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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. Probably not the best moment to be mentioning extra Tarlys to Danerys though...
  2. You're right! I watched an interview with her. No British accent. She sounds Canadian or American.
  3. Interesting to see Klyen again (even if fake) and to find out the truth about Aneela. Didn't see that coming! I am a Johnny/Dutch shipper, so I do not want to see her kissing D'Avin (though I can understand it -- he looked pretty hot there).
  4. Apparently it's her real accent -- Zoie Palmer was born in England, to British & Irish parents, then grew up in Canada.
  5. When Jorah shows up again he will be her bodyguard!
  6. yeah I wonder how they filmed that, because even stunt horses would be afraid of fire, wouldn't they? It was a very well-directed battle scene.
  7. Hopefully dragon toast, for the way he treated Sam and Gilly. His son, on the other hand...that eye candy can stick around a bit longer.
  8. Dragons and Dothraki, kicking ass and taking names! We waited 7 seasons to see this! It was awesome! She needs some armor for her dragons though. Who was it pushed Jamie out of the way? Was it Bronn? "Flee you fool! Fucking fool!" Line of the night goes to Tyrion. Second best line: "Who taught you how to do that?" "No one" says Arya. Also love what Jon said to Theon. Jon thought that the cave drawings would help convince Dany of the WW, but all she cares about is that everybody "bend the knee" to her. If Jon ends up doing that I don't want to see it. As for their "chemistry" -- I wonder when they'll find out they're related? Poor Meera. Now she has to go back home & tell her family that her brother is dead. At least Bran said a very basic thank you after she prompted him. Fucking Bran. Loved the Stark reunion! Three Starks all together in one place, at last!! Even with Bran acting weird it was still very touching. Is Littlefinger on Arya's kill list? I can't remember. If so, that explains his face while watching her train with Brienne.
  9. Nothing even happened in this episode! This is nothing like season 1. It's so boring so far.
  10. That scientist lady is super creepy, and it's so sad that Natalie knows very well how Vincent feels about the wasps, and yet she's keeping one a secret from him, and doing secret experiments. Yeah, that will go well. Poor Elena! I hated her at the beginning of season 1, but by the end of the season I liked her and sympathized with her. Ingrid keeps threatening to shoot people and then not shooting them even when they ignore her. How will anyone take her seriously as a cop if she keeps doing that? An axe in a grocery store...just another normal day in Fortitude. Hildur should have gone to that place with the cheese festival. There doesn't seem to be a good reason why she and Eric are staying in Fortitude (or any of them, for that matter). No one seems to like it there.
  11. Most likely in a really gross and horrible way.
  12. That's why I stopped reading the books. Reading them was a chore, and watching the show is so much more enjoyable. I don't think Martin will ever finish the books.
  13. the old 3-eyed Raven showed more personality too
  14. Bran did a crappy job of explaining to Sansa what the 3-eyed Raven is, and all that he has seen. And Jon and Davos need to a better job explaining about the white walkers & Night King. Tell them what happened at Hardhome!! I'm so happy that Jon did not "swear eternal allegiance" to Dany. God, she was being so annoying during that conversation. Dany, you just showed up in Westeros, no one knows anything about you or owes you anything. I'm glad Jon pointed out that her father burned his uncle & grandfather alive and would have burned everyone else too; and that if she's not responsible for what her ancestors did, then he doesn't have to keep to the agreements his ancestors made, either. Go Jon! I'm worried Dany will fire Tyrion as her advisor because all his advice hasn't worked out so well. I think that Cercei has no intention of marrying Euron. She must know that he probably plans to marry her, then kill her and take the throne for himself. He already did it to his own brother.
  15. This sums up perfectly why I am so irritated by Dany. She is so entitled and smug, thinking everyone should bow at her feet just because her ancestors once conquered Westeros by burning everyone with dragons.
  16. Otherwise known as the Incredibly Smug Lannister Twins/Euron/Danerys episode.
  17. I don't like Ellaria at all, but I DO NOT want to see a bunch of scenes of Ellaria being tortured by Cersei… Hot Pie! He's totally going to die, because anyone that says they're safe on this show is jinxing themselves. I was so happy when Arya chose Winterfell over Kings Landing! So "Azor Ahai" could be the Prince or Princess That Was Promised...my personal theory though is that Beric Donderrian is Azor Ahai, and that's why the Lord of Light keeps bringing him back from the dead...he has a vital role to play in the coming battle against the white walkers.
  18. Dickon Tarly actor - He's that hot dude from "Black Sails." Agreed on the pretty people nude scene. JA does have a nice butt.
  19. Sorry, that's not a girl thing. I love fight scenes and battle scenes. My favorite so far was "Hardhome."
  20. That is exactly how I saw it too. Theon and Yara's navy had already gotten their asses kicked. Euron had a sword to Yara's throat. What could Theon really do at that point? If Theon had made one step towards him, Euron might have killed Yara on the spot. And he would have killed Theon for sure. Yara should have been telling Theon to get away!
  21. OMG! Yara! Nymeria! So much to process right now!
  22. Awesome cat name. Is his nickname Littlepaw?
  23. Eastwatch By The Sea, one of the Nightwatch's forts on the Wall. He was seeing the Night King army almost at the Wall.
  24. I agree! I'm a big fan of Ed Sheeran and his wonderful voice, and enjoyed seeing him in one of my favorite shows. Too much has already been said about Jon & Sansa, so I'll just say that I really hated seeing her undermine him in front of everyone. I want to like Sansa but damn, writers, you're making it hard. I am totally Team Jon on this one. I did enjoy her verbal smackdown of Littlefinger was satisfying, although not smart to piss him off if they need his army For Arya, you just have handwave that the faces confer magic illusion ability, as in the books. I was OK with it. Euron Greyjoy -- I liked the way he was unafraid of Cersei, and Jamie's face when he said 2 good hands! I wonder if he will get the Dragonbinder horn. I don't understand what he wants though, he already rules the Iron Islands. Cersei -- Jamie is getting sick of her shit Hope Olenna's plotting epic revenge for Loras & Margery's deaths. Please, show, no more filler with Sam. Unless he's curing Jorah or something.
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