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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. I don't understand why Liv is making new zombies when she knows damn well that there's a brain shortage, that some zombies are starving, and that it's causing major problems (such as the bus crash). Also when she saw that Chase was willing to kill by Gallaghertine anyone who makes new zombies. I also don't get why they are filming it, that seems destined to bite them in the ass later. Also she seems not to care that she will get Major in trouble by using his uniform with his name on it. Ugh with Blaine's dad. Please get him, and his stupid religious cult storyline, off my screen! I pretty much fast forward through it anyway. I like Ravi and Peyton together, so I didn't mind the reunion. I didn't like seeing heroin junkie Ravi though. I liked seeing Rachel Bloom if only for a brief time, and seeing Portia from Dark Matter, though that just reminded me how sad I was that they cancelled Dark Matter. Liv's improv during the sexual harassment seminar was funny, as well as her "bad American accent" while she was speaking in her real accent. She always looks very beautiful as herself. I want to keep liking this show, but I really wish they would forget the cult storyline and the human smuggling storyline. I feel that both those storylines are dragging this show down.
  2. I thought it was Ravi suggesting to Liv that she use one of the extra cadaver teeth they have laying around the morgue apparently (using the word "chiclet" as slang for "tooth" because the little white candies look like teeth). However, you can't just stick a tooth in your mouth, that wouldn't work! I mean, c'mon, show -- I don't expect absolute medical accuracy but that was kind of dumb.
  3. Yeah, this is what happened, but it's really bad writing. A stupid subplot.
  4. Well, that was a cliffhanger of an ending! It will be a long wait. I think Penny40 or Alice will somehow get them their memory back, as they are now the only ones who know who magicians really are. Or, Dean Fogg will regret his deal with the Library since they are being so stingy with Brakebills' allotment, so he will try to help defeat the Library. Evil Elliott will be a sight to see next season. I love that Margo is now Janet!
  5. I totally want that elephant. The effect it has for her is to temporarily forget her pain over Oliver. I love the actor playing Ahmal Farouk, he seems very sinister and perfect for the role.
  6. I'm going to have to watch that again, it was too much weirdness to absorb all at once. But my initial thoughts: 1. Theory -- David is still inside the orb, Syd is not really Syd, it's someone trying to get info from David so they can find Shadow King's body first. Because why would Ptolomy keep asking David, "what do you remember" when Ptolomy's mutant power is that he can see people's memories? Also, Syd was acting sort of strange. Also, that whole thing with the creature and the egg and later you see the same creature crawling by David's bed when he is sleeping. 2. I kind of hope that a lot of this wasn't real, but another mind trick on David. Seeing how Syd and Melanie reacted to David & Oliver's disappearance was too sad. It seemed like it completely broke Melanie. Although later, it seemed like Syd was blaming David for being kidnapped by an orb ("This was the second time you left me"), which is what made me feel like it wasn't really Syd. 3. That was one awesome waffle bar! 4. I loved the eerie dance scene -- visuals and music. 5. The visual design on this show continues to be amazing. 6. Not sure what to make of the "Future Syd" scene, and why didn't she just spell out all the words?
  7. I love "Mr. Robot"! Brilliant show, one of the best on TV.
  8. The 90s were a great time period, I miss it a lot (though my musical tastes run more towards Soundgarden and Pearl Jam)
  9. Good point. And yes, I think that was the ominous cupcake of doom! Isn't it that if you eat the food in the Underworld, that means you can't leave?
  10. I thought that was weird, too. Allan doesn't really seem like Liv's type, and it made no sense that she would be "channeling" Annie just because she ate her brain. But I also hated how in the last episode, Liv ate the old snobby lady's brain, and forgot how to use a microwave. That made NO sense. Ravi in that suit actually looked REALLY good. I thought that was going to be the outfit. I didn't like the shirt he wore to the club. Liv confessing to Major that she's found her soulmate was hilarious, from Peyton and Ravi's reactions in the background, to Major being all like, "OK well I'm tired, I'm gonna go make a burrito." That moment when Peyton ran into the room with a knife was one of the few where I really liked her character a lot. Most of the time she's just "meh" for me. I can't believe it took them 4 seasons to use the title "Brainless in Seattle"!
  11. I like this theory! I can picture this happening at the end.
  12. I totally agree! Penny23 is still actually Penny. The timelines diverged after they got into Brakebills. So Penny23 is the Penny who got into Brakebills, which means he is still Penny, just not the one with memories of the last several years of Timeline 40. But it irritates me that Kady is treating him as "not Penny" as if he's some stranger inside Penny's body. He is still the man she loved, because he is still actually Penny. Yes, he's not the Penny from HER timeline, but he's not a stranger either. I'm sure we will see Penny40 again, he's not gone! The Fillorian election definitely was a commentary on our 2016 elections, with Elliot saying, it doesn't matter what you promise, it doesn't have to be true, and Margo asking why Tick is trying to bore everyone to death droning on about economics and policy and his detailed plans for Fillory. (I'm glad they kept him alive at the end so he could help them) High King Margo was a great idea, and her coronation dress was so pretty. And now she has a cool magic eye! (Poor Fen with her toes though, she can't catch a break). If Elliot is no longer High King, does that mean he is now free to marry whomever he wants? Fen can stay at the castle, but Elliot can marry that guy he likes (forgot his name) Those messenger bunnies are hilarious! I'm glad that Julia is doing a lot of good with her powers, fixing the forest and Dean Fogg's eyes. I do like her character better but the actress still bugs me. With Alice it's the opposite -- I like the actress but her character bugs me.
  13. I agree. This bugs me so much. I miss the old Liv. I hate seeing her do a different ridiculous stereotype character every week.
  14. I love your MST3000 reference, and I agree with your assessment. It's getting more and more difficult to handwave this stuff. I mean, starving zombie children roaming the streets and the humans don't seem freaked out about this?
  15. I'm glad this show is back, but it was more fun in previous seasons. Still, I will give it a chance because I love this show, and the characters (Ravi and Blaine are usually quite funny, Clive kills it every episode, and I have a bit of a crush on Major).
  16. I hate how this show continues the cliche that every other show and movie has about foster parents -- that they are terrible and neglectful. I know some of them might be, but I have also known some that are great and really loved the kids they took care of. But almost EVERY show and movie make foster parents look like abusive jerks. I was hoping that after Rosie Perez's impassioned "I know every prop in here" speech that Lou would agree to take an assistant role and let her be the director instead. But no.
  17. Yeah, I still don't understand why Lou got the job over a more qualified and experienced woman (is it just because he is white and male? Or because the principal didn't like her?) I don't really like all the cliches but I guess they need it for drama. It seemed like too much of a coincidence that the kid cast as the gay Spring Awakening character would also be gay. And of course he would have super religious parents. I wish they would do something different other than all these stereotypes. I'm still going to watch though, because I love musicals and shows about musicals (yes, I miss "Galavant" and even "Smash.")
  18. I had always thought that it taught a problematic message, like telling girls that they sometimes need to change themselves for a guy.
  19. Thanks for the info about the book. I kind of wish they had gone with some of that instead.
  20. People need to get over their prudish fussiness with the word "fucked." It's a really useful word.
  21. I miss Penny being with the rest of the group. I like his character a lot, but I haven't liked that he is so cut off from every other main character. I am still hoping he gets back somehow. I agree about Alice. I almost wish they hadn't brought her back from the dead/niffinhood, because she is honestly really irritating. I think the actress is overplaying her a bit too -- with every line she says, she sounds anxious to the point of panic. Calm down Alice! I also agree about Julia. What was once one of my most disliked characters is now...not too bad. She and Fen make a good team. I'm glad that Margo and Elliot are not going to give up Fillory. They are also such a great and funny team together. I wonder how they will get the key from the fairy realm. And how did they get all those necklaces off of all the fairies including the Queen, if the "machine" removed their heads along with the necklace? Did Julia somehow remove them?
  22. Compared to season 1, this season was very confusing. It didn't help that even though I watched the season 1 recap, I've still forgotten some things, and some of season 2 relates to those things. I can't remember who knows that Marius is Marius and who still thinks he's Pete. There are a lot more plots and subplots going on.
  23. I completely disagree with this...Trent was blackmailing her into being his girlfriend. That is asshole guy behavior. He is also a creepy stalker, and has pursued Rebecca even though she told him many times that she was not interested. Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys in real life who are like this. She was completely justified in telling him, in no uncertain terms, that she would never love him.
  24. I totally agree. The one time she actually does something selfless and good (saving Nathaniel's life), she is going to be punished for it? And why can't she prove that Trent stalked her for years? She could show the police the creepy storage locker Trent has with all Rebecca stuff in it.
  25. I related a bit too much to this. This show is my therapy! Dog Josh pug was just too adorable!! They also missed a chance to point out a very real and annoying double standard -- that if it had been a male boss telling them to make changes to their work, they would have accepted it, but Paula does it and she's "the bitch of the office." i.e., men who are like that are just being "take charge" and "assertive", women who are like that are called "bossy" and "bitchy."
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