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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. I wonder if the version of Trenton's brother who appeared on the beach just in time to stop Elliot's suicide was real or Elliot's hallucination? Either Elliot really didn't want to kill himself so he subconsciously made himself an "out", or it was Mr. Robot manipulating Elliot's mind with a vision that would help him, so he wouldn't kill himself (and Mr. Robot). I just find it hard to believe that Trenton's parents, having just lost one child, would leave a little kid alone for such a long time with no babysitter. All the blatant references to time travel make me think that Sam Esmail is messing with us, and it will turn out that Whiterose's plan is something other than time travel. Seems too obvious at this point. I also think Angela is super depressed because she realizes that she's been duped and it was all wishful thinking, believing she can bring people back from the dead. That scene at the beginning with young Elliot and his dad...wow. Painful. His dad's face when Elliot said he'd never forgive him...my heart just hurt in that moment. I imagine that, for a parent, that would be one of the worst things you can hear. But I was wondering if this does confirm that this dad really did push Elliot out the window? I'm glad Trenton sent that email to Elliot, though I'm not sure how she knew that he would want to un-do the E-corp hack. As far as she knew, Elliot was the mastermind behind the hack. I love that Elliot hacked Mobley's brother to ensure that Mobley will get a decent funeral.
  2. That's true. Price has no actual evidence against WR that he could go to the FBI with. He knows he's screwed and there's really not much he can do about it. I am enjoying this season almost as much as season 1 for the reason you mention. I miss when Elliot and Mr. Robot would have conversations with each other, though. Maybe that will happen again now they might be working together.
  3. I'm so sad about Mobley and Trenton -- not only their horrific deaths but that the Dark Army pinned everything on them and made them look like mass-murdering terrorists. For all their naive ideas about F-society, it seemed like they were good people, in way over their heads. It's a credit to those actors that they had relatively small parts, but they made M & T so sympathetic that we really felt bad when they died. Honestly, though, I pretty much knew they were dead when Leon showed up last season. I also give lots of credit to Martin Wallstrom's acting for making me feel sorry for Tyrell when he found out about his wife and son. Yes, I know he participated in Stage 2's mass murder of thousands of people, but somehow I still felt sorry for him. Santiago seemed to enjoy telling him in the most blunt way possible and even threatening Tyrell using his baby. So, who did Trenton send that email to, and what was in the email? To Darlene? To Elliot? I'm sure that will come up again. Price learned the hard way not to fuck with Whiterose. And Angela's gone full-on mental, which Darlene was just now realizing in this episode. Maybe there is no sci-fi element to this show; maybe Whiterose tricked Angela by showing her something (I can't think of what) and played on her desire to see her mother again. But then what is Whiterose building in the Congo, that would be important enough to move an entire nuclear plant from New Jersey(?) to the Congo. It's got to be something big. What is Whiterose's ultimate plan, that's the central mystery that this show is teasing us on. Will we find out this season or next? It does seem odd that the Dark Army would keep Tyrell, Elliot, Darlene and Angela still alive. It seems like, from Whiterose's perspective, they have all served their purposes, and are now loose ends who know too much, and should be eliminated. Well, maybe Angela can still serve because she is a fanatical believer, but the others would seem to be past their expiration date. Also, why is Dom still alive? She is obviously very suspicious of Santiago and he knows it. He knows she is getting closer to the truth. The Dark Army could easily get rid of her & make it look like an accident. Why didn't Trenton take off Mobley's handcuffs so he could drive? I must have missed something there. I liked the scene with Krista and Mr. Robot. But therapist-patient privilege does not apply if the therapist believes or has proof that the patient is a danger to himself or others. In that case, the therapist is obliged to tell the police. They always get this wrong on TV shows.
  4. This episode confused me a bit. What was the deal with Angela on the subway, staring at the guy like she was sure he wasn't going to shoot her, and saying "no one's going to die." What did she mean by that? Did she know that 71 buildings were going to blow up? It seems like she didn't know that. How did Elliot know there were no paper records in the building? I don't understand Tyrell's plan.
  5. Well, technically Buddha taught that suffering comes from craving, not just desire. Suffering comes from being overly attached to something, such as money or power. Being able to be detached is the means to end suffering. The Fourth Noble Truth is that there is a path to follow to nirvana, which is called the Eightfold Path. The Eight Limbs of Yoga are similar, but are a different path.
  6. I was wondering that too. I don't think they ever explained it, and it had seemed like a big clue.
  7. Now it's going to be like "How To Get Away With Murder", only as a comedy instead of soapy drama. I wanted to know more about that creepy cult!
  8. Yes, but I want them to spell that out a bit more, because now Angela is willing to let other people die to achieve whatever she's trying to do, and I hope we will find out this season what that is. Also, what was in that bag that Sandwich Guy handed her? She looked at it like it was a poisoned sandwich.
  9. I hated Angela so much in this episode, especially when she gave Irving the name of the woman who saw her in the room she wasn't supposed to be in, knowing that Irving's "I'll take care of it" was going to mean that woman's death. And Angela didn't exactly check to make sure everyone was evacuated out of that building she was going to blow up, did she? If it weren't for Elliot calling to warn them, those people would all die. And we still have no idea why Angela is doing any of this. I'm glad Darlene finally told Elliot she was working with the FBI, and that Angela is betraying him too. I wanted more Elliot and less Angela in this episode. I think Angela almost made a facial expression when she was in the elevator, but then looked totally blank again. She'd be great in a movie where she would play a robot or android. The filming style was really cool in this episode. Not something you usually see in a TV show. It was interesting too when they sort of removed the ceiling and showed the view from above and you could see the room Angela was in and the street outside the building. I guess whatever Angela was doing didn't need a lot of knowledge of code? How did she know what to do? In the first season (or was it the second?), Elliot and Darlene had to teach Angela over the phone how to do some technical thing with code because Angela didn't know how to do it. If anyone could do whatever she was doing in this episode, then why did need Elliot? And if they were going to need Elliot (or Mr. Robot) then maybe Angela shouldn't have gotten him fired. It bugs me that sometimes they pronounce Tyrell's name as "Ty-rell" and other times they say "Ter-rell." It seems really odd for a show with such attention to detail and I wonder if it means anything.
  10. Umm, she got him fired from his job and made him think his mom had been kidnapped. That's not just trying to "get his attention," that's full-on crazy. She was certainly a lot less sympathetic in this episode and I don't like the depressing turn this has taken.
  11. This show is just becoming depressing, not funny.
  12. Hey, I am reading this weeks after the fact, but I'm sorry to hear about your cat.
  13. I wonder what Angela was referring to, when she asked Irving "did WhiteRose show you? Do you believe in it?" If whatever device WR is building is not completed yet, what could she have shown Angela? Something that totally convinced her? I hate Angela for drugging Elliot. I've always hated her character, her stupid blank face. Is she just a bad actress, or do they tell her not to make any facial expressions? Kill her off already. When Darlene and Elliot made their "vengeance pact," I thought that meant Darlene is going to get killed in a future episode. Tyrell certainly didn't take the news of Elliot's split personality very well. How is he going to react when he finds out about his wife and son? It was interesting to see how well Irving can read Tyrell and play him. He saw that Tyrell has a desperate need to be a "god" and he expertly used that to manipulate him. I can see why he's WhiteRose's fixer. Some callbacks to ghosts in this episode -- Darlene looking at Budapest vacation packages and thinking of Cisco; Elliott looking at Shayla's apartment and remembering her. Flipper would be better off with an owner who is home at regular times for feeding/walking. Elliot is not that kind of dog owner.
  14. Here you can see how all 3 Gummer sisters look alike.
  15. Actually, it's her sister Grace Gummer who plays Dom in Mr. Robot. Easy mistake though, because they really look a lot alike, and of course, both look so much like their mom, Meryl Streep. I enjoyed this flashback episode. The scene at the beginning was really interesting, where Mr. Robot seemed quite surprised to find out that Tyrell is a bit crazy and in love with Elliott. I thought he would have known that already since he was the one who had been working with Tyrell on the hack all along. I mean, at least half the time it would have been Mr. Robot and not Elliott, right? I wish, though, that we'd gotten a bit more insight into Tyrell's motivations. How did he go from being a CTO of Evil Corp, obsessed with money and power, to being a pawn in the Dark Army's plan? Was it just because he fell in love with Elliott? What is his stake in this whole thing? We know why Angela is in it -- to get justice for her dead mother. We think we know why White Rose is in it -- power, or mutliple dimensions, etc. But why is Tyrell in it? To the point he'd give up his wife and son? I loved seeing Wallace Shawn, one of my favorite character actors, in this show and I hope he pops up from time to time. It was also nice seeing Leon again -- I actually miss him! We need more Leon! I appreciated the cynicism of the view of the world during White Rose's conversation with his PR guy. Telling him to blame Iran for F-Society, talking about Trump as the perfect puppet...it's all pretty sad but true.
  16. Actually, this time when Mr. Robot grabbed her and pushed her against the wall and was yelling at her, Darlene said "Jesus. It's you." So she does know that Elliott has another, very different, personality that comes out sometimes. I thought Elliott did tell Krista about his father pushing him out the window, back in Season 1. I'll have to re-watch.
  17. I heard there's a Red Wheelbarrow website complete with a menu and prices listed in E-coin, and a "sign up for E-coin" site as well. The creators of this show probably love doing stuff like that! I heard on one of the podcasts that at this year's ComicCon in San Diego, they actually had a Red Wheelbarrow restaurant, which had hidden clues in it, and if you figured out all the clues you could "apply for a job at E Corp" and when you went to that, you ended up in that room where White Rose interrogated Angela!
  18. I like all your theories. And good catch on the "Separation Anxiety" ad on the subway -- I had to go back and watch that again. I love all the little details like that in this show! Every time you watch it, you can see more and more. That was a really intense scene with Krista and Mr. Robot. Christian Slater does that character so well, always with an undercurrent of menace. "Don't mistake my generosity for generosity." Gotta love BD Wong/White Rose! I was so sad for Elliott when he was crying and also felt sad for Darlene when she said she only did the hack to get closer to him. At least now we know why Darlene is not in jail. Not sure the significance of the Joanna scene other than to wrap up her storyline. I hated her so good riddance. That poor little baby though! Can we have Dom get rid of her stupid lollipops? I hate that quirk of her character.
  19. I'm so happy this show is back, but I may have to go back and re-watch the previous seasons, because I can't remember who knows what anymore. $12.95 is pretty expensive for one milkshake, even in NYC. I guess it's showing how the economy is out of control? But what are people using for money? No way did the FBI just let Darlene go like that. They are tracking her, or they turned her. So White Rose has either a time machine or a way to reach an alternate universe? But what did she say that totally convinced Angela of this? I can't even remember where Angela's loyalties lie anymore, or why she doesn't love Elliot. Her character confuses me. She's switched sides so many times now. We didn't find out what happened to Trenton and Mobley! I'm confused about Tyrell and his purpose in the whole scheme of things. He is working for White Rose? Why? Not to be political but I did like Elliot's rant about our modern society. I like how Mr. Robot is now a more separate character that can interact with the others more independently of Elliot (though of course that's not good for Elliot!) But he is so compelling when he is on the screen. Angela knows about the Mr. Robot personality, but does Tyrell? Does Darlene?
  20. I liked this season maybe just as much as the first one! I binge-watched the whole thing in about 2 days. My favorite characters were Steve, Hopper, Bob, Eleven, Will and Jonathan. Also the paranoid reporter guy was pretty funny, and Kali was interesting though I don't think we needed a whole episode with her yet -- maybe in season 3. I wish there had been more episodes -- I just love being in this world with these characters that are so lovable. Sean Astin was a great addition this season; I have loved him ever since Lord of the Rings. He was in it only a short time but he was so sweet and brave that we really felt it when he died. That is both good writing and good acting. I'm not sure what they were intending with the character of Max's step-brother. He looked like an 80s Rob Lowe but with worse hair, and seemed a one-note bully character. His story never really went anywhere. They should have left him out. Also, he and Jonathan definitely look too old to be high school students, so it wasn't very believable. (on the other hand, the actor who plays Steve is 25, but he does look like he can pass for a high school senior). I loved Hopper and Eleven together and teared up at the end when she closes the gate and he hugs her and says "you did good, kid." I also laughed at El's expression when Hopper put on the music and started dancing. I was surprised to find out that the Duffer brothers who wrote and created this show were not born until 1984. So they don't really remember the 80s like I do. But they get every detail right (except maybe the "KFC"). The clothes, hairstyles, decor, etc. are spot on, and I loved to hear some of those old songs again. I liked Mike though he did not have as much to do this season, and honestly "Finn Wolfhard" is the best name, it sounds like a Viking warrior or something. I hate slugs and toads and could not look at the screen when Dart was on it. The shadow monster was seriously scary though, very creepy. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with season 3.
  21. I disagree. Her mother is unable to care for her, and her aunt has her hands full being a full-time caretaker to a catatonic woman. The town they're in is too far from Hawkins (didn't El have to take a bus/hitchhike to there?) so she would never see Mike or her other friends. Hopper, flawed dad though he is, is actually the best one to take care of her. He kept her isolated in the cabin out of necessity -- the people from the lab were still looking for her, and if they'd found her they would have locked her away in the lab again, and it would have been even worse a second time.
  22. Steve is now one of my favorite characters! I was so afraid he'd die in the junkyard scene. I love him, his amazing hair and his nail-studded bat.
  23. The Duffer brothers who created the show, one of them said it was Eleven's version of Luke's journey in "Empire Strikes Back," when Luke goes off to Dagobah to find Yoda, learns more about himself and his powers, then realizes his friends are in trouble and he has to go back.
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