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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. My thoughts on ZiT as parents: Zach is very much like Amy in terms of his insecurity with how his disability affects how others view him. He know the risks and dangers of being a little person, although he doesn't seem to take care of himself (as viewers, we knew that shunts need to be replaced or repaired--why didn't Zach?) This is reflected in the way that he parents. He knows that the kids may face surgery, discrimination and bullying, and he'd like to keep that at bay as long as he can. He wants them to have the carefree childhood that he remembers on the farm (true or not). Tory still seems like a clout chaser to me. She wanted to be around the fame of the Roloffs and has grown tired of Matt and previously Amy /believes she has her own celebrity now. She does make odd parentling choices, like putting a toddler on a kitchen island, driving her daughter into a tree in a toy car, and favoring J. Tory does seem to hold grudges, and appears to use people. But she found dance for Lilah, writes notes in Jackson's lunchbox, and endured camping. Still there is a sense of entitlement which means I fast forward through most ZiT scenes. That said, laughing at the crazy things kids do is normal. And Tory does seem to take the kids regularly to the doctor. ZiT may be waiting until Lilah is school age so that speech therapy is included in her education rather than as an out of pocket/deductible expenses. They have 3 special needs kids under 5 and they are doing okay as parents.
  2. I try to not focus too much on how the Matt/Amy marriage ended, but what they shared with us during the run of the show that suggested it had been bad for a long time. Matt was a dreamer and a risk taker. He used the show and the farm to create the childhood for his kids that he wanted. Matt was boldly insensitive to Amy's fears, and was frustrated that she kept a dirty house, used the kids (Zach) as allies in their arguments and was trying to give her kids the childhood that she wanted. Amy was initially attracted to the idea of dreamer Matt, but quickly realized that dreaming without planning meant that she needed to work outside of the home (multiple part time jobs) to find some financial security, was viewed as a blocker to her husband's ideas, so he made decisions without her--almost treating her as an employee, and they constantly argued about how to parent. I think she stayed with the marriage because of low self esteem and perhaps religious beliefs. Matt wanted fame, followership and a playground. Amy wanted security, consistency, and family. They argued, without respect or care for each other, for the last 18 years on our screens. And then there's the drinking. At least Matt seems to have a bad relationship with alcohol. Others have noted on this forum that Amy seems to like a good tipple as well. Alcohol and a bad marriage mean nobody is happy. I think whether Matt cheated or not, they are both better off divorced. Amy has found someone who loves her, and communicates (mostly) with kindness and care. Matt has found someone who loves him and seems to support Matt while still verbalizing her disagreements without yelling or disdain. All in all, the divorce was probably for the best for both of them.
  3. Zach is currently an officer-- the Vice President of the DAAA Board, so he should have been there in his official capacity, if not as the son of the host. Shame on ZiT!
  4. My two cents: It doesn't matter that Amy talked to her son about clearing out the barn because in this instance, her son is Matt's employee. She talked to Matt's employee about moving things out of the barn and that was overstepping. Amy is splitting hairs. A parent doesn't get to give directions at a child's place of employment unless they are the boss. Amy is no longer in charge of the farm and she has no say. And I don't believe it was mother son small talk. She gave instruction to Matt's employee to do work. Just own it.
  5. https://pagesix.com/2024/03/20/entertainment/rhop-star-karen-huger-charged-with-dui-after-car-crash/
  6. Okay, I don't watch anymore. Are Brice and Liz together? Is Liz an unwed and single mother? Has she moved back in with her parents? Please spill.
  7. Every time I see that crown in Amy's bedroom I can't stop myself from thinking about who wears it during sexy fun time. Is Chris the king enjoying a kitchen wench? Is Amy a queen with a footman lover? Why oh why do I think about this?
  8. So many thoughts on MJ. MJ is entitled to feel angry and betrayed and they are entitled to not GAF. Sandra said it best, she stuck to the traitors knowing they would keep her around--she had a strategy. Gamers do seem to have an advantage. Last year it was won by a Survivor. This year the top 5 had 2 Challengers, 1 Survivor, a clear traitor and MJ. MJ clearly thought the game was over when it wasn't. She forgot that the gold wasn't a prize for endurance. Rather it was for strategy. I thought it was entirely reasonable for them to banish MJ and I don't think they owe her an explanation or should feel guilty. They played the game better. To the victor go the spoils.
  9. Yes, I definitely have compassion. And it could be that I am influenced by her behavior in the last few seasons.
  10. There's something about Tori in the first episode this season. I can't decide if it is the mix of bitterness and entitlement or as simple as she isn't aging well. Sorry to mix TLC shows, but she is the Robyn Brown of this series.
  11. Agreed, it is due to the mothers. Janelle and Christine have good looking kids.
  12. Table for 1 here, I don't think we should judge people for choosing not to give to bell ringers. I, for example, choose to donate in other ways. I give to food banks, cancer hospitals, doctors without borders, college student aid programs, homeless support groups, and other charities. I volunteer, making packs for the homeless and spending time in middle school classrooms. I give through work because they double match -- if I give $100 then they give $200. They also give me time off to volunteer. And I have charitable bequests in my will. My way works for me. I give what I want, when I want. I don't think my way is any better or worse than giving to Salvation Army bell ringers. It is just different.
  13. Just love Tia Kofi. Here's to hoping she wins it all. She is funny, gorgeous and the best narrator. Looking forward to the season.
  14. Mostly I think Robyn and Kody make up their own rules to suit their stories: Christine isn't divorced until she has sex with another man--RB Jessop stole my cookie and that kept me from giving it to the right man, so I can badmouth him until he gives up custody of his kids--RB I'm the Brown family scapegoat and I'm the only one that speaks Kody--that's why I need to be in all conversations--RB If Kody doesn't stay with me exclusively for 3 years during Kodvid then our tenders will die. I am just the beneficiary of the rules that you won't follow.--RB I almost died, Robyn almost died, that's why Janelle should have returned from her vacation to buy me beer and skittles--KB I never loved my wives, I was just asked to play a loving husband on tv. I am the victim--KB Robyn is too pretty to cook and Christine can do it anyway--KB Christine has to say I'm a bad husband or no good man will sniff around her--KB Robyn got scraps so I can raid the family account to buy her a mansion, ugly artwork, and jewelry that is better than everyone else's--KB
  15. Thinking about this idea that you aren't divorced until you sleep with another man. Does this mean that although Robyn was legally divorced from Jessop they were still married when Kody came acourtin'? Or did Kody and Robyn quickly become intimate before marriage so that Kody wouldn't be courting a married woman--just a divorced mother of three? Since Robyn was sexually active before marrying her first husband it does seem possible she would do it again. And why do I care to know?
  16. Deets on Amos: https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/sister-wives-meri-browns-bf-amos-andrews-was-married-4-times/
  17. I agreed with the bottom two this week. But I thought Kiki Coe won the lip sync. Neera continues to be nasty and Denim is overrated. Someone seems determined to see her in the finale.
  18. Aurora Matrix is my fave. So far they are not getting a winner's edit, though. I don't care for Venus, Denim or Neera. And Kiki and Melinda don't have a shot.
  19. If you are having problems getting the episode: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/k17ggfz11qb3bNzNhxx
  20. For the folks having a hard time finding the episode: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/kE6wO3l8KXDTm7zNhxy
  21. From Reddit. This is why Kody keeps the knoodles.
  22. One Tell All point that I hope gets revisited is that Christine shared she had reached out to Robyn's kids but they weren't interested. Robyn's and the Prestonette's view that they are victims is based on the belief that they are excluded. They believe they were excluded from the family. They believe they were excluded from the post Christmas celebration. They believe they were treated differently. But they were invited to the post Christmas celebration. They were invited to family get togethers. They were invited to Gwen's wedding. They were invited to participate in the gift exchange.They or their parents opted out. If the show continues it will be interesting to see if this changes. But I expect not. Robyn and the Prestonettes believe that being perceived as a victim is currency with the viewers, but it is fools gold. We know the story. Eventually the children will no longer be asked to participate. And then they will move from being victims to being angry. And it will somehow be Christine's Robyn's fault.
  23. And they don't have to see you very often--just for life events like marriages, graduations and funerals. That is what sharing children after an acrimonious separation from a narcissist looks like.
  24. Just saw the preview for the wedding special at the end. Christine and all the kids, hers, and Janelle's look happy. It looks like a true family celebration for the Browns and Woolleys. Of course, there is a clip of left out Meri, but she seems comfortable with that. Kody is still angry and wants to mouth off. Robyn is also angry but has had time to realize that the public hates them both so she cuts him off and says they are both happy for Christine. It does seem like the perfect ending of the series.
  25. Kody likes to demonstrate that he has a word of the day calendar or has internet service that allows him to access a dictionary. Now he is talking about Christine being Machiavellian. That means he thinks she is sneaky and cunning. That Christine lacks a moral code. In my eyes, Machiavellian describes Robyn and Kody. Robyn is sneaky and cunning. She used a damsel in distress approach to get Kody to spend extra time with her. She has mothered her kids in a way that they have anxiety issues and are isolated. Kody lacks a moral code. He leeched off his wives for decades. He used family funds to buy Robyn a mansion. He ignores his paternal responsibilities with the OG kids. Kody believes that he should still be able to dictate what Christine can do and say. And we know he will screw over Janelle if he can legally get away with it.
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