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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. It killed me that Grisham thinks the problem is accurately calling someone dumb instead of MTG calling anyone who votes for a Supreme Court justice "pro-pedophile." It's sort of passing the blame away from the person who's responsible. Instead of MTG being the problem for saying denigrating things about Jackson, Romney, etc. or LGBT, for example (which Grisham pointed out was a reason they hate Jackson)--no, it's the other side's fault for pegging her as "stupid" for saying the things she says about those people and groups... Pamela Anderson looks like she's aged hard since the last time she was on The View (which was only a year or two ago?)--mostly referring to her face. She looked like Caroline Rhea a bit today, and that's not something I'd ever thought about her before. I suppose it could just be bad work done.
  2. I thought he seemed out of Phil's league, too. I just thought it must be one of those things where the good personality adds a great deal to the + column. Some of those poses he was making while eating the fries made me laugh, and the cheerleading. Cheyenne Jackson's voice is glorious, so I enjoyed that scene with Max and the others dancing mostly because of the song in the background. Kudos to the show making the actor's two biggest assets, his voice and his looks, a big part of the show, between the song here and the kilt scene last week (then there were the jogging pants a few episodes back).
  3. I really enjoy Noah's voice... One of the very few country guys they've found that I like. I mean, they've found plenty of great country women over the years, but very seldom have I liked the guys they've put on this show. Laine Hardy was another one. I can only really think of Aaron Kelly besides that, unless I cheat and include Casey James (he put out a country album despite his sound on the show). I can't believe the guy who sung with Nicolina on "The Prayer" was that bad... I mean, he was just awful to me. The last show, even though his genre isn't one I'm much interested in, his voice was pretty impressive. What a turn-around there. I'm glad Jay, Nicolina, Kevin, and Kenedi made it through. I don't get what is so well-liked on the show about the country woman who was part of "Backwood Mac"... She seems as if she's going for a Miranda Lambert vibe, but I don't think she sounds very good... I believe this is the first time I've seen the girl who was in the duo where the guy was too loud and was sent home. She did have a good voice from what little we heard of her. It'll be interesting to hear something else by her in the next round. I liked Fitz last episode, but Leah (I believe that's her name) totally oversang him here. Sometimes being the guy in a duet can be a thankless role. I don't like Leah, I'm not sure why; I hope Fitz'll do better on his solo performances coming up because that duet on "Locked Out of Heaven" was horrid to me. That reminds me, the guy who was helping Jay and his partner rehearse came across incredibly rude. Maybe it was just the editing that made it look worse, but it was like the guy was going at them a mile a minute. When he asked the question about what the song is about, it felt more like he "gotcha'd" Jay without barely giving him any time to process the question and respond before starting to lecture him. Could've been something done for faux TV drama, but that guy kind of made me mad, especially since his notes were put through to the judges apparently, with Katy bringing it up.
  4. I personally didn't like Ian because he seemed very annoyed when Jane said that Jaya (I believe that was her name--the woman who streamed video game playthroughs) was the strongest link at the beginning of one round. Surprisingly, I ended up liking both of the final two. This lot were much better than the last few shows, but I didn't understand why they wouldn't bank. Almost the whole game, they would go up and up, and not bank until 6-7 answers in. That was really risky although it did work out a couple of times.
  5. Yeah, it was clear this episode he's being setup to go that direction. As the season goes along, the father becomes more likable, whereas the colonel becomes more of a villain. I wish I liked the actor for the father, but... Meh. I paid more attention to Alexander Vlahos this episode, knowing who the actor is now. Something about the haircut and the sideburns... He looks a great deal like Tom Courtenay, even though he's much younger.
  6. Too bad I didn't check this thread, I would've liked to have seen how Paula would've done on this show.
  7. Yeah, I loved David Cook even if I had rooted for Archuleta and Carly Smithson. He, Kris Allen, and Laine Hardy are the only WGWGs I liked out of the ten or so there are.
  8. Not excited about Grisham, but after this past week, I realized it could be worse. Can't wait to see Friday, for both Buttigieg and a LeAnn Rimes performance. It is a bit odd that Rimes will be co-hosting though?
  9. I'm sure they are friends. I still don't like her, personally. Wendy Williams has also hung out at Joy's house, from what I remember, wouldn't want to watch her every day either. I think Joy is even friends with Ann Coulter. I do like both Sunny and Ana. I probably like Sunny less than I once did, overall, even though I'd never want her off the show since she comes to the table with information ready, and Ana I probably would never love 100% since I disagree with her on a lot of things even though I find her entertaining. Joy's really the only one that hits all the boxes for me where I agree with her most of the time while also finding her funny / likable, with Ana coming next and Sunny and Sara somewhere behind that. Whoopi, I generally don't like, but I do agree with her occasionally in spite of that and she makes me laugh occasionally. Anyway, I sort of thought it was funny how on Wednesday's show, Whoopi sort of smirked at the camera when Tara was overtalking Sunny, trying not to even let her get two sentences out before interrupting her. It ended up coming back on Whoopi, with Tara doing the same thing to her yesterday during the Oscars stuff.
  10. Nah, I like both Sunny and Ana. Whereas I hate Tara as a panelist. I hope you're right that she sunk her chances trying to shout over Whoopi continuously like that. I thought Whoopi was about to scream, "LET ME FINISH!" at one point, but surprisingly restrained herself.
  11. Definitely the best show this week, thanks to no Tara. Well, that, and receding focus on Will Smith. Chelsea surprisingly caused one of the funnier moments when she said, "Trump ate the Republican Party" and that maybe Graham is still in Trump's belly, lol. Coming after the past three days, this show is a perfect example about what's right with Ana and wrong with Tara. Ana was willing to admit she'd been wrong about Lindsey Graham, while also arguing back against Sunny on the point about why she's still in the party. No overtalking, no shouting, no condescending nonsense. She could let other people speak, and after they argue, quickly move along and keep things lighthearted. She is definitely a rare find, that's for sure. Only a shame she can't brighten The View every day.
  12. Whoopi liked Mia, too, from what I remember. I'd take her any day of the week over this woman, ugh. Ana, she is NOT. Ana is fun and likable even when I disagree with her. Yesterday when they were talking about infrastructure, she pissed me off the way she talked over Sunny. The other three tried to let her speak her full thoughts, but she couldn't return the favor and started loudtalking over Sunny. I was glad Sunny started shouting back at that asshole.
  13. Sunny and Jedidiah were there at the tail-end of Raven's time. Raven got the boot soon after. I thought Raven's wife said that Whoopi had a painting of Raven's that she would like to have.
  14. Tara is gross and a liar, and that's why I can't stand her. That she can say with a straight face that things were like this in the '90s, please, lady, get a reality check. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife--not the first president to commit that crime, for one--but it also happened in his second term. He didn't run on and "get away with" the affair by being voted back into office the way Trump was voted in despite a massive list of crimes and misbehavior. Btw, Tara's eyes are very distinctive. I wonder if she wears contacts to make her eyes look that way. Either way, she looks like a snake-eyed gorgon at times, but maybe that impression is more pronounced by the things she says.
  15. I think it's more likely this will resolve the character's money problems. I could see if, say, Oscar and Kat do end up breaking up at some point, that the possibility that Max could be about to leave coming soon after that breakup could trigger Kat to initiate something with him more quickly.
  16. Wow, I didn't either! He was much more handsome on Merlin back then, not to say he's bad-looking now. Face-wise, he's changed a great deal. Sometimes I think shows make actors look worse when they're playing bad characters, so that could be it. Edward's actor was much better-looking in the first season without that mustache... I don't mind the Clara character appearing again as much as Edward. I just assumed we would see Clara again via Charlotte happening upon her in some poor neighborhood, for example.
  17. I think the artist is interested in Lambe, but--and I could have this really wrong, I don't know--I think Arthur is misinterpreting artist guy as being interested in him. I feel like Arthur is going to end up revealing something about himself that artist guy then blackmails to get closer to Lambe. I can't quite recall everything about the Arthur character, but I do remember him saying he wasn't interested in marriage in episode 1 of the new season...
  18. I never liked him either. *shrug* That said, I had learned he wrote a song I like ("Ashes" sung by Celine Dion, the Deadpool 2 theme), so I was trying to be open to the song itself. I was indifferent to it though. I forgot about it until I was reading back now, but I remembered country guy ("Let's fire it up!" or whatever his song was). I don't know if it was just me--he was really, really cute--but he did this weird thing with his arm the whole performance, sort of like he was waving a car into the barn or something. He just never stopped doing it. I know it had to be a nervous tic, still I couldn't help cringing, on top of the fact that the song just kept repeating the same words over and over and over and over.
  19. I'm feeling a little letdown by the recent episode. Now I feel like they are setting her up to end with the father rather than the colonel. /sigh And then she'll be the mother those poor orphans need, or whatever. As much as that disappoints me since I like the colonel better, I guess that would be in line with the protagonist's tastes. The first guy who's dead now was a jerk, thefather's a jerk--she apparently likes jerks, lol.
  20. Because at the end of the day it's still a show. They know their ratings would absolutely flatline if 11 of the 12 finalists were all country artists or all R&B artists, for example. They like to have a mixture of genres in an attempt to please everyone, I believe. As for Jordin, she was singing a cappella. It wasn't perfect by her standards, but I didn't think it was outright bad either. I was surprised when somebody was singing "To Love Somebody" earlier in the show and she wasn't the counselor (that's before I realized they were sorting by genre). I just thought they'd have her advise them since that was one of her performances that was well-remembered.
  21. On that second topic, I don't feel like the two points are mutually exclusive. Tara is right that the U.S. is ultimately a moderate country and going further left is the wrong move, but Joy is right that AOC had a point that expecting the opposition or Manchin and Sinema to agree to anything was very naive on Biden's part--and that ultimately sunk the bill. I was glad they focused more on Chris Rock today. I know perhaps he doesn't want much attention from the story, to be called a victim and all that, but he was.
  22. I agree. I think Joy said that yesterday, that if he wanted to make a stateme, he should've walked out like she did years ago to Bill O'Reilly. No doubt it couldn't have been any worse. People would've still mocked him for not being able to take a joke, but the Oscar's would've had egg on their face when he was announced as Best Actor and wasn't there.
  23. Yes.... She wanted it to be clear she wasn't defending him because she wasn't defending him, regardless of Tara being an asshole.
  24. Considering Whoopi has defended Will Smith and nobody contradicts her, I don't think a producer would be blasting in Joy's ear over the matter.
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