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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. So finally we know why the teacher is interested in Prairie's story; it seems that her brother recently died. The flashbacks with the captives in the house are so creepy and depressing...I didn't realize this show would be so dark. If only she could have hidden the Epi-Pen from him.
  2. Seemed that way to me too. She was way too trusting of that doctor. I don't like to see Jason Isaacs playing a bad guy, but I'm sure he will do it well. I loved him in "Awake." I'm very curious about what her dream meant, with her father holding the candles.
  3. I think he is even more sexy when he speaks Italian.
  4. I realized how much I miss the first few seasons of Buffy.
  5. I'm still bitter about "Lost" as well! Forget this Old West crap, I just want to see a show about Samurai World. That would be awesome!
  6. That was sad. I felt for the sister, until she pushed Kate off a roof for no reason. I get that she was upset, but her angry reaction of shoving Kate made no sense. I think I would have preferred if Eric's dad had been the murderer instead. He turned out to be a real a**hole. Did they mostly just figure out the murderer by the fact the clothes were new? And how did the sister's blood not get tested against the blood on the roof before, along with everyone who was at the party? I liked how the subplot with the cop looking for his daughter wrapped up. It was sweet. I enjoyed the soapy silly mystery of this show, and would probably watch a season 3, if it looked interesting.
  7. But why would they bother re-building such a damaged host...they'd just scrap her and make a new one. I'd wear Maeve's dresses
  8. interesting theory. I hope they don't go with the split personality thing though, that's been done to death already.
  9. too confused by this show and they are dragging out the reveal of answers for too long
  10. I don't care for either of the missing daughter sub-plots -- Cornell's and the NYC detective's (Danny?). At least Cornell's subplot seemed to wrap up...OK, now get back to the murder investigation. Wow, Patrick is really stupid and gullible, and his wife is running a whorehouse. So I guess Melanie is now number one suspect in Kate's murder? I'm mostly continuing to watch this show to find out the ending, but it is really hard to stay interested in it every week. Maybe it's because none of the characters seem that compelling as people to care about.
  11. Ah yes. Got my British guys mixed up there.
  12. I was glad to get a bit more backstory about Cornell. It humanizes her. I am starting to not care too much about who killed Kate. And couldn't Eric be charged with obstructing a police investigation? This show sure has the eye candy though -- Eric, Amanda's ex, Cornell's new partner (who I had liked on the "Lie to Me" show...and wasn't that Tim Roth from "Lie to Me" as Cornell's ex husband?)
  13. This might be what has been referred to several times on the show -- that the investors' real interest in the park goes way beyond "tourists playing cowboy." They either want to create artificial worlds that people can preside over as gods, or ensure immortality by using robot bodies, or create a super-loyal robot army/robot spies...there are many possibilities.
  14. I think it's very likely that he will replace Teresa with a robot version of her that he can control. Otherwise it would lead to questions if she suddenly goes missing. Bernard may have been, at one time, a real person, but was long ago replaced by a robot.
  15. OK this is just my theory; but the reason why Whiterose told Angela that her plan would be "good for humanity" and got Angela to go along w/ it is because they are planning to get rid of corporate control of both currency and electricity and everyone in the world have free energy somehow. I think that the lights flickering and talk of power outages is going to be significant. So why didn't Whiterose have Angela killed 90 days ago? What stopped that? If it weren't for the scene of Angela and the lawyer, I would have thought that bizarre scene (with the little girl and the fish tank and the old 1980s computer technology) was some sort of dream sequence. What was the point of that "test" anyway? I still don't get it. Does Joanna know that Tyrell is alive or not? And she is totally going to get rid of the bartender boyfriend after she is done using him to clear Tyrell. At first I guess she was going to frame the bartender for Sharon's death, but the opportunity presented itself to frame Sharon's husband instead. Great that Mobley & Trenton got out of NYC, but the fact that Leon tracks them down just as Trenton is talking about "undoing" the whole plan? Not good. No way was that just a random bullet that killed Romero. Either Dom's lying to Darlene, or it was one of Whiterose's "non-accidents." Is there some kind of connection between Tyrell's "Red Wheelbarrow" poem and the fact that Elliot had Red Wheelbarrow written on his prison notebook? I like the double meaning of Python this ep & was that a python on the Fry's storefront? I love this show. Season 2 was a bit slower and maybe more frustrating that season 1, but I still liked it and I can't wait for Season 3. I wanted all of seasons 1 and 2 as a marathon binge-watch, and I think that's the best way to watch this show. I often go back and watch certain scenes over again.
  16. Aimee Mann is one of my favorite singer/songwriters. I wish they'd used her version of "The Moth" but whoever was singing it did a good job with it too. Try her album "Bachelor No. 2", it's one of my all-time favorite albums.
  17. Agent Dom has been through 2 shootings now and come out completely unscathed. Plot armor? And she is apparently the only FBI agent with a brain in her head? The agents at the hospital didn't think that Cisco could still be nearby? That last scene was so suspenseful! Why didn't they just drop the guy off at the ER like Cisco had suggested? I wonder when we are going to get an idea of what trauma happened to Elliot in between the scene where Darlene visits him on Halloween night (when he first gets the idea to hack Evil Corp), and the time when he forgot he even had a sister, and did not recognize her when he saw her. Also what made him forget what his father looked like. And where is Tyrell? They are really dragging out that reveal.
  18. It sounds like the reviewer doesn't even like the show. I wish they'd get a different reviewer who is actually a fan of the show. I agree wholeheartedly on both these points (plus the "shivering chihuahua" part made me laugh out loud, it describes her so perfectly). BTW, I just realized that your screen name is a shout-out to "Infinite Jest." Cool. Upset that Flipper the dog went back to her abusive owner, and that the jerk won. I want Elliot to have a "win" that's more permanent, not just unraveled several episodes later (Drug dealer; dog owner) Didn't the cops find Elliot's special collection of CDs when they arrested him for hacking? Wouldn't that have brought even more charges? As for FSociety, why ARE they using VHS tapes again? A bunch of tech-savvy hackers using tapes? And not even erasing them? If they're that sloppy they deserve to get caught. (Although I don't want Elliot, Trenton or Mobley to get caught. Darlene, though, I don't care too much about. She's a psycho). Why is White Rose/Chinese Minister of Security so interested in the Washington Township plant? Was there something in that conversation I just didn't get? I didn't really know what they were talking about. I think that Price is stupid to be brushing off the death threat so lightly. White Rose/Chinese Minister will kill him and piss on his grave, in a heartbeat, if it suited his purposes.
  19. I liked the prison reveal. I never believed he was at his mother's house; I thought he was in a rehab for drug addicts or a mental institution. Darlene didn't react like her mother was there. And the church group looked like a bunch of people who definitely did not want to be there, but were mandated to be there. There was also a scene in one episode (I'm binge-watching, so I forget which one) where we see Darlene in bed crying for no apparent reason, then she wipes away her tears to go out and give instructions to her F-society members. Maybe she was crying because she found out that her brother is in prison. I thought Ray might have been a social worker or psychologist working in the prison. I doubt that a warden would spend time sitting in the prison yard / basketball court chatting with prisoners. I loved how Leon saved Elliot, and that he was sent by White Rose. I agree with whoever said that maybe Ray gave up so easily not so much because of his conscience, but because he'd been threatened by White Rose through Leon, and everyone who knows White Rose and the Dark Army, knows they are not to be messed with.
  20. I agree, and that's one reason her character drives me nuts. Bad actress, bad writing, or both? It makes me want to just automatically skip over any scene with Angela. Usually nothing important happens in her scenes anyway. And yet Angela won't quit the job, she'll just take whatever bad treatment they give her, with a totally blank look on her face. It was very chilling for some reason. Her mouth looked huge. And of course, it was an homage to the film "Carrie." I like theory #2. But I think it's more likely to be theory #1. And #3, to me, seems impossible.
  21. Angela is so bad at this. When he asked her what she was doing there, she paused for a loooooong time before coming up with an answer. She looked nervous and was acting so suspicious, I can hardly believe an FBI agent would buy her story even if he was attracted to her. I second this completely. I find Darlene grating and annoying, and Angela is such a wooden actress she's like a zombie. Just nothing there, emotionless. I realize that part of that is her character acting that way, but she seems to suck the life out of every scene she is in. She's the opposite of Rami Malek, who is such a compelling actor he owns every scene he's in. Agree that the opening sitcom sequence went on at least 5 minutes too long. Was Tyrell being in the trunk a clue as to his real whereabouts? I also liked that it was still very dark, with Gideon getting killed again, Elliot's mom being abusive, etc. That combined with the laugh track was so creepy. And the music was perfect. Well done. Angela, Angela. Sigh. Is she ever going to be anything more than a boring character (and actress) who seems bad at everything she tries to do? Could she have acted any more suspicious in front of 2 FBI agents? It's too bad they couldn't just send Darlene in there in an Angela disguise. I couldn't watch the scenes of beating and torture. I hate to see Elliot (and even that other guy -- Cisco?) suffering that much. I loved when Elliot hugged Mr. Robot. I think he will use his Mr. Robot personality to get out of the Ray situation. I loved the scene at the end where little Elliot is in the car with his dad. RIP Maxine. I guess dogs don't fare too well on this show (still wondering what happened to Flipper).
  22. That's a good possibility. That could also explain why the park costs so much to visit.
  23. I really love the music in this show.
  24. Elliot was not abused by his father, not as far as we've seen. In the flashback at his dad's computer repair shop, his dad was forgiving of Elliot even though Elliot stole money. And in the flashback of the window incident, it seems it was an accident (or kid Elliot throwing himself out the window) and his dad seemed frantic and very worried about him (while his mom just seemed concerned about how much the cast for his arm would cost). In the photos Elliot sees on his CD, he and his dad were obviously very close. But Elliot's vision of Mr. Robot is different from his dad. Mr. Robot, as a part of Elliot, is not exactly the same as his dad.
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