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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. If you're curious about this you can go to the book thread for more info on Bonnie.
  2. that's why I don't understand why she still got into the car with him, why she was still going to that stupid party when her life was in danger. Realistically, at that point she would have grabbed her kids and gone to her apartment or to an abused women's shelter.
  3. So I read "Big Little Lies" and "The Husband's Secret" so far. Any recommendations from the book readers of which LM book to read next?
  4. Yes it was definitely rape. She is going to have consensual sex with him but then he starts choking her and being violent with her and she feels too afraid to try to run. That is date rape.
  5. Yes! I was going to write all this actually, since they left a lot of the book stuff out of the show. But it seemed that a lot of non-book readers picked up on the whole "Bonnie's got abuse in her past" thing just by the expressions on Zoe Kravitz's face. I didn't like the subplot of Maddie cheating on Ed either. Totally unnecessary filler on the show. And the Avenue Q thing never happened in the book either. Also, a lot of people were saying it seemed too much of a coincidence that Perry turned out to be Jane's rapist. But the book explains it by saying that Jane remembered, that night, seeing a flyer for real estate at that beach, and Perry telling her he was thinking of buying a house there. So she ended up moving there because subconsciously she wanted to find him and confront him.
  6. I'll post my book comments in the book thread... I thought it was unrealistic, at that point, that Celeste was still going to go to the party with Perry. She looked so terrified for her life after he found out about the apartment. He easily could have killed her in the car. I do not think this show needs a second season. It wrapped everything up already and another season would just be milking it. And god, that detective clicking her lighter all the time is super annoying.
  7. As for the books: "I really need to try some of Josh's creations!" "It's like getting hugged by a rainbow!"
  8. How did Clark and the others find Summerland? I thought its location was a secret. Poor Melanie...so sad for her. I really hope next season they can rescue Oliver. It was interesting to see a bit of Clark's background but I admit I was getting impatient as it went on a bit long. I also wasn't sure if he was really on their side or just playing them. I think Syd shouldn't have told him so much about David.
  9. Baron Poutmaster McPoutyPout! Love this nickname for him. Bored by M.K.'s story...I've seen that trope too many times now for it to be interesting. Just explain his powers and get on with it already. I don't understand why Veil saved Quinn's life. Quinn ordered Veil's parents killed and Veil knows it. She also knows that Quinn is not a good guy. She easily could have let him die. And I thought last season he was dying of cancer or something anyway, and only had weeks left to live. How is he still alive at all? Veil and Sunny's baby is pretty adorable. I liked to see Lydia kicking ass, even if she got no appreciation for it, and The Widow and Waldo plotting.
  10. Imagine how much better Iron Fist would have been if they'd hired an actual martial artist like Daniel Wu for the lead, instead of boring white guy... I love Sunny and the Widow, they are my favorite characters. I don't mind Nick Frost, he can be very funny and I think this show needs a little levity from time to time. I was disappointed to see that Quinn had survived. It makes Sunny's revenge from Season 1 pointless. Quinn was a good villain for a while but I'm tired of him. One season of him was enough. Get rid of him already! M.K.'s story is only interesting because I'm curious of the mystery of his power...otherwise he just another boring "male Chosen One" type. Why can't the Chosen One ever be a woman??
  11. Me too! Can't wait for Season 3!
  12. So many great scenes: -Lenny threatening Syd and Kerry in silent-movie villain fashion, and killing The Eye in a pretty brutal way -David using his real British accent to explain things to American David, complete with chalkboard exposition, and "American" David doing a Patrick Stewart imitation (causing British David to make fun of his British accent!) So many meta things happening here. -Melanie finally seeing Oliver after 21 years -David finally controlling his powers to break out -Oliver putting his hands up at gunpoint, then taking another sip of his martini before putting his hands up again, cracked me up. Jemaine is awesome as Oliver.
  13. They are in the Astral Plane being controlled by Lenny/Yellow Eye Demon, so it's a delusion in a delusion to use your phrase. Their real bodies in the real world are in a room being shot at.
  14. I agree, even though I love Patrick Stewart. I'd like to see a new Prof. X in this show, as long as they cast a good actor that will bring something interesting to the role.
  15. OK, that explains why when they switched back, Syd was the one on the ground with David and The Eye was the one running. Their bodies move back to where their souls/minds are, not the other way around.
  16. You might like "Mr. Robot." A different kind of show, but same surreal / artistic sensibility, interesting cinematography, visual and sound editing, music, etc. And an unreliable narrator as well.
  17. I think that was the Radiohead song "The Daily Mail."
  18. I am curious what powers The Eye has. Was he just making them see an illusion of the therapist guy, or did he actually shapeshift into an exact copy of him (like Mystique's power in the X-Men). Why does he seem bulletproof / indestructible? Did he implant a fake memory of the lighthouse to get them to go there, or was the therapist really at the lighthouse, and The Eye just read it from their minds and got there first, killed the real therapist and took his place? I like this show but it does make you work. Now I really want a scene where he Oliver sings Business Time in his ice cube home.
  19. I really hate Margo and Julia. Julia at least has the excuse of losing her "shade"...what's Margo's excuse? In season 1 her character was snarky sometimes, but now she's just a bitch who is mean to everyone, including her own people in the castle. She has no real friends other than Eliot. Could Niffin Alice have killed Reynard? How powerful are niffins? Quentin should have set her free to kill Reynard, since he was going to do it anyway. Sure, Julia shouldn't have thrown him out there, but once she did, he might as well have released Alice at that time. I enjoyed the musical number. That was definitely Eliot's real voice, and he can sing. Margo, on other hand...not so much. Interested to see the plot line with the fairies. Chris Gorham was in a show called Jake 2.0, along with the lady who was talking to Penny in the library.
  20. Yes...Madeleine and Cecilia are almost the same character.
  21. Actually, tell your friend that it IS abuse -- ignoring your wife and child to get drunk is emotional abuse and neglect.
  22. I'm watching in the U.S. using Amazon Prime and the scenes are cut out. It's frustrating. Why can't we see the whole episode here if we are watching it without commercial breaks?
  23. Agree so much with all of this (including Penny's hotness)
  24. Julia only caring about herself, you say? And how is that any different from...the way Julia has always been? This show has gone completely off the storyline from the books. It now has only a vague resemblance to the books.
  25. I guess so, but the wig looks really fake. And Nicole Kidman has such beautiful natural hair! Why hide it.
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