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Everything posted by MsTree

  1. Yes, I saw them and wondered the exact same thing today. No idea where they disappeared to.
  2. It's not so much the hair style as it is having 37 feet of it!
  3. There's always surrogacy...where Carter can still have biological kids, even if Quinn is past her prime.
  4. I don't think Marc Anthony is shedding any tears. IIRC, he has several other children with his ex-wives and/or baby mamas. So I'm sure he got a lot of attention without having JLo fawn over him too.
  5. I know...especially since she was the sole heir of her mother's multi-million dollar estate. A couple hundred thousand for her is like saying a couple hundred for everyone else. I doubt it, especially since Jeff was pretty cool-headed about it. My guess is that stories are embellished for drama, but I still enjoy Jeff Lewis...and that won't stop me from watching.
  6. To the "beachy" part...there are already enough fake lobsters, sharks and other ugly fish Hobby Lobby wall hangings in the universe. Light, yes. Beachy, not so much. And that goes for anchors, lighthouses and seashells too.
  7. Oh please...it wasn't "rape, rape" 🤣
  8. Was Maddie Zeigler too busy? Even Twitch's wife, Allison, would have been a better choice having dance experience.
  9. That's not how it works. A good comedian does not go on stage and call people ugly. If he/she did, that would probably be the last time they'd be on a stage. There's a nuance to all jokes. Try Googling Don Rickles to see if are any of his sets are available. Alternately, you can Google any "roast". Dean Martin hosted roasts early on....with others such as Jeffrey Ross later on. Even Joan Rivers got into the act. When people go to see an insult comic, they know what to expect. No one is persecuted and everyone realizes it's just jokes.
  10. I can live with the black (it's just paint), but the brass...no can do.
  11. It definitely looked real...and was immediately noticeable. MrTree saw it and unless he was in an accident, thought maybe DF might have had some type of shoulder surgery.
  12. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Show would be more enjoyable if instead of the contestants singing, they have a house band who does the singing like the rebooted Name That Tune.
  13. I beg to differ. I've seen Ricky on numerous shows talking about insult comedy, which btw, is a real thing. Think Don Rickles...who made a career out of insult comedy and nobody whined about it or got their panties in a twist. Anyway, Ricky couldn't give two shits about what people think of him or about him. He's got the right attitude. Bravo, Ricky!
  14. This week's contestant was way over-the-top personality, and a lousy singer to boot! Producers, if you insist that the contestants sing, please find someone that can at least carry a tune.
  15. I see it more as MM wanted out, so the writers chose the character of Gwen to possibly be involved in Abs demise. Sorry, but I like the actress who plays Gwen, so I do care what happens to her.
  16. I understand what you're saying, but a simple statement such as "I don't condone violence" should have nothing to do with sexism or racism. Therefore, she wouldn't have been attacked. Agree hate isn't logical. But even the haters shouldn't condone violence of any kind.
  17. But by the same token Jada KNOWS her husband, and she should have known that her reaction would provoke Will to do something. We saw the entire scenario ourselves! Will initially laughs at the joke. Then Jada rolls her eyes, looks at Will, and Will starts walking towards the stage. We're not just talking about "other people" here. We're talking about a husband & wife of 28 years who know each other like a book. The instant she took offense to Chris' joke was enough to trigger Will to do something about it. Bottom line, it would have been a helluva lot easier if she just ignored the stupid joke altogether.
  18. Why all of a sudden must we start explaining jokes?? A joke is just a joke, not a thesis. Will never apologized directly to Chris. Will put out a prepared (statement) apology which is meaningless. His PR person probably recommended it. It was worthless to Chris. Why would Jada have been attacked if she simply said "I don't condone violence"? Seems like a logical thing to say after what happened, no matter who's side your on.
  19. Going by your statement, then you're saying Will was unprovoked?!? That's even worse than trying to protect his wife's honor 😲
  20. The same could be said about TK's portrayal of Ridge. All of a sudden Ridge grew a beard, developed an accent, and a distinct tilt of his head while listening 🤪 And he may have shrunk a few inches too 😁
  21. Chris Rock is a comedian. He made a joke, he wasn't body shaming anyone. We have to stop using that terminology for thin-skinned people. And yes, she DID have something to do with the slap. She rolled her eyes, and for some unknown reason, her husband decides to be her hero...and walks up to stage on LIVE TV to slap a comedian who was about to present an award. I think the least she could have done is said that while she may have been offended, she did not condone her husband assaulting Chris Rock. Violence is NEVER the answer to ANY issue, offended or not.
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