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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. "Oh Meredith, I think that's a boo boo." I don't understand Meredith's Mary love.
  2. @Gramto6, You are an inspiration. For the past 6 months I have ridden my bike for 5-6 miles a day. I lost a few pounds in the beginning, but the biggest benefit is that it helps my mental health. Prepandemic I used to go into an office building and interact with a lot of people everyday. Now I only get zoom calls for work and I don't get to socialize as I am high risk and I don't feel comfortable even though I was boostered in October. I think the daily exercise matters a lot and I check here every day to see how many steps you have taken. Thanks for the inspiration!
  3. I really appreciated hearing how much Janelle's kids love Christine. They chose Christine over Kody. And they would do whatever Christine was doing--stay and social distance or travel and celebrate with Christine's part of the family. I imagine that meal that we saw in the season preview was Thanksgiving with Robyn, Kody, Robyn's kids and Meri. I'm sure when Kody saw this footage he was angry as hell.
  4. I agree. I think she was unhappy in what she saw as her lot in life. And that said, she was able to control Janelle and Christine so she didn't want Robyn to threaten her HBIC. But it is lonely at the top so she also wanted to bring Robyn in as a friend/ally. For Meri, friend/ally = wife. It was a miscalculation for the ages.
  5. S1 E3 You can see that Meri is truly unhappy in polygamy and unhappy with Robyn joining the family. Meri says, "I do think I don't want to do this. I am comfortable with Janelle and Christine. You know, they get me. I don't even know that I want to stay sometimes. You know the only thing that even wants me to stay is my commitment level and my daughter. You know, this is her family and I wouldn't ever do that to her. " That was 12 years ago. She's still unhappy and still hanging on.
  6. As someone that lives in Portland and already endures the Roloffs I am okay when the circus comes to town because they always move on to the next town. So Meri can visit, but she can't stay. I think both Mariah and Mykelti have expressed interest in living in the PNW. I seem to remember Mariah preferring Seattle while Mykelti was PDX or the Oregon coast.
  7. I heard that Jujubee may be on the international drag race UK vs the World. Maybe 4th time is the charm.
  8. But if she does have a new man that her Portland friend introduced her to maybe there could be a cross over with Little People Big World. She could pull Amy and Tori and Caryn and Audrey into her downline. And she could have a booth at the farm during pumpkin festival. And then Matt, Chris, Zach and Jeremy could go to Arizona and turn Coyote Pass into a polygamist adventure park. While they are gone Jacob will plant weed on the farm and hang out with Audrey and Mariah. Such fun!
  9. @all4mom2, I'm sorry, I didn't think we were arguing, I thought we were debating and speculating. My apologies. I don't want to be argumentative.
  10. You are correct, the same is true in Georgia. I didn't include it, but you can buy up to three years of "air time" in Georgia. That would make Trent 6 years short with a penalty of 7% a year or 42% less pension. The Johnstons could go that route for the pension and take the 58% payout, but they wouldn't be eligible for medical benefits. Of course, they could always buy coverage on the state health exchange. With episodes focused on shuffleboard and mini golf and the three older children out of the house I have to believe that's why they brought in the Scandinavian little person as an exchange student--to keep the gravy train going for a bit longer.
  11. I did a bit of research and saw that Trent worked for about 5 years at Clayton State and about 16 years at other state institutions. So he has around 21 years of service to the state of Georgia. Georgia requirements for pension are: 30 years of service or 60 years of age for full pension. If you retire early, your monthly benefit will be permanently reduced by the lesser of one-twelfth of 7% for each month you are below age 60, OR 7% for each year or fraction of a year by which you have less than 30 years of creditable service. You are eligible for some level of payout at 10 years of service. Trent is 45 years old. He will definitely get some form of pension, but I don't think he can draw on it now or he will only get a small fraction of his pension payout. I had a friend in a similar position and she left her pensioned state job and then worked elsewhere until she was able to draw her full pension and sign up for her retirement health benefits at age 60. Basically, she worked for 4 years elsewhere for benefits and a modest salary.
  12. Perhaps she is discussing her husband's possible orientation in part to punish her stepchildren who tried to seize her home and car after Herman died (even though the prenup gave both to her). And it is a storyline.
  13. Assuming she goes to University of North Georgia and non of her previous credits transfer, her degree will cost her less that $30K. If previous credits transfer or she get 45 'life experience' credits it will cost her about $20K. Honestly, I just want her to go back to school to experience what her daughters are doing. I think it will help her to appreciate them more. My guess is Amber will do one semester and then drop out and become a classroom assistant to keep benefits.
  14. I have been racing through old seasons to see them one more time before they disappear off of Netflix. I will miss them--I find them calming.
  15. More filler--Trent farting and the three younger people taking photos for their Etsy businesses.
  16. This is such a filler episode--shuffleboard & mini golf. So boring!
  17. My mother and grandmothers were all terrible cooks so I have no vague but personal recipe cards. Instead, I rely on the internet or what looks right. Last night I made chicken tortilla soup and eyeballed the cumin, cayenne and chili powder.
  18. Interesting that the parents and Jonah and Ashley all chose to sit in the high barstools even those there were short tables along the beach rail too. I suppose that it is to remind us that they can do anything, just in a different day. Why not sit at the shorter tables?
  19. Robyn, "We've needed to get this figured out for months." nervous giggle. Then later we learn that Robyn and Meri have been following the rules for 6 months. And Meri's pain when it became evident that Robyn was dragging her heels in allowing quarantined Meri over to her house. Is it terrible that I hope that the show gets cancelled and Robyn and Kody lose everything and have to move into a doublewide on the Wyoming ranch?
  20. Areola was 4 when this was filmed--so not in school. Soil was 8/9, so in 3rd grade. Breanna was a sophomore. I think Kody and Robyn were pissed that Christine revealed that they had a nanny. Christine took care of a 1/2 dozen elementary school kids and Robyn can't manage 2. It spoils the image of Robyn as the perfect wife.
  21. I was surprised that they moved off the conversation on whether the nanny is following the rules very quickly. I don't know why the sister wives would believe that the nanny and her husband were following all the rules, although they may have been telling Kody and Robyn that. And it is just curious that all of the wives said it was 6+ months before Kody shared the rules. So he spent 6 months away from Christine and Janelle. And Gabe says in the preview that it was 8 months since he spent time with his father. You'd think Kody would be sharing the rules to spend time with his kids. Also love that Kody realized 1) He made a mistake not going with Ysabel to her surgery 2) That she may resent him for that later in life. Fitting that Kody is the only one that got covid--clearly there was a breakdown in his protocols.
  22. Yes, Christine announced it on Instagram/Twitter and Kody confirmed publicly. And the PT sleuths have confirmed she lives in Utah.
  23. Yes, definitely feels like Robyn's rules. And I would add that there is a chance that she has convinced Kody that he came up with them. She is such a poor actress.
  24. How does Kody know that the nanny truly follows the rules?
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