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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. I didn't understand that either. The Danes had just killed all the Saxons in that fortress. And Alfred offers them hostages and one month's supply of food and ale. What? He doesn't need to re-take the fortress by force -- he can just starve them out. They mention this in the show.
  2. I enjoyed this despite some uneven/annoying acting (I'm looking at you, Winona Ryder and Lucas kid!) It tripped my 1980s nostalgia (I was 12 in 1983; wow I feel old now). I really liked the girl who played Eleven, a very talented actress (she was also good in "The Intruders," playing a creepy/evil girl. There were definitely some questions at the end, particularly about Will, that I hope a Season 2 will answer.
  3. That's how it was in the 80s. We rode our bikes/skateboards around the neighborhood, stayed out till dinnertime.
  4. Anyway, I still enjoyed this despite the questions at the end, and I hope there will be a Season 2.
  5. One part that didn't make sense to me was, why was Sheriff Hopper driving out into the woods to leave Eggos in a random box in the woods? Did he think El was there? Didn't the kids tell him what had happened to her? (And really, what did happen to her? Is she now in the Upside Down place? or just dead?) Also, if you coughed up a giant slug, wouldn't you be really freaked out and worried? But Will acted like it was no biggie.
  6. It was Nancy's asshole boyfriend, and yes, it was good.
  7. I agree. Getting very tired of both of them.
  8. So that's where I've seen her before, I thought she looked so familiar! She is playing a character very different than the one on "The Intruders." That was an interesting one-season show. I guess I also didn't recognize because of the hair. Anyway, so far I'm enjoying this show, though I agree that Winona Ryder could turn it down a few notches with the overacting.
  9. Little Holly looked like the little girl in "Poltergeist", didn't she? The music in this series is perfect...it's like I've been transported back to the 80s!
  10. And Mike's mom's hair. And Winona Ryder's hair.
  11. But if that was his mom why didn't he recognize her? And I still don't understand why he'd kill her. I think he's just nuts.
  12. It was sad when Mei Lin's little daughter said "I know what that means now."
  13. Yes! Exactly. I'm trying to like this show, I want to give it a chance, but I'm not so sure about it now... I think that was the only part of the episode I liked -- the grandfather helping out with the social worker, because he has grown to like his grandson.
  14. Good thing she doesn't know about the cocaine hidden on the roof... I'm glad Tommy has finally caught on to the fact that Dion lies pretty much all the time. I REALLY hope the show does not go there, with Tommy's now-dead wife having had an affair with Dion. So far, it still just looks to me like they were good friends that worked together. I don't think the videos were incriminating. Anyway, I would hate that sub-plot, partially because it seems they want to show that no woman can resist Dion's supposed charms. I don't get it. He's not that good-looking or that charming. I really dislike the cliche of: guy kisses girl; girl shows displeasure (in this case, she punches him in the face); then 2 seconds later, girl changes her mind and is kissing him back/sleeping with him. UGH!! Can we stop with scenes like this already, in TV shows and movies? The whole "girl says no when she really means yes" thing is disgusting and a total male fantasy.
  15. Wonderful fight between Hundred Eyes and Michelle Yeoh's character (forgot her name). I think they were both holding back because they didn't want to kill each other. I wish he had told her that he tried to leave and Khan wouldn't let him go. He also could have told her the reason he'd stayed in the first place.
  16. I am so happy this show is back! It was a pretty good opening to the season. We found out a little more about Khylen. Apparently he can be hurt. We got a fun new character (Clara) and some intriguing new plot (D'Avin's memories). I missed the old opening credits, though I can't remember now what they looked like. The new one is OK, I guess they wanted to tie in more with the comic books. Pree is very funny, I hope they keep him onboard. I also liked the line "We're outnumbered by a factor of holy times shit." I love the funny lines on this show!
  17. I agree. I especially wish that Clara (and Alice!) could have stayed. I was totally shipping her and Johnny, and she was a badass fighter.
  18. It wasn't a clone, it was the real guy he has been impersonating this whole time. (Derrick Moss got plastic surgery to change his face to look like the guy from the crew of the Raza). I myself enjoyed any scene of Four in his underwear. He is gorgeous. He looked genuinely surprised when he opened the door and saw who it was. I'm glad this show is back, I missed it and Killjoys too. I am kind of hoping that the boring Derrick Moss is really gone. I don't really care about him or who killed his wife either. But it's possible that he finally figured out that the CEO of his company has strong motive to kill him, and took the precaution of replacing himself with a clone. Then Jace Corso, who has been hired by the evil CEO, kills the clone. I hope they don't go with this scenario, but it's possible. I liked the new character of Nyx. The character I wish they'd get rid of is the annoying whiny Five/Emily. But I guess they have to have a Magic Hacker Girl character. Can they start using all their real names now? Enough of this Two, Six, Three nonsense already. It only made sense at the very beginning of the show when they didn't know their real names yet. Now they all know.
  19. I thought Ahmed said that he saw his mother die, that she died in his arms, and then that was when he met Chabi. I also thought the prostitute said she saw her husband and son die. And, even if it was supposed to be his mother, why did he kill her? He could have rescued her from the brothel, he could have run away disgusted with himself, he could have killed the brothel owner, etc. But why kill HER? I think your explanation is probably the best one. But it was still a very confusing scene.
  20. Yes! I forgot to mention that, but I really love Hundred Eyes and I am very curious to know who Michelle Yeoh is to him. That was a beautiful and sad scene. I am so happy Michelle Yeoh is in this show as she is a great actress and martial artist.
  21. OK I was confused by Ahmed's flashback in this episode. Why did he kill the prostitute? What was the significance of the song she was humming? I must have missed something. Kaidu's fire-walk was much appreciated.
  22. Aww, I thought he was such a cute little kid! And I didn't think Kublai would actually do it... :-( I don't remember how things ended with Marco and Blue Princess last season...why did she leave him again? I still don't understand why Marco stays there...these aren't his people or his war. Why is he so loyal to the Kahn? I like that whats-her-name called him on his BS excuses for not leaving.
  23. Rick Yune is hot. So is the guy playing Byamba. I was a big fan of season 1 and the "Hundred Eyes" short film. Hopefully there will be more of Hundred Eyes as he is my favorite character. Also, how awesome is Michelle Yeoh??
  24. I just don't buy that grungy Dion is some sort of genius master chef, or that cheerful Pilar is a grieving widow. Nevertheless, I am willing to give this show a chance to get off the ground, because I like the concept and I like David Schwimmer well enough.
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