just not a fan of Sam anyway. It started off a good season but seemed to forced at the end. It's ok to be casual friends, but you don't need to be asking others why they didn't invite you to their shower when you barely know each other.
  11. If it's a child, yes, it is exploitation. She doesn't know any better, it's all she knows. It's gone on so long that I think of she has a normal life, she won't know how to adjust to just acting like a normal kid and letting others have attention.
  12. I hope she doesn't have that same passive attitude when she has kids. "Lots of treats so he doesn't hate me for having to clean him". Dogs are a little different than kids, but I can see her with a kid, "aww you got into mommy's stuff? Here's some ice cream so you don't hit and kick me when I hug you to tell you it's ok you got into my stuff!" The poor child will probably be 100 lbs by 6 years old.
  13. Jackson, shut up about the fucking confetti. How I'd love for him to get a shoulder full of confetti, but then they announce there's not an actual $500K prize. "You just seemed to really want the confetti, so we figured we'd do some cutbacks this year..."
  14. I DID THE SAME! There's something surgical going on there or something other than too much makeup and teeth too white.
  15. I wish they'd think that way, but Jenelle didn't have custody of Jace and they filmed her. Chelsea just sits on the couch doing nothing and they film her...
  16. Am I the only one that noticed this big white zit that needed popping on Hannah G's face during her date with Dylan? I couldn't stop staring.
  17. I loathe baby talk. Danielle Busby does it to her quints and it pisses me off.
  18. I was yelling at my TV to her for this: Hannah G: "I'm literally falling head over heels in love with Connor". No, you're not literally. If it was literally, you'd have a pretty bad fall. What's with these people overusing the word literally when it's not literal?
  19. The scary thing for me is I end up reading her posts like 3-4 times and each time I never think, "shit, it's Mykelti, why am I thinking I'm the one with the comprehension problem?" Funny, before I even noticed the no coffee and roots, I thought of pregnancy just by the way she was posing. Can you even imagine her being pregnant? It will be the longest fucking pregnancy ever. Tacky Pinterest ideas galore. And the baby will be named something ridiculous like Voltron Pegasus LuLu (a nod to dads superhero collection and whimsical moms entrepreneurship, of course!)
  20. That cosmetics launch story has me feeling icky. I already felt like that from that horrible article. Why are they treating this bitch like she's done something important in her life? She literally got knocked the fuck up at 16, and now she's this famous? This is ridiculous and I hope no one buys this shit. It's gross.
  21. Thank you! It was a long time ago, my boys are now 18 & 21. But I appreciate it so much. 💗
  22. I know exactly who you are talking about, perfect descriptions! All Samantha talks about is being at this special place or that or the "who's who" on the Nascar world. And did you know she awards infertile couples with her charity? I was a little disappointed she kept talking about having a baby girl. I struggled with infertility and I just wanted a BABY. I can't believe how much she kept discussing wanting a girl. I get most would like to have one of each, but it's like a boy wasn't even a thought. Mariel's obsession over Whitney is a little scary. I get it, I had a friend way back when as a new military wife. She married a friend of my now ex-husbands and I was so excited to be a military spouse with her and she soon made her own spouse friends and I was a little jealous. But Mariel not even wanting to go venue shopping with her own fiancé because she wanted to with Whitney was a little ridiculous. I don't see a lot of chemistry with Mariel and Paul though. They both seem like awesome people, but she spends time with Paul discussing Whitney. And I think they probably got together because they were Whitney and Austins friends. It might all be for the show, but if not, I hope they do get their own independence. Ambers cute but I can't get over how much she resembled Danica. I wonder if that's intentional or coincidental? I'm still only on the 4th or 5th episode. Not fully caught up yet.
  23. Me too. So tired of her using it as though she's the only woman to ever go through this and she's a pioneer in breaking the stigma. When she had her first miscarriage she was all over the websites with "I'm changing the fact that this is never talked about!" It is talked about Jamie. Everyone just doesn't tell everyone they come across like you do. And once again, it's going to be the longest pregnancy ever. I still think she's using Doug for the fame and the babies. She's too fake.
  24. This whole bit of Iris and Keith being afraid to do the fishbowl exercise because they work with kids is a nice thing to hear but...why did they sign up for the show in the first place? Anyone who has seen this show knows they ask you to be open about how your sex life is going.
  25. It's sad that girls like Pumpkin and Nicole from 90DF are pimping this "magic formula". No one is going to lose as much as they need to in a tea or shots or anything. Eat right, work out and keep your carbs low. And FFS, knock off the cheese puffs and processed shit.
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