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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. So we finally saw the famous Lyanna Stark in Bran's vision....I hope to see more flashbacks in the visions. Maybe we can find out what happened to poor Hodor. And it was interesting that they showed a young Benjen Stark -- might we also find out, finally, what happened to him? I'm surprised they brought Jon back so soon. I thought it would be a bit later in the season. I loved the giant bursting in with the Wildlings and then all the Night's Watch traitors dropping their swords and bows, like "hey, we didn't sign up to fight a freaking GIANT." Arya...will they move that storyline along faster, please? Much as I despise the religious nuts who have taken over King's Landing, I hope they take down all the Lannisters first before someone then takes them out. We didn't see Danerys this week, which is good. I'm bored whenever she's onscreen. Is she ever going to do something, or what? And now we find out all the slaves that she had freed are slaves again, so all that had been a waste of time. Yay to Tyrion for taking the chains off the dragons. Now they know he is a friend. That will be useful later I'm sure. Ramsey...I can't even with Ramsey.
  2. Tyrion pointing out (for the audience) that Varys is a eunuch seemed like very clunky dialogue, and not something Tyrion would say.
  3. I almost started to weep with relief and happiness that Sansa was going to be OK.
  4. Yes, and I agree with the person who said it had a very uneven tone...Quentin's chapter titles and narration were often very funny (along with Penny's sarcastic comment "Yeah, that will make him easier to live with" about Eliot being the High King of Fillory). Also loved the "castle that isn't there because of budget reasons" LOL. Lots of amusing and fun moments throughout. Then boom -- that ending. Julia -- what happened to her and what she did. Penny's hands. Penny screaming. OMG. Horrifying. I just stared at the screen like "what the f**k did I just see?" Other thoughts: - I felt sad for Margo when she learned that Eliot wouldn't be able to leave Fillory ("you're the only person I can stand") -I felt for Eliot when he explained why he was going to go through with it anyway -Will Quentin find Jane and have her re-set the time loop again? She's still alive in Fillory right? -Was that god supposed to be like Loki the trickster god? Does he just like to rape mortals for fun? What's his agenda? And where was the goddess Lady of the Underground or whatever -- why would she let that happen to her followers? -why couldn't they bring the Dean or one of the other teachers to help them fight the Beast -- aren't they master magicians? -loved the whole Narnia setting complete with a faun-looking creature -- until he offers them his semen. Eww. But still kinda funny cause it's that kind of show. -Penny had better be OK because I love him dammit.
  5. Yay, more dragons! Arya learning more stuff! Davos finding out what happened while he was away. The Night's King leading an army! Someone (whose voice was that?) finally stating that the real war is between the living and the dead...and the dead are coming. Winter is here, y'all.
  6. An interesting end to the season. I will probably be back for Season 2, just to see what happens, but for sure it won't be the same without Danny. That actor just brought a special something to the role. I'm not really that interested in Danny's son. But I will be curious to see if they get away with the murder / cover-up. And the question is, do they deserve to?
  7. Wow, what an ending. Even though we knew in the flash-forwards that Danny dies, I wasn't expecting him to go quite like that. But at that point, I can totally understand why John wanted to kill him. I mean, it was still wrong because it was murder, but it didn't seem like the Danny problem was ever going to go away. Danny was determined to destroy all of their lives and was not going to stop. Threatening John's kid was over the line, and if John hadn't killed him, I think someone else would have -- either angry Kevin or the drug dealers. Basically, it was like Danny had a death-wish, or just didn't care if he lived anymore. He felt he had nothing to lose. He hated himself so deeply because of the guilt he felt over Sarah's death. No matter what he said, he knew deep down that her death had really been his fault. (We see this during his drug-induced hallucinations a few episodes back, when he imagines John telling him it was his fault). He has carried that guilt around for years and it was killing him. The guilt was then reinforced by his awful family telling him he's a screw-up all the time and making him into the "black sheep" of the family. The scene of John sitting by the water with Danny's body was just beautiful cinematography.
  8. Yeah apparently you can get a job as a reporter with no experience...and your own office...and no direction from your boss other than "write your own truth."
  9. So, Stick wanted Elektra killed because he knew she was "The Black Sky"? Even though he knew that years ago? But he couldn't kill her as a kid because she had become like a daughter to him?
  10. I agree -- I really liked Elektra and the chemistry she had with Matt.
  11. Kudos to the child actress who played young Elektra -- she was great fighting and in the emotional scenes too. I wish they'd explain what Black Sky is already! Can't Stick give some exposition on that -- or is it that he doesn't know either, just knows it's something destructive? Punisher finally got what he wanted. I'm good with that.
  12. When Claire got thrown out the window, I think my heart stopped for a second. I'm glad she's OK and that she quit that place. I don't want Stick to die, I think the character and actor are really interesting every time they are on screen. But I love Elektra (and her sais) as well...hopefully those crazy kids can work it all out. I love that this show will have an awesome fight scene going on -- Stick vs. Elektra vs. Daredevil -- and then all of a sudden ninjas show up! And it becomes even more awesome! Is the blood from the zombie kids what they use to somehow bring people back from the dead? Seeing Madame Gao again was great. I was intrigued by her in season 1. We still don't know who / what she is.
  13. I was wondering that, too -- why did Stick go to so much trouble to save her life, only to try to kill her later? Just because she's not working for him? Who does she work for now? Great shot with the creepy kids looking out the window and the ninjas silently climbing...what a way to end an episode! I like Fisk as a character and the actor is great. I wondered if Matt was just bluffing in his threat about Vanessa -- can he really keep her out of the country? And I liked his argument to Fisk that Fisk can never leave New York...so many New Yorkers are that way! The city is in their blood! They can't imagine ever leaving. I am liking the Frank / Karen team-up! I like that Karen didn't back down when confronting Frank. She is a strong character, which I like, because I didn't like her much in season 1.
  14. Thanks for putting a name to a face! So then I had to look up Gilles Marini...it was, ahem, research...can this guy just be in every TV show?? He's ridiculously hot.
  15. Yeah, I couldn't watch all of it...I kept covering my eyes! It was too violent even for me (and I loved the ninja fights)
  16. I know...especially Captain Cold...dude is hot in any era.
  17. That's why I hated the movie "Juno." A completely unrealistic, overly happy view at what teenage pregnancy is really like.
  18. Why does everyone remember this scene as shirtless Joe? He was wearing a shirt when he opened the door.
  19. They keep mentioning that the building is a fire hazard...I wonder if it's leading up to the company being destroyed in a house fire? When will every character on this show learn that they should always listen to Donna? Do what Donna says, people. She's the only one with any sense.
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