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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. I don't get it either. The actor can look cute in other roles, but here he just doesn't look attractive. Umm, at this point I don't think you are supposed to like the Dion character. He is supposed to be a jerk.
  2. I hate hanging scenes so I couldn't watch during that time. Did Abe's father really try to save him at the last minute? Andre's death was sad in a way, and from I read of the historical event, many of the people present were also sad, and didn't want to see him hanged either. Is this finally the last we'll see of Simcoe? I really can't stand his voice anymore, and I started putting the TV on mute (with the subtitles on) whenever he came on the screen. Did they really ruin the memory of Nathan Hale's famous last words by implying that he never really said them? That's not cool, show. I guess from the ending with Townsend that the show was renewed for another season?
  3. I loved that scene, but I wonder about future implications. The Northern lords were supporting Jon because "the blood of Ned Stark runs through his veins." But what happens if they find out he's not Ned's son but Lyanna Stark's -- and his dad was a Targaryen?
  4. The Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen, was likely Jon's father.
  5. OMG, so many things in this episode! Random thoughts: Did not see the Tommen death coming, so that was a surprise. RIP Margery and Loras....I will miss Margery, she was a great character. The only one smart enough to figure out what was going on...but too late. Melisandre got off too easy for killing Shireen. I had really wanted justice to be done there. Cersei, at the end, in full evil-Queen-from-a-fairy-tale costume. Arya!! I'm happy that she had learned how to do the faces after all! Sweet, sweet revenge, baked into a pie. Danaerys -- why you send away Daario? So loyal, so hot...that's just not right. Lady Mormont -- awesome as always. We FINALLY confirmed what we had long suspected about Jon's parentage! Sam in the giant library -- I know how he feels. That's how I feel when I'm surrounded by books too. I love bookstores and libraries. Great shot at the end, of her Majesty's Royal Navy. We finally left Mereen, yay!
  6. If Littlefinger tries his "you owe me" routine, Sansa can just say "Excuse me? You sold me off to marry a psychopath sadist for your own purposes. We're even now. I don't owe you sh*t."
  7. OMG so cute! And I love his name! (second only to Ser Pounce!)
  8. It was fantastic, but for me, the most awesome battle of the series (visually) will always be "Hardhome."
  9. I just don't understand why no one had shields -- facing a bunch of lances, spears and a rain of arrows. Why couldn't the giant have a shield or even a spear? He would have broken right through that wall of Bolton shields like nothing.
  10. Watch Iwan Rheon as Simon in "Misfits" -- in Season 2 and 3 he plays a wonderful, lovable character and there is a nice love story with him too.
  11. Sweet revenge for Sansa, and justice for Walda Frey and her newborn that Ramsey had fed to his dogs...
  12. I was so worried about Tormund in this episode! He has to survive for Brienne! I was also very upset about Wun Wun. He was the one who had said "Snow" in his vote for the Wildlings to help Jon re-take Winterfell. He sacrificed himself for Jon's cause. :-(
  13. You should watch him on, I think it's the 2nd season of "Misfits", you will end up loving him.
  14. "Yeah, thanks for coming to help Littlefinger...you can go back to the Vale now...OK byeeee!"
  15. I know! I wish she had told him before the battle. It would have given Jon's army the hope they desperately needed...it all worked out in the end, but I still wish she had told him.
  16. Yes, but it's religion that gives them the perfect excuse to abuse their power (The High Sparrow is a perfect example)
  17. The best and saddest part of the Tyrion scene was when Tyrion said he was going to have his own vineyard one day and only invite his closest friends to drink the wine, and then he did a very slight pause, as if wondering if he even has any true friends.
  18. What, was that when he was peeing? That's not exactly sexy.
  19. Technically, that baby would be a Tully. They don't care about Tullys.
  20. Arya already had fighting skills (from Syrio) before she ever came to Braavos. The whole storyline was a complete waste, because she didn't learn any new fighting skills (except maybe how to fight in complete darkness, which doesn't come up a lot). She spent most of her time at faceless men camp either being hit in the face with a stick or washing floors or being a blind beggar. I'm just glad this whole useless plot has finally wrapped up and she can return to Westeros.
  21. I loved Arya's line to Jaquen at the end, though frankly I don't see how she could have been running around after having been stabbed several times in the gut, before making it to Lady Crane's. And Lady Crane's medicine must have had some magic in it to have Arya up and about and ready to fight only a day later. Nice to see the Brotherhood Without Banners -- the real ones, not the killers of peaceful villagers. Looks like the Hound has found his club to join. Was it the White Walkers they were talking about fighting? When I first saw the slavers' ships in Mereen, I thought that was when Yara's fleet was going to show up...but when I saw that Dany and her dragon were back, I thought she can just have her dragon burn all the ships. Problem solved. I'm interested in Varys' secret mission. Who is he going to see in Westeros? I could do with fewer (or not any) scenes of awkward banter between Missandei, Greyworm and Tyrion. I remember when Tyrion used to be witty and funny. Yay to Jamie for letting Brienne keep the sword, and letting her and Pod leave. There is a tiny bit of honor in him somewhere. But poor Edmure & Blackfish. And I hate the Freys winning anything. I liked the Mountain intimidating the Sparrows, but hated Cersei's smug smirking face. So I was happy to hear no trial by combat. She is going to kill them all though.
  22. It seems that Cersei might want to use wildfire to burn the city down, and everyone in it (though I think she may still try to save her son).
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