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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. I'm not surprised about low salary. The highest any of the newest people get paid is 1 million unless they're a big star. Especially since the show's been doing fine in the ratings even with nobody in that seat, they probably didn't feel the need to dish out much to whoever they did sign.
  2. There were much better men they could've picked, but I thought it was a bad choice all around. I hope The View never goes that route.
  3. If you're that determined that I "fix" my post, I suppose I'll correct it to say that I disagree with Sara and you. 😛
  4. Oh, really? Well, the thing is... I believe they reached out to Elisabeth and Jedidiah first when looking to fill the seat, but both put themselves off-limits because they wouldn't comply with ABC's vaccine requirements. Perhaps Elisabeth's changing her mind now they're about to move on to someone else, lol. So agreed with this. Adding guys to the show was the worst decision The Talk could've made, imo. No interest.
  5. Alyssa: Blahblahblah. Manchin is not a "moderate," he is a conservative Democrat. And hard disagree with Sara. The only thing Manchin ever stood for was his wallet.
  6. I'm not a fan of Alyssa, but I knew I most likely wouldn't be a fan of whoever they hired, particularly after it came down to four in the running (Tara, Stephanie, Alyssa, Lindsey). The only conservatives they've had on this show I've liked are Ana and Paula (I liked Paula in spite of her views since she could turn them off and get along with the others). Alyssa couldn't ruin this show even if she tried her worst. Sunny alone could handle her. I definitely respect anyone who chooses to drop the show because of her though, but for me Joy, Sara, Sunny, and Ana are still enough to keep watching. I personally found Jedidiah and especially McCain much worse... Those two may have not been in the administration, but they defended it the same as if they were, so....
  7. For what it's worth, the press has often got things wrong about Ana when speculating about The View, I believe when they hired Abby and so on, they said the same thing, that she'd been "passed over," which I don't think is true. Ana's been pretty consistent that she can't be there every day. Even with an open seat all season, the only times she's been there more than two days was whenever something is going on with the other co-hosts or there's something special with the show (like when Whoopi had her mea culpa earlier this year or the Bahamas week).
  8. I agree with Joy, too--I'll believe it when I see it when it comes to Trump being held accountable. This is all hot air from Garland because people have called out the DoJ for having one standard for Trump and one standard for everyone else involved in January 6th. Nobody is supposed to be above the law, but clearly there are people above the law these days when having been in the Oval Office means you're given a pass because it would be "disruptive" to charge you for your crimes.
  9. And out of fairness to those who don't like her, Alyssa said on the show both today and in the past that her father fell out with her because she resigned in December 2020, not because they disagreed over any of these things... She did work in an administration that aligned with many of these same sentiments, too.
  10. A Frog Named Earl: A Tale of Adventure, Courage, Friendship and Acceptance by E. Trewin and S. Beyer Invisible Storm: A Soldier's Memoir of Politics and PTSD by Jason Kander
  11. Sara was right to a degree when they were talking about so many refused to codify same-sex marriage and she said they simply didn't want to give Biden, Pelosi, etc. a "win," but it's worse than that. They wouldn't vote to codify those rights even if they were in power and could give themselves the win, because they are against those freedoms outright. Sort of goes back to something Whoopi said yesterday that is true, that when they come for one group, they eventually go for all of them.
  12. Ana had a good one-liner response to Gaetz, which is really all he's worth, but I did think Sara had the best comments on that one. She's right that he's another one whose idea of policy revolves around whatever has affected him personally and since he's not a woman, he doesn't care. Also, as Whoopi brought up on the show, I'm not surprised someone accused of trafficking women like property doesn't care about women's rights. Whoopi looked totally unlike herself in that film clip. She must've filmed it back during the pandemic or around the time the show first returned to in-studio shows.
  13. She is, unfortunately. I agree about her sounding congested, but her voice has sort of always sounded that way to me? I hope she doesn't have anything though. Lindsey hasn't been as bad this week as in the past--that's a low bar, admittedly--but you know she's just playing nice to get the job the way most of them are.
  14. That video of Hawley is hilarious.
  15. Shows I only watch in passing like cooking shows, I rarely remember the names of the hosts / judges after I turn them off. However, I actually *do* remember Mary Berry from the same show just because I liked her a great deal. I still had Tuesday's show on DVR and skimmed over it before deleting this morning. Everyone looked great on yesterday's show, which seldom happens with all of them at the same time. The hair, makeup, and outfits were all great, imo.
  16. Sara apparently missed where Joy said purple states...
  17. Sorry, Whoops, Thomas did not mention Loving--because it affects him personally. While everyone else is a second class citizen. Loved Joy making the comparison to Nancy Reagan's reverse on stem cell research when her husband developed Alzheimer's because it's true, they only care when something affects them personally. And, to Lindsey, codification by Congress can be overruled by the Supreme Court. Even if it had happened over the past thirty years, it wouldn't change anything. What a hollow deflection.
  18. I didn't connect the name listed for today with The Great British Baking Show. That was a better fluff interview than usual, at least. Boring show though other than Joy telling the other ladies (sans Whoopi), "I'll pray for you," when they were talking about monogamy. 😂
  19. Me either. I think they're both assholes in real life. I knew JLO was from watching American Idol all these year and Ben Affleck because of everything he put Jennifer Garner through. I always thought Garner was way too good for him, tbh... Publicity?
  20. I agreed with Ana that the unfortunate reality is the president has to do what has to be done to get gas prices down. And it isn't like we haven't always been taking oil from countries like this. I mean, that's why gas prices went up as soon as Russian oil was banned in response to their attack on Ukraine. Sunny mentioned the price-gouging bill, but everyone knows Manchin will block that from passing, which leaves Biden with few options left. Manchin does deserve the blame for this, as Sunny said, but simply blaming him won't change gas prices. Thankfully Joy and Sara are back and both are alright. I'm glad Lindsey wasn't there the first day they were back.
  21. Looking forward to Longoria and Warnock.
  22. Today was decent. I like when Dan Abrams drops by, plus the opening topic was worth sticking around to hear the reactions to, unlike most of the stuff this week. I believe Alyssa will be the new co-host most likely. That's not an endorsement, just I've thought she was the one they would hire since around November of last year, lol. Sunny's been grating for a while now. That week when Amber Ruffin and Jane Lynch were there was when my view of Ana started to shift. Ever since, I see her a bit differently, and both she and Sunny have this weird vibe going on together versus the others. I still like them, just sometimes there are things they do that are tiresome to me.
  23. I thought Juju Chang and Chelsea Clinton were nice, but I didn't think the panel had much chemistry as a whole. *shrug* The show was a little dull for me. And, IDK, having Sara and Joy absent reminds me how I don't like Ana and Sunny as much as I used to; I don't dislike them like I do Whoopi, they just end up getting on my nerves around 30% of the time is all. At least tomorrow's the last show of this low energy week. I wish Sara could be back, too, even though I expect that may not be possible yet, but hopefully Joy might be back at least.
  24. I watched since Chelsea Clinton and Giffords are both there today. In the first segment, Alyssa actually called herself an "environmentalist," lol. She'll call herself anything as the need arises apparently. The show should've just stayed on break another week if they could only manage to have two of the cast available. Any show where Whoopi has the most airtime is usually a bad one, imo.
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