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Everything posted by LeeLeePanda

  1. I liked it for the most part. I'm glad that no one got violently killed or maimed, Vanessa's dad being the exception. I love that Fitz finally showed some growth. I used to be a huge Olitz stan, but then Fitz became the worst and I couldn't cape for them anymore. I liked that he acknowledged how he didn't listen, and that he respected Olivia's choice. I was oddly touched by Tom being in love with Cyrus, though it came out of nowhere. I'm here for Grant/Ballard vs Vargas/Beene. I would have loved to see Mellie and Susan Ross run together, but I understand why she had to go with a man. Not a fan of Rowan's manipulating Olivia again, but it wasn't the worst way to end a season. After the debacle with Sleepy Hollow, which was the only other show I watch regularly, I'll take slightly boring but promising.
  2. Oh, I waver between wanting the show to be renewed so they can fix this mess, and hoping it gets canceled. I want them to get on their hands and knees and beg Nicole to come back. Make it all a dream, find a loophole, just get her back. I just don't want it to end the way it did.
  3. Abbie Mills was The American Dream I feel like Princess took all of my thoughts on why Abbie's death hit so hard and wrote a damn fine article on it. The stupid show ended more than a month ago and I'm still hurting. It's literally affecting my enjoyment of other TV shows. I feel like I'm going crazy. Does anyone else still feel this way?
  4. I wore purple to work on Friday and Saturday. I had a doctors appointment Friday morning, and my doctor wore purple for Prince. It was really endearing.
  5. I was one of the people in that crowd. I don't think I've ever seen so many people downtown at one time. I left a little before midnight, but had friends who stayed at First Ave until 7 in the morning. Minneapolis loves him, and it's just so painful that he's gone.
  6. Guys, this month sucks so much. I just started feeling less mopey about the Sleepy Hollow finale, and then Prince died. I'm all up in my feelings right now.
  7. It's unfortunate that people are throwing blame at Tom. That's why I said he's literally the only person I feel bad for other than Nicole. He's been a class act the entire time, and doesn't deserve any scorn.
  8. I had to unfollow the show on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the comments left there made me see red. Too many people came of the wood work to talk about how Abbie was replaceable, boring, worthless, not interesting, ect. Ugh.
  9. I don't want the show to get canceled, but for selfish reasons. I'm a huge Pollyanna, and there's this part of me that hopes that tptb see how much they screwed up. I want them to get down on their knees and beg Nicole to come back to fix things. I want to see Ichabbie get a proper goodbye. I don't want the show to end the way it did. I know the world doesn't work that way, and they think we're just whiny children. So I want the show to come back so they can see the ratings tank. I'm petty. I want them to understand how much of a mess they made. UO 2: the only person that I truly feel bad for (other than Nicole) is Tom. If they're renewed he's stuck in this shitstorm for at least 15 episodes. Lyndie gets major side eye for dissing Ichabbie and defending the writers. I don't actually care about Niki Reed or Lance Gross. Oh, I guess I feel bad for the girl who plays Sophie. I actually liked her, and felt bad that she got stuck in this mess.
  10. I'm an semi professional actress who mostly does stage stuff. This mess is why I have almost no desire to act in films or tv. The theatre world is by no means perfect, but I've played so many cool characters on stage that I know I'd never even be considered for on screen. It's so depressing.
  11. That's the kicker! It's like they've never heard the phrases "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"! The first season wasn't perfect, but it was definitely entertaining.
  12. Same here. Mison and Beharie made the show. The show worked because of them together. There was some speculation that Crane would be killed off a few weeks ago, and I thought it was so silly. I honestly thought the writers wouldn't be so stupid to kill off the lead of the show. I totally overestimated them.
  13. I recently read Kindred by Octavia Butler, and I really would love to see Nicole as Dana and Tom as Kevin if its ever adapted into a movie. It will never happen, but a girl can dream.
  14. Wait a minute. He screwed up the show, and now his fee fees are hurt cause folks are calling him out on his shit? Somebody call the whaaaablance!
  15. I'm curious to how Crane got The Horseman's head back. I know it wasn't destroyed when THO exploded The Kindred, but how did Crane know that? Where did he find it?
  16. One of the weirdest things about all of this is finding out that I know people who have either worked with Nicole Beharie or worked on the Sleepy Hollow set. Most of them have great things to say about her. Some of my friends were supposed to go visit the set this fall. I'll have to dig around and see if anyone has some dirt on what went down. I just did the Project Fox survey. I wish Howlers existed in real life, because they just got the written version of one.
  17. I was literally about to post this. I don't know if I have the strength to correct the misinformed commenters who think this is a good thing for Nicole. That being said, I'm glad that the media is picking up on how screwed up this is. What can I say, I'm petty.
  18. I agree with your entire post. I literally thought they'd find away to bring her back up until the last second of the show. I didn't think they'd be that stupid to actually kill Abbie off. I hate being wrong. Abbie and Crane were what made the show work. I say that as someone who was a shipper, but loved to watch them together platonically. This has been such a hard week for me. Work was rough, school is stressing me out, and a beloved family passed away. I had such high hopes for the finale. It even started off great with Betsy being sent back to the 18th century. Now I'm on the verge of tears. What a freaking mess.
  19. The only good thing I can say about the finale is that it's proving to me that my new antidepressant is starting to work. I'm angry, but not as much of a mess as I was 2 weeks ago when Danabbie happened.
  20. Folks, I've never been this mad about a tv show screwing things up before. I never do this, but this show is dead to me. I don't care if it comes back, this was the series finale for me.
  21. I thought it looked like Nikola Tesla,lol.
  22. Unlike most folks here, I loved this episode! The characters on this show are unscrupulous people, but they've been that way from the start. This is a show that takes place in Washington DC, which is crawling with terrible people trying to get power. I think it would be unrealistic they werent all assholes. I guess that's why I don't hate most of them. Ok, that's not true. I hate Fitz, but even he was ok this episode. I think the campaign story is pretty interesting. Each character has a mountain to climb, and it's cool to see how they go about doing it. I hate that Susan cheated on her "husband", but compared to the rest of the characters on the show she's still a saint.
  23. I like to think this shows how much of a fighter Abbie is. She kept going and never gave up on her sanity, whereas Betsy put a blanket over her head and took a grief siesta. Then again, I can't blame Betsy. I had to laugh because that's exactly what I would have done.
  24. How accurate is TVByTheNumbers? I think a couple other sites have Sleepy Hollow listed as going either way.
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