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Everything posted by Zahdii

  1. C'mon. Who here believes that the story given was the truth? No way did Jessa ever intend to give birth in a hospital suite but changed her plan when her midwife went out of town. I can't prove it, but I think that Jessa always intended to give birth at home again, probably with the dangerous Federosky woman in attendance, and then expected to announce the birth after the fact from the comfort of her home with a smug expression (just like last time). Jessa really seems invested in giving birth at home, for whatever reason. Instead, she delivered the baby and then her body didn't stop bleeding. Just like with the first time, the midwife was running out the back door as the paramedics came rushing in the front door. At least this time they didn't play around and the hospital was able to stop the bleeding without having to resort to tranfusions, so I guess someone at home (probably Ben and Jill) learned something. At this rate, Jessa will only have to have one or two more home births go south before she gives up and either jumps off the baby train or goes to the hospital to give birth, but I don't know if she'll ever figure out that her best chance of a good outcome is to work with a real professional and follow their advice from the very beginning of her pregnancy.
  2. What are chiggers? Do they go by another name in other areas? The only person I remember mentioning chiggers was a friend of mine in high school. She had lived in Texas when she was younger and she told me of the time she had to get a shot in the butt and the nurse put the needle right through a chigger bite! She was sure the nurse was a sadist.
  3. He posted a picture on Instagram of the casket at the memorial with the caption: "Just buried my lil sis! She was only 19 weeks old...Not an easy one! God is good!”
  4. Why do I get the feeling that that poor kid's life is one long photo shoot?
  5. To what? McWhiny, McScreechy, McPundit? McMyFatherWasAWarHeroSoYouShouldAllBowDownBeforeMe?
  6. I don't remember the husband blaming the plaintiff for being a trouble maker, but I agree that he got the apartment for his wife so he and their son wouldn't have to live with her. I wonder why he didn't pay to have an attendant live with her to keep her on her meds, or if that would even help, or if he couldn't afford such an additional expense. I admit to wondering what her diagnosis was. How could he be sure she wouldn't harm herself or someone else during one of her episodes?
  7. Oh Jill, you're such a putz. And you married a putz. A couple of putzs for Jesus. Between you the only thing you do well is have children. And grift. You're spectacular at grifting. Parenting the kids, well, not so much. John 11:35. Jesus wept. I think of it when I think of you, your hypocrisy, your narcissism, your utter stupidity, and your unflagging belief that Jesus loves you the best because you keep popping out children like a glorified Pez dispenser. If the Biblical Jesus showed up today, you wouldn't recognize him. He'd be wearing a robe, not manly pants. He'd have long hair. His skin tone wouldn't be pasty white. He'd go among the smelly and unlovely and side-eye you and your judgmental attitude. He'd ask you to approach your relationship with God to be like that of a child to a parent, not as a spokesperson speaking for God.
  8. My former SIL was taped giving birth. I'm not sure if she knew her husband was going to do it, but when it came time to push, he left her side and stood next to the doctor video taping the whole damned thing. Then he went home to where her parents were waiting and asked them if they'd like to see their newest grandchild. He deliberately didn't tell them what he was about to do when he popped the cassette into the VCR and turned it on. Her father was not amused. But he wasn't done yet. A couple of days later he took the cassette to work and took over a meeting room. He walked through the break room asking if anyone wanted to see it. She has had people she's never met watch her give birth.
  9. Yeah, I remember years ago I saw a litigant who had her bangs growing straight down to just under her eyes. No idea how she saw through those things, as they created a solid curtain completely obscuring the top of her face. She looked striking that way, but I wondered if she had some deformity she was hiding. The judge asked her to part her bangs so he could see her eyes. Turned out she had beautiful eyes. The judge told her he needed her to keep her bangs away from her face because he looked at the eyes to help him determine when someone was telling the truth or trying to shift the conversation. I think she probably knew in advance she wouldn't be allowed to wear her hair like that, because her eyes were fully made up and she happily pulled out some barrettes and expertly secured her bangs to the sides.
  10. When I was a kid we youngsters all had some sort of "thing" against drinking 'bathroom water'. One time Mom had to turn off the kitchen tap due to plumbing problems, and while waiting for Dad to get back from the hardware store with the new parts, she realized she hadn't thought to put any water in the fridge for drinking. So she told us to use the tap in the bathroom. "But, but, that's bathroom water!" "It's the same water, it comes from the same source, it just comes out in a different room. Taking water from the tap in the bathroom isn't going to hurt you! We have a dixie cup dispenser on the wall in there, what do you think it's for?" "That's for brushing our teeth. We're not drinking it." We thought we were being so reasonable. Mom just sighed and pointed out that we were still putting 'bathroom water' in our mouth, there was no difference if we swallowed it or not. So we grudgingly drank the dreaded bathroom water, didn't get sick, still hated it, but knew we were being ridiculous about it.
  11. I remember that smell! My high school still used them up until I graduated in the early 80's. Although we always called them "the copy machines." I actually worked in ours for a semester during my senior year. It was an easy A class, but hard to get into. The copy equipment was just off the library, so you had to make friends with the librarians because they would be the ones monitoring you. No problem for me, I loved the library and spent a lot of time there. Then you had to have good grades, and get a recommendation from your counselor stating that you were trustworthy and could be counted on to not sneak copies of tests out. I was an easy-in for those reasons, and because I'd already spent two semesters working as a TA for my history teacher and typed up all of his handouts and tests onto carbon paper to be made into master copies for the print department. (I remember one time I typed up a test and didn't catch a mispelling that turned the word 'part' into 'fart' and the test was held up for a few minutes so I could cover the offending letter with the proper one.) Anyway, we'd take the master copy and wrap it around a drum, coat it with the dark purple ink and start making copies. The smell was divine. We were always warned that the fumes were toxic and to limit our exposure the the fluids as much as possble. "The better it smells, the more brain cells it kills" But for the life of me, I can't remember how we applied the ink to the drum or how we turned the carbon copies into master copies. I guess maybe I killed off those brain cells with a particularly deep breath, or two?
  12. I don't know if it's still true today, but at one point a girl under the age of 18 could send a topless pic of herself to her boyfriend and she could be arrested for distributing child porn and he could be arrested for having it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm of the opinion that kids should refrain from that stuff simply because it can do them no good now and can harm them in the future. Who wants such a photo popping up when you're trying to get into a competitive college, applying for that great job, going to court in a custody dispute, or running for office?
  13. I'd love to see Craig back on the air. I just don't want him to go up against Stephen or Jimmy Kimmel. I like them both and have a hard enough time deciding who to watch. These days I'm switching between them like a demon.
  14. As others have stated before me, JB doesn't have to go out to find those guys, they find him. It's well known that Joshs' marriage was pushed hard for by his parents, and the reason for that became obvious when it was revealed that he was a horny teen that couldn't keep his hands to himself, even when his hands were wandering over his own sisters and the daughter of a family friend. Even after being 'disiplined' once, he kept groping his sisters, culimating with the molestation of his five year old sister. Getting him married off quick so he'd have a "godly" output for his "desires" was their answer. As far as we know, Josh did stop molesting his sisters, but he then brought the family down by taking part in the Ashley Madison scandal. That caused Josh to be dropped from 19 Kids and Counting, and when that didn't satisfy the public, the whole show was sort of cancelled, only to be revamped with a spinoff that Josh, JB, and Michelle were supposed to never appear on. I don't know exactly what Derick was looking for when he approached JB, but he was happy to marry JB's daughter and promptly fell off the rails to screw it all up. He couldn't hold a job, he took Jill off to Danger America where she had a nervous breakdown, and when he returned he couldn't stop spewing his idiocy and hatred all over Twitter, causing him to be banned from the family business (aka Counting Down, the spinoff off to 19 Kids and Counting). Ben also initiated contact because he was interested in Jessa. His father pushed the deal because he had thoughts of somehow profiting from the Duggar connection, only to find that the Duggars have an innate sense of when people are trying to horn in on their business and if they can't use them, they freeze them out. Jeremy approached Ben and Jessa at some sort of religious thing, got introduced to Jinger, then made his way to JB and played his part well enough to get JB's approval to marry Jinger, but I suspect that even before the wedding JB had misgivings. He was probably too far into the deal to back out without a good reason, and the die was cast. After that, JB was probably thrilled when Austin wanted to court Joy. He'd known the family for years and even though Austin only had one sibling, his parents did appear on a reality show titled "World's Strictest Parents". The boy knew how to take orders, his parents were part of JB's church, and Austin has an adversity to creating drama and drawing attention to himself. He might not ring up JB for advice on what to order for lunch like some of the other kids, he doesn't appear to like being on camera, and he is more of a loner, but Austin doesn't seem on the path to bring another scandal down on Duggar heads. I think that JD really did find his bride all by himself, but I'm not sure on how his younger brothers ended up with their mates. JB is nothing but determined, and I wouldn't put it past him to continue to push marriages on his children as quickly as reasonably possible.
  15. So the first agent was Janelle, and I don't know if she's ever sold anything, unless her Z-list celebrity convinced somebody to buy a dog house, then Mona, who seemed like a fan who just wanted to get in front of a camera, and when all that failed, they turned the listing over to some other guy?
  16. I think it's just an expansion of what is often seen on TV sitcoms. You have an ordinary looking everyman guy, often a bit chubby, who has a wife that seems a bit too hot for him, and to justify that discrepancy in looks, the wife is portrayed as being stupid, bitchy, or obnoxious. Poor everyman, he's got the hot wife but she makes his life so much more difficult than if he'd found someone at his own level of attractiveness.
  17. I usually use the square potholders because I don't like having to fold over kitchen towels enough to use them in the oven. I use the mits when taking out heavy items or things that might splash. I had a friend who wouldn't use potholders. I don't know why. If I was around when she was cooking I'd find them and put them next to the oven but she wouldn't use them. But she wouldn't fold over her kitchen towels enough to either protect her fingers from getting burned sometimes, and she often set her towels on fire taking things out of the oven. I think 90% of her kitchen towels had scorch marks on them, and she was always buying new ones to replace the ones she had to throw in the sink because they had actually caught fire.
  18. When I was a kid we were traveling to visit friends in the next state. It was only about a two hour drive, but halfway there we were going through a section that was all farms and fields. A storm moved in and the sky got a really sick shade of green. I was sitting in the back seat on the passenger side and the rain there was coming down almost sideways. But when I looked out the other side of the car, I could see that a hundred yards on that side there was very little rain and few clouds. The sun was shining down out there like it was no big deal. I was scared, but I looked at my mom and she was driving along like things were just fine. Years later I asked my mom about it and she said that she didn't realize it at the time, but a severe thunderstorm came through and we actually drove right along the edge of an area that was under alert for a possible tornado. It wasn't something that my mom considered because we lived in a state that has very few tornados, and when it happens it's always F1's. But I still remember the horrible green sky and the feeling that something was very wrong. I don't think I'd do well in tornado country.
  19. It's so funny that so many people think the blind guy is going to kill the tourists. He's blind, they could just run away and leave him wandering around in the woods. I thought it was more likely that the strangers to the area would take the blind guy out and kill him, for whatever reason. Anyway, I actually started following this forum because of the smart alecky little girl who was complaining that her mom washes the dishes before she puts them in the dishwasher. She needs smacked upside the head, and her mom who's putting dishes in the dishwasher and smiling at the camera in an embarrassed sort of way needs a good pop, too. Oh, and I was wondering if I'm the only one who thought the guy in the prepaid cellular commercial looks and sounds like Richie Cunningham from Happy Days?
  20. Do people really pay $150 for airpods? I'd lose them on my way to check the mail. Give me some nice foam cushioned headphones that are connected to my MP3 every time. Do they even make MP3's anymore?
  21. It's the same thing as the people who say "Come with?" instead of "Do you want to come with me?"
  22. What you should have done is, after you told him it was the warning siren for the nuclear power plant, go about your business for a few moments then suddenly look up and say "Hold on, this isn't the usual test day! OMG, I think it's the real thing!"
  23. Whether or not they've bought the house, they've snuck in on occasions to post Bible verses on the new construction in several languages. I'd guess that they either have bought the place or are on a rent-to-own situation. I hope the developers are good ones. A friend of mine many years ago babysat for a couple and just after they came home and were paying her for the night they heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen/dining room area. They ran in to check, and it turned out that the sliding glass doors, frame and all, had simply fallen out onto the patio outside. It was a new house, only a couple of months old, in a new development. The family got their doors replaced, but soon houses all over the neighborhood were having problems and the company that built them went out of business, only to be reborn under another name with the same people in charge. I don't know how they managed to survive, but that same company was later tasked with the job of building the new county courthouse and that thing is a nightmare. The county is still hemorrhaging money fixing all the problems caused by crappy construction. Call it the price of doing business when you go with the lowest bidder.
  24. I don't watch this show, but it sounds like TLC did what a lot of other shows are doing: adding a minute amount of new footage to a clip show and calling it a NEW EPISODE.
  25. I was disappointed that MM was on Steven Colbert, but I'm sure he often has guests that he didn't choose himself. I noticed that he opened with the obligatory "so sorry about your father", but we all know that even if he hadn't brought it up, Meghan would have. She really doesn't have anything else to talk about except her father. One thing I found interesting was when Steven was asking her about the eulogy. He said "When you wrote the eulogy...." I think it's pretty clear that Meghan didn't write that speech, but she jumped on the opening and said a couple of times "I wrote it", but as she continued on, she forgot and said "When we were writing it..." She should have just admitted that while she and her family certainly had input on the content, the speech itself was written by a professional. No one expects a grieving family to pop out a great speech like that without help.
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