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Everything posted by Scootman

  1. Thank you. LVP's ego is getting out of control, it's hitting Kris Jenner levels. I know she's an executive producer, but there really wasn't a good reason to be in this episode except to remind us how hot she is for her age and what an amazing business woman she is. Blech. It's already bad enough that the other cast members never get to fire back at her. She can insult anyone, but if one of them ever said "Jeez, Lisa is being an a-hole," it would never make the final cut.
  2. I do know who Chael is, and I'm not a fan. This episode made me even happier that he got his ass kicked by Tito Ortiz last weekend. My question is why the contest continued. A team member cheated to get them more time, they should have been disqualified. I guess for TV purposes and the fact they knew Matt won, they let it go. I love how Arnold always get complimented on making the right call, when tonight he didn't really fire anyone, except Chael. Vince basically quit, and Porscha was warned to answer the question and just kept going. So she basically gave herself up too.
  3. I'm a little loss with the mutiny and treason talk. We the viewers know it's not treason because those orders were given by those who have committed treason. Sure, Chandler is guessing, but they did an OK of establishing that the orders broke the chain of command and were suspicious. Still a risk, but Tom Chandler is always right, so not really. When the President is restored to power, this will all be figured out and no court martial.
  4. I liked the tension of this episode, partly because they filled the screen with people who could get killed. I mean, you knew no one in the immediate Foster-Adams Family would get killed (and Mike too), but there were plenty of characters that we knew but were recurring (aka expendable): Emma, Tayler, Monte, Matt, teachers, etc. Still, glad that everyone got outside OK, with the exception of Brandon ... WHO CAN DIE AT ANY TIME. I'll buy that Nick made his way to the house. Not so much that he got in. A house where a cop lives isn't locked and the alarm isn't set?
  5. Just an insanely good season. RIP Pousey. I'm of the opinion that her ending was a flash back, not her in the afterlife. It was a great, bittersweet ending for her. I'm fine with the cliff hanger, surprised with who picked up the gun and that she suddenly turned gangsta. Or maybe that's who Daya always was, but she was kept in line by her Mom and Gloria. She went to Maria's crew pretty fast. She's in deep shite. And I guess Maritza is too, since she shoved Humps down to the ground and caused the illegal gun to hit the floor. Alex also, because you know some of those notes will survive after the other inmate kicked over the garbage can. Caputo is definitely a "one step forward, two steps back" kind of guy. Saving Bayley wasn't a bad idea, but how he did it caused a riot. And not enough was made that the daughter of a General was killed while serving time in a minimum security prison on a petty charge. This is a PR disaster.
  6. Ben is a rat-fink. Hannah may have been wrong or mistaken, but Ben not only ratted her out, he got dressed up to do it. What a tool (and I've mostly liked him). Jen, when given a chance to rat out Danny, didn't do it to her deckmate, even though he's an idiot. There has to be some loyalty on the high seas. So I formally request that Ben should always rank below Jen on the P-TV rankings, because he ratted and she didn't. Thank you.
  7. Jeez, where to start. Bryan is terrible, a real butthead and Tiff made a solid decision to call off the possible hook up. But he was never a threat to Tiff, he didn't grab her or threaten her. In fact he got his feelings hurt and left the spa area first, right? He crudely suggested sex and deserved to be rebuffed, but that's not criminal. On the subject of Jen, Brian is clearly playing favorites and I agree with the wise poster who pointed out that Brian basically has no idea how to deal with her. And Bobby has made mistakes too, such as bringing the girls on board. He was forgiven pretty fast. But cheer up Jen: the way these idiot guys are acting, one of the other single girls may say what the hell and take a dip in the lady pond, lol. And I have no idea whether Hannah or Ben is right. Hannah panicked a bit, and we know Ben can get a little surly in these situations. hopefully they work it out.
  8. Did not call the rapist. Thought for sure it was going to be sleazy host. A solid episode in a very solid season. A little predictable, but the guest stars made it interesting.
  9. Yes, Kathryn needs to actually go through with a threat. Like flushing Jennifer's eggs down the toilet.
  10. It's so predictable to kill Kiki right after the wedding. I have another thought: Ron. In a still I saw of the episode, he's standing right behind Jane and Korsak in the scene. Leading to plenty of Angela cries on Jane and Maura's shoulders scenes.
  11. If Maggie gets killed, I'll give TP credit for a nice fake out. I was sure after the whole "morning-after pill" thing she would end up carrying David's spawn. It would be awesome if dumb-ass gunman missed from that range and still shot Ronnie, who is somewhere behind Maggie. Surprise Candi didn't drop the nuclear bomb that when Hannah was in charge of her childcare, Candi was molested by one of her boyfriends. Which is undoubtedly one of the reason Candi is so messed up. Kathryn threatening Jennifer's family both present and future was so badass! I can imagine her flying out West and stomping her eggs in her high heels.
  12. Also shocked that busty social worker lady was on the take. I could go entire episodes just watching Candi and bestie Erica sipping wine and beating the crap out of people. Hate Hanna. Why does Katherine care if Jim gets out? He's a cheater, she blames him for Amanda's suicide and putting Wyatt in jail, and he's an overall D-Bag. Maggie Day most certainly DID NOT take the morning after pill.
  13. This might be a minority opinion, but Mellie is an idiot. Worse, an arrogant idiot. Susan needs some self confidence, but she's at her core intelligent and self-made. A single mom, she was a college professor and state senator before she met Olivia Pope. People trust her. Now to Mellie. She's obviously well educated, but has tried to backdoor her way to everything. Married the scion of a rich political family. Was the wife of a Governor and President, and won her senate seat on name recognition alone. And along the way she made terrible decisions: Thought the Fitz-Liv affair was a phase. Wrong. Started an affair with Andrew. Bad. Accepted donations from a posing PoppaPope and tried to cover it up when people died. Tragic. Trusted Lizzy Bear after they bonded over getting screwed over by the same guy. Backfired. She's repeating the last one with Liv. And can you think of a better way to separate herself from the cheating scandal than having her campaign managed by her ex-husband's lover. Yeah, that will kill the story. And Liv missed her last shot at getting her white hat back by picking Mellie over Susan, who she already helped mold.
  14. That could be it for Tara. But by this time in the filming her portrayer, Alana Masterson, was very pregnant. So this could be the maternity leave.
  15. Poor Bird can never have nice things. That's all I've got.
  16. But see, that's the difference. Kristen and James would have wet humped on the sofa. That's the difference with adulting
  17. I don't think we're supposed to be rooting for David-Liz, or Dizzy Bear (that's what Josh Malina called it; don't blame me). I think we're supposed to know it's a sleazy hook up. And I'm calling it now -- the "happy ending" of this show is that we actually get a decent person as president and Susan Ross runs and wins. President Liv was pretty good. Fitz really is a worthless empty suit. And Cyrus is a wuss. Fitz went back on his word not to give Liz North a job, and was confident that Cyrus wouldn't blow him up.
  18. So Mellie's plan is to impeach Fitz, and make Susan Ross the first woman president? And then run in a primary against President Ross (who would certainly change her mind about being the Prez once she actually has the job)? And of course, in such a case super-Liv would run Susan's campaign against Mellie (probably with Cyrus). This doesn't sound like a great plan.
  19. See, I usually hate these little stunt casting moments for the most part, but at least this one played into the story and was painless (Good Wife as done the same thing with political types). Did like that Russell actually sided with Bess for once, and it rang true because he was in favor of making the deal with the kidnappers for practical reasons. Overall, another good episode.
  20. The thing that really bothered me: Why did they shoot Liza in the face? I mean, the back of the head would work, and Chris wouldn't have had to see his mother with a hole in the middle of her forehead. And hey, Travis, how about throwing your shirt over the corpse to give her a little dignity, or comforting your son when he gets to the beach. What a D-Bag. It was the best episode of the season, and I'll likely give season 2 a shot.
  21. I seriously think this is heading toward a very soapy "Who Shot Veronica?" storyline. I mean who doesn't want to kill her, or won't when they find out what she's done. Celina (doesn't care) and Oscar (doesn't know her) are about it. I don't think ultimately David or Jeffrey will harm her. Everyone else would make the suspect list: Candace, Hanna and Benny for letting out Quincy. Jim, Kathryn and Wyatt for Wyatt's rape. Quincy for turning on him. Melissa for all the things about her family. Maggie and Landon because they are sick of her sh*t.
  22. With the sudden emergence of the baby Carmen gave away, I'm calling it right here: Katy is Carmen's daughter.
  23. I think Jim will get his mojo back when he beats on Prof. Rapey. Or does he get the Malones to handle it? I think Rapey's justifiable fate would be to be locked in a room with Katherine and her bottle.
  24. Yea!! Prof. Rapey is finally going to get dealt with. I was afraid they forgot about him. The Oscar Candace scene was good, as was Candi/Katherine/Jim. The double sex scene was a bit odd because it featured a brother and sister, and Veronica kept her underwear on during sex, which also looked funny. It seems like the storylines are moving a bit.
  25. A few observations: Quinn and Rachel were vile, as was Chet as usual, but Shia broke the law. She has to go down for this, and I assume she'll panic. Quinn know owns 40% of a show which could be sued into oblivion. But I think they get out of it. There are cameras everywhere on the set. Want to bet there was one in the husband's holding trailer, and thus caught him taunting Mary about her daughter being better off without her? There goes his law suit.
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