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Everything posted by LeeLeePanda

  1. To change the subject for a moment, I'm impressed with whomever is running the Sleepy Hollow Facebook page these days. I love that they are posting so many pictures of Abbie. I guess they fired the person who ran it last season. I'm loving it!
  2. Perhaps I should clarify. I guess I shouldn't say that pilots shouldn't be considered canon. I just don't have a problem with things that happen in the pilot being retconned because I know that things change from pilot to second episode. I like to give the 6 episode lee way because that's usually how long it takes a tv show to get a full season order. I'll admit that the tone of Sleepy Hollow didn't change much from the pilot to season 1 finale. But if retconning something from the pilot is what we need to get back track for season 3, I'll gladly ignore it and suspend my disbelief. And I say that as an Ichabbie shipper whoes hopping for some action this season.
  3. I posted this in the unpopular opinion thread, and I hope it's ok to post here. The retcon of Abby going to Quantico doesn't bother me because I don't think pilots should be considered canon. Some much can and will change between when a pilot is shot, and when the rest of the season is shot. Plots that sound great on paper fizzle on screen. Actors availability change. A pilots point is to get the network to pick up a show, and get the attention of an audience. I'm also ok with anything from the first 6 episodes being changed. After that I start to side eye TPTB's intentions.
  4. Really weird unpopular opinion of mine: It doesn't upset me if a show retcons something that happened in the pilot. I don't consider pilots to be canon. The purpose of a pilot is to get a network to order a show, and so many things can and will change from then and the first episode. I actually like to give leeway for the pilot and first 6 episodes, since everyone is still trying to figure out what works. Which brings me to another unpopular opinion:'I don't care if tptb don't have everything planned out for a series all at once. Plots that sound amazing on paper may be crap when actually executed. Actors come and go as their fame rises. Producers leave. The only thing that matters to me is that I'm entertained.
  5. I just finished read Kindred by Octavia Butler. Wow, such a good book. Someone needs to turn into a movie with Nicole Beharie as Dana.
  6. What Ten did to Harriet Jones was despicable and cruel. I could never get into him for that moment alone.
  7. I was digging the episode up until the last 5 minutes. I used to be a Olitz shipper, but can't stand them together anymore. Fitz and Mellie were a joy to watch when they were working as a team. I found Fitz to be likable he was rooting for Mellie. Now he's back to being the absolute worst.
  8. I really hope they do a big media push for them this season. i especially hope to see them capitalize on Tom and Nicole's chemistry, like a glitzy spread in Entertainment Weekly, or a sexy shoot for Rolling Stone. My dream is a feature in Esquire, if only to see Tom in a suit. There's nothing like a handsome man in a well tailored suit ;).
  9. I'm actually peeved about this. I'm a fan of both shows, and make a point to watch both live so I can follow the live tweets. Maybe I'll watch Sleepy Hollow live, and follow the West Coast tweet feed for Scandal. I like Hawley too. I'm cool with him coming back ever so often. I wouldn't mind seeing Orion again also. Bring back all the man candy, just as long as it's not at the expense of the main characters.
  10. I hated Locke. I thought he was insufferable.
  11. I actually hope they'll let Abbie be a bit more sexy this season. It's kinda rare to see a black female lead as a sex symbol on network TV. Maybe we can see her dress up for a night on the town, or in a little black dress while on a date. Maybe she can take Crane to a pool to teach him to swim, and scandalize him by wearing a bikini ;)
  12. Amandla Sondberg, aka Macey, is a BAMF at 16! http://www.buzzfeed.com/emaoconnor/rue-just-perfectly-defined-cultural-appropriation?bffb&utm_term=4ldqpgp#.vg8XdvOyp Mic.Drop.
  13. Oh horrors! Sleepy Hollow may turn into a BLACK show! Someone get her a fainting couch! In all seriousness, this Sandra person sounds like a loon. There's being passionate about a show, and then there's being disturbingly obsessed. Gosh, I wonder would happen if she tweeted to Orlando? Edit to note the sarcasm of the first part of my post.
  14. I love Shade Court! I'm seriously thinking about submitting this to Judge Kara Brown.
  15. A lot of people use the phrase shade incorrectly. They think it means any burn or insult. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is shade at it's finest. John Noble, I may have disliked your character, but I love your way with words.
  16. Fellow Minnesotan here, and I don't even bother with the weather forecast anymore. It's cold, colder, or frigid during the winter; why bother?
  17. Full disclosure, I know Ciara (we've performed together) and I'm very excited to see what she will do with this role. She graduated from college less than 2 years ago, and got cast in her first Broadway show almost immediately. I know I'm biased, but she's a fierce actress with an amazing voice, and will be awesome to watch.
  18. Tom is scheduled to appear at The Wizard World Comic Con in Las Vegas this April. I can only wonder what juicy tidbits he'll reveal during his panel! Also, I really hope they can get him for the stop in my city. I worked at a coffee shop in the convention center during last years Wizard World, and it was nuts! I ran into Sean Astin in the prep room right after he finished his panel. I literally froze like a deer in the headlights, then remembered I needed cups and got back to work. Good times! http://www.wizardworld.com/tommison.html
  19. I'm glad he didn't mince words about his feeling for this past season. I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been to see something he worked his ass off nearly get canceled due to incompetence. On a lighter note, I love his idea for a heist episode!
  20. This show. This bat shit crazy show. I stuck with it for 6 years. I enjoyed it all, through the good and the God awful. I'm going to miss Glee, I really will.
  21. I don't think Lea or Jenna were acting at all.
  22. Oh Cory. He was so young. Ok, I'm tearing up now.
  23. I'm back from the Orlando Jones Tumblr rabbit hole to squee with joy with my fellow Sleepyheads! It's funny, I found out about the renewal while waiting for my appointment at the dentists office. They were 45 minutes late, and I was about to go off on someone. Reading the news about the renewal calmed me down and kept me from acting a fool. I still need to get a root canal, but knowing that we got a season 3 almost makes up for it ;)
  24. Bless that girl for thinking she could take on Trollando. The man has no qualm talking shit about the people who pay him, why did she think she could rattle him? SMH. In other news, I've decided to dive down the rabbit hole that his Orlandos tumblr. Please send a search party if I'm not back in a few days ;)
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