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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. I agree... If it doesn't get better I'm out. I just can't with Cameron anymore, she's awful.
  2. I totally agree. I am really hating Cameron this season, actually. I disliked her through much of season 1, but was hoping that she would be a bit more grown up and less bratty in season 2, but no. She is still an insufferable brat. And when she yelled at and threatened Donna for basically saving her ridiculously disorganized fledgling company countless times, I really wanted Donna to call her bluff and quit. It is only because of Donna that Cam's company is even still in existence, and Cam can't even manage an iota of gratitude. At this point, I like Joe more than Cameron, and that's saying something.
  3. I still remember playing "Pitfall" on my brother's Atari and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.
  4. This show is pretty dark. Dead kids killed by a nanny? A creepy pedaphile guy? I didn't want to watch a lot of this episode. And how did they know that writer had turned into The Beast? Did The Beast have extra fingers or something? As always, Penny and Elliott were the best parts of the show. They always have the best lines. I loved that Elliott was back to being his usual self even after the events of the previous episode (though he is probably just hiding his pain like Penny is).
  5. I really liked the first season of this show, but so far this season has seemed a little boring. Maybe it's because I finally finished binge-watching "Breaking Bad" and now I know what happens to certain characters Also the stakes were so much higher on BB, but on this show, Saul's biggest problem is he might lose a job he really never wanted anyway? I'm trying to like this show. I like Bob Odenkirk, he does a great job with playing Saul. I like Mike and Kim. But this season seems so slow moving compared to last season. It's also a bit frustrating. Like why is Kim even still at that firm? She should be out looking for a new job at another firm. She knows, now, that they don't respect her or her work, consider her expendable, and are willing to use her as a pawn in their little game against Saul. So why does she stay? Even if they let her out of her boring job in the basement, she will know that they can send her back there on their whim at any time, because they don't consider her valuable to the firm. I don't agree with Saul that she should sue them....she should just get the hell out of there already. And God, I really hate Chuck so much. The actor kills it, but his character is so odious it's hard to watch. When he asked Kim to make him coffee...I wanted her to throw something at him! And he is so obviously trying to break up her and Saul. He can't stand to see his brother have any happiness. What's up with Hector Salamanca and his over-exaggerated accent?
  6. I really hope there will be another season. I love this show! I liked Peggy with Sousa, but I think she really has the best chemistry with Jarvis, although I would never want to see that as romantic. I just love that she and Jarvis have a true friendship and partnership.
  7. YES! Thank you! I have seen this on show many shows, the cane or crutch being used on the wrong side! As a former physical therapy professional, this always bothers me!
  8. I loved the song and dance scene! And Sousa's singing...and he looked good too. And Peggy's red dress and long hair...has she ever looked better? I want ALL of Peggy's dresses from this show. I have a total crush on Jarvis...he is the man and so wonderful. The way he looks at Anna... I hope this show comes back for a season 3. I love this show so much!
  9. My favorite episode of The Flash so far! I love Earth 2. Can Iris be a cop in Earth 1 also? She was way more interesting than as a reporter. I guess Ronnie is doomed no matter what universe he's in. Evil Cisco ("Reverb") was so great! I wish he could be a recurring character, but that hope was dashed. But he was so different from Cisco, even his voice was different! And I think the actor had a lot of fun playing that part. Joe (Jesse L. Martin) was on Broadway and in the movie version of "Rent." He has a wonderful singing voice. Check out some of his singing: I have been waiting for them to somehow come up with a plot that would involve him singing! Grant Gustin can sing too. I liked Killer Frost. Caitlin has, unfortunately, become a boring character. I hope Killer Frost will stick around for a bit. Why are they keeping Jay around? Is his storyline going to pay off anytime soon?
  10. I liked this episode, but it was frustrating because the SyFy channel showed it with a ton of commercials, so it seemed really choppy and disjointed and it sometimes seemed that scenes were missing. I like Elliott, he is growing on me, and I think this was his best episode so far. It was touching to see how concerned he was about impressing his new boyfriend, and then later how devastated he was. Does he know Mike was possessed by the Beast, or does he think Mike was evil? Is Jane the only one who knew the truth? (Bonus points for her use of the phrase "meat puppet", a phrase used a lot on "Supernatural" to describe people possessed by a demon.) Penny was hot, especially when he was putting the moves on his teacher. Mmmmm Penny. I also liked his joking with Quentin (Q: Why is someone trying to kill me? Penny: Because they met you. I think about stabbing you all the time.) And Julia -- finally she has a storyline other than being a magic heroin junkie! It was interesting that they introduced the idea that magic can come from gods -- something they've never mentioned before, and they don't seem to teach at Brakebills.
  11. I think it was because Jane was inside the room, and the Dean had explained that the room blocked spells. Elliott was outside the room, so he could perform a spell.
  12. OK, they do realize that a vaccine and a cure are NOT the same thing, right? It seemed like Scully kept using the words interchangeably, which made no sense. I want to see another season just to wrap up this storyline, but I DO NOT want them to try to continue the X-Files with Miller and the annoying Einstein. We like Mulder and Scully and their relationship, not just any old agents with dark hair and red hair. And can someone just shoot Cigarette Smoker already? Seriously.
  13. I agree about the name of the pub. I am getting frustrated with this show for not giving us enough world-building info. In sci-fi and fantasy, world-building is essential. This show has only given us the barest hints of what this world is like outside of the "bloc" they are in. We should know a bit more by now. I think Snyder is a lying liar who lies. He said in a previous episode, didn't he, that he had never actually met the "hosts" (alien visitors) and yet in this episode he says that he did meet them, but of course refrains from giving any useful description of them. (Saying that it makes you feel small in the universe could be said upon meeting any aliens). Snyder also is probably lying about not knowing about any other colonies in the area -- it's hard to believe he knows for sure about seven other colonies in Oregon, Washington and California but has no knowledge of any near where he is. Also I think Snyder is lying to them about Charlie -- he doesn't know about Charlie, doesn't even know if he's still alive, because he's not looking for him. He either has no power to give Charlie back to his family, or doesn't care enough to do so. But we've already seen how he easily breaks promises -- like with Fake Geronimo guy. At this point, the Resistance seems so useless and incompetent I'm almost siding with Sawyer. Killing Snyder would just mean that they'd replace him with another bureaucrat -- how would that help them? Sawyer was right when he said to Kate that "Snyder is the devil we know." They are just going to make life worse for people in the bloc without doing any damage to the "Hosts." What are they hoping for, exactly? And every one of their operations has resulted in more of their own getting killed.
  14. This is exactly why she was so irritating as Lori on The Walking Dead.
  15. In the book (and recent TV mini-series) of "Childhood's End" by Arthur C. Clarke, the aliens (who turn out to be mostly benign and trying to help humanity) hide themselves at first because of their scary appearance. So for years, no one on Earth knows what they look like until they finally reveal themselves.
  16. Yeah, the smoking really bothers me. It's so unnecessary to show it and I hope they are not trying to glamorize it or make it seem like something "cool" people do. And I really don't want to watch sex scenes with these people either, and this is coming from someone who watches "Game of Thrones." I just think on this show, why bother with sex scenes? I want to see more scenes of actual magic, or some indication of what the school is teaching them magic for. What's the ultimate purpose? Are they trying to create a group of magicians who will better the world with magic? It just seems like they are learning random spells. And the magician's quidditch, really?
  17. Well that was...ummm...an episode. Luckily, I have no expectations for this new X-files mini-series, I'm just happy to have Mulder and Scully back on my TV (I was a big X-files nerd back in the day) Mulder line-dancing was actually pretty great. He did look like he was having a lot of fun doing those scenes! Agent Einstein was super annoying.
  18. Julia, ugh. I hate her. Glad someone finally gave her a little smack of reality. She was all demanding and obnoxious, like "Gimme magic NOW. I deserve it." And mean to everyone. Then that hedge witch guy (forgot his name) offers to take her on a trip to learn more magic, and she refuses because "I love my boyfriend" -- the boyfriend she has been continually lying to and now is cheating on. So I thought it was great when the hedge witches gave her boyfriend amnesia. Best thing to happen to him. I liked the scene where Quentin shows his father the magic. I didn't like that Alice didn't apologize to Quentin for nearly getting him killed with her Charlie obsession. The only story I'm really interested in right now is Penny's. I want to see more of Fillory and learn more about the mysterious moth-face man.
  19. I was a little confused by the abrupt ending. So what happened to Kady, did Marina (Queen Hedge Witch) kill her? And why did Marina give Julia the Special Magic Stars on her arm, only to cut her off? Or did she cut her off? I'm confused. MVPs of the episode: Penny, Elliot, and the Dean
  20. I liked this episode because some stuff finally went down! I wasn't expecting the events of the last 2 scenes (in the bar and in CIA lady's house). The plot seems to be moving forward at a good pace.
  21. Amusing moment: when it turns out that the leader of the Sky People is supposed to get branded on the arm with a hot iron, Abby turns to Kane and says, well, I guess it's you then. I knew that Gina was not long for this world.
  22. Oh, Jaha, you big bowl of crazy. Shut up, Jasper! Would you rather that the evil mountain guys killed all your friends and extracted your bone marrow? They had to make a hard choice, get over it already. Octavia...why are you pushing away your hot boyfriend? Why?? Clarke -- what is your plan, exactly? To permanently be in exile so you can feel extra guilty all the time? Luckily, the goofy Grounder superstition about "Wanheda" should shake you out of your depressed misery.
  23. I like this show, but I don't want them to drag it out too long. I hope that the writers have an ending in mind that they are writing towards, and it's not going to be like "Lost" where they just kept going without any plan. I want to see a happy ending for all these characters, especially Cole and Jones.
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