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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. I feel like the loud bang could have been anything falling in that building, but the chime was interesting. Even before they said anything, I thought it sounded like an elevator chime. I wish they would have tried to debunk it, but I guess they didn’t want to waste time on it.
  2. Are you sure those aren’t lyrics to a Billie Eilish song? 😆 I think both Chris and Gabriel overreacted, but I can see why Chris got so upset. It did sound like a personal attack on his character and upbringing.
  3. JR because he guessed Chris’ relative wrong. If you have a DVR, you can probably watch the episode on Demand through your cable company.
  4. I did! I just happened to come across it and saw that Josh was in the episode, so I watched it. I don’t believe in ghosts, and I have a hard time believing Jess every time she experiences something, so I just try to debunk everything. The photo they took with the shadow was interesting, along with the mass grave. I’m glad they were able to make a match with one of the markers. Josh getting a scratchy voice all of a sudden was also interesting, but it seemed to go away a little while later. And it probably could have just been due to dust or something nasty in the air.
  5. Yes, she said that, but I think she was being facetious. I think she’s going to a camp for troubled teens, due to her hitting a classmate, and probably other behavior we don’t know about.
  6. Thanks, but I meant I wish they would have shown Gabriel's paper shredding clue. With JR saying he didn't even need to look at it, and Hugo's team not getting to it in time, I don't think they showed it on air. I also don't understand why Karsyn didn't look at it, because before the competition, she mentioned that she needed clues for Gabriel.
  7. I’m starting to think that if the players were actually told that Chris’ relative is Donny Osmond, most of them would be like, Who? I thought for sure Karsyn was going home tonight. She’ll probably be going home soon though since everyone seems to know who her relative is. How stupid of that JR to not even look at the clue for Gabriel because he was so sure that he knew the answer. But he’s wrong. I would have liked to have seen what [Gabriel's] paper shredding clue was. I don’t think they showed it. I teared up a little when Hugo was talking about his grandfather. I thought his words were heartfelt. Also loved Chris’ Elton John impression!
  8. She hasn’t really annoyed me until this episode. That scene was just ridiculous. I felt like I was reading fan fiction written by a 15 year old girl. The fact that it was written by a grown man is laughable. Then when she told her father that the tornado was beautiful… really? Was it beautiful when you were screaming your head off?
  9. The only part of that I guessed correctly was curb, since they showed a car on a curb. I guess if you just thought about things in entertainment that have the word curb in them, it might come to you. Then the other clues would make sense. A finger pointing to you and a person throwing their arms up. I think the last icon of the acting mask means actor.
  10. Was he expecting to fall off his horse? Elsa was doing the same job he was, but she had short sleeves on. Which again, was dumb, because you'd want to wear long sleeves to protect yourself from the sun. And then there's Naomi wearing all that jewelry. I just think some of the costuming wasn't very practical or accurate.
  11. I had to click the spoiler to see if my hunch was correct, and it was! I only guessed it due to the: But he said his clue was the cheese, and I was stumped by that. I was thinking maybe the swiss part referred to someone from Switzerland, so again, I was stumped. I think you're right about what it refers to, although I never would have gotten that. Maybe the younger people on the show might know.
  12. If it means Champion though, it would just be Champion Driver, which Jeff Gordon and Dale Jr both are. Dale Jr has won 2 Xfinity series championships. But I doubt any of the contestants even know what any of the NASCAR series are called. Also, Champion could be used in just the broad sense of the word, and could simply mean winner of a race.
  13. It might have looked cool, but I bet it smelled! I never did understand why he continued to wear a leather jacket when it was apparently so hot out that most of the women were going sleeveless.
  14. I could be wrong, but I thought the doll, which looked like a Russian nesting doll, is where she got “rush in” from. I don’t know where she got fool from though.
  15. I think yourmomiseasy was right and they're supposed to be hard drives (drives). 8 track players don't have the arm like a hard drive does. I think they could have come up with a better image for drive, but maybe they wanted to make it harder. It's pretty basic otherwise.
  16. It’s different than how I interpreted Chris’ clue, but the way she did actually made some sense. But like someone else posted above, Elvis doesn’t have many relatives. I know who Karsyn’s relative is and I was still a bit confused by her clue. Here’s a picture: https://preview.redd.it/3v0iuca6o8bb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=c543b7646ec984b68734b1196dc90c13e6431259
  17. Hmm I don’t see a cowbell. Are you looking at the pyramid shaped bottom of the weird trophy? You can zoom in on the first photo pretty far to see detail. There is a bell on the left side by the bloody knife, but it’s not a cowbell.
  18. I was looking for a picture the other day, and found this one: https://preview.redd.it/clue-wall-season-2-v0-kf03cwnl2w8b1.jpg?auto=webp&s=370051d2eddb3c26c7da4707a3f3cdcecbacd49a But then when I watched the show, I noticed it was a bit different. Some objects had been moved around, and some were swapped out, so I'm not sure where that picture on reddit is from. Here's another picture: https://media.distractify.com/brand-img/W75VzxnCF/2160x1131/claim-to-fame-clue-wall-1688057061138.jpg
  19. This is my first time watching the show. I caught some of the first episode but wasn’t really paying attention. When they showed Karsyn, I knew I had seen her before but it wasn’t until they put her name on the screen that I remembered who she is. She is… I felt bad for Travis. But he just looks so much like his dad, and rattling off pi didn’t help things. Definitely seems like some players are at a disadvantage just due to their looks or obvious clues.
  20. Although I’ll continue to watch the show, it definitely won’t be the same without Blake. I’m not a country fan, but he just seems like a genuine, funny, caring person and he was a great coach. I was surprised to see that Gwen will be a coach next season. I thought Blake had said that one of the reasons he was retiring was so that he could spend more time with Gwen. i enjoyed the tribute to Blake with the past contestants, even though I only remembered a few of them. And my favorite contestant won, which hardly ever happens!
  21. I wasn’t paying 100% attention, so I didn’t realize that Muncy was leaving until the very end when she was packing up her stuff. Does anyone know the reason for her being written off the show? I thought it might be due to the viewers not liking her character. Fingers crossed for Bruno joining full time next season!
  22. Although I agree that David should have won, I really didn't care, because it's just a silly singing competition show. But for such a silly show, it sure made me shed a few tears! David is so brave to share his story. I would consider Bishop Briggs to be a one-hit wonder, but I'm surprised so many of you hadn't heard River. I feel like it was all over the place about 5 years ago. And Jewel sang it on the show, so you would have at least heard it there. The song on the album definitely sounds better than it does when she sings it live. I think she tries to put too much emotion in the song, which makes her get shouty. When she was singing at the end of the show, I thought Jenny was "singing" along, which didn't sound good, but then I realized it was Bishop. She kept going in between a singing voice and shouty voice, and it just sounded bad. I wonder if she sounds like that on tour.
  23. Have you watched any of the Jane Eyre adaptations? Also, I’d recommend Miss Scarlet and the Duke to anyone. It’s a later period, and not really a romance, although there are hints of one. Bonfire of Destiny and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, both on Netflix, were pretty good too.
  24. I thought it was the boy who took it, and I thought I remember blinds, so I thought it was through a window. But I was confused on when it was taken. The victim said the husband only watched, until the night she got raped, but the video showed him moving on top of her. So if the video was taken that night, did the kid not film the rape part? Also, he seemed super chill about what he filmed and it annoyed me that he didn't mention it at the very beginning. I thought right away that the perp was going to be the husband, not the school kids. SVU loves to do the bait and switch to shock people. I didn't guess the wife being involved though. I hope Bruno is back soon. I saw that the actor is on another show with Amy Schumer. Hopefully that show gets canceled so he can commit to SVU. heh
  25. My take was that he accidentally choked, and she didn't help, which I thought made her look really heartless. Her husband might have been a creep and guilty of the crimes he was accused of, but he didn't deserve to die. And then she told Olivia that she still loved him. I didn't really understand the point of her meeting with Olivia. It just made her seem sketchy, even though we know she didn't cause him to choke. Also, if she was trying to seem not guilty, maybe she should have tried to sound a little more frantic on the phone call to 911.
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