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Everything posted by Crs97

  1. Crs97

    NFL Thread

    Speaking as a Browns fan, it's cute that you are worried about the Browns beating you.
  2. That car was old; did it have a remote? The lift was modern, but I wonder if the car itself was manual. I don't know about those "find your car" apps. I should get them; I have spent too much time wandering parking lots.
  3. I think you could take it either way. It sounded a little to me like they hadn't discussed names at all yet, maybe because they didn't know the gender until then. For some, the baby doesn't seem real until he/she arrives. Then again, you could also take it as they talked about it early in general terms and decided to put off a detailed discussion and decision until the end.
  4. I am not usually a cynic, but the only thing that will make the William "drug addict to Nobel prize contender in 60 seconds flat" storyline bearable is if Randall sees two unknown adults at William's hospital room or even funeral, only to discover they are other children William fathered later on in life. Then, as Randall waxes eloquently about William fighting bus discrimination, they can laugh that Dad was in jail for possession with intent to sell that year. Or Randall speaks regretfully about the missed Christmases only to have them reminisce about the Christmas Dad stole their gifts to get high that night. That seems more realistic than the St. William we've gotten so far.
  5. I find that people are very judgmental about your name choices before you have the baby. We would keep a running list for our own discussion, but wouldn't pick the final name until after the baby was born.
  6. I love our pediatrician for many reasons, but chief among them is that once they hit a certain age he always excuses me to stand in the hallway so that the kids can talk with him privately about anything. Then he asks their permission before telling me. My oldest always takes the opportunity to ask him about the make/model of every car he has ever owned, but he always answers and then gets permission to tell me.
  7. We lived in Texas, but moved after the kids were born. A lot of my family is in education and have repeatedly told us that we can never move back. My mom has been emailing the reporter who broke the story to thank him for shining a spotlight on a terrible situation.
  8. Husband, 49, read the first chapter as a favor to me and became so hooked that we needed two copies of each volume as they were published so that we didn't have to wait for the other. I would never even consider going to a place like that without him.
  9. I thought that was hilarious because it is almost always the other way around. Even if my oldest has started a conversation with someone, he or she will then ignore him and ask me questions he can clearly answer.
  10. There is typically a general nursery, but most hospitals strongly encourage moms and babies to stay together in mom's room. I can remember the nurses telling me I needed a break to sleep or shower, and they took the baby to the nursery for a few hours. I think ice chips are the compromise for food/drink just in case you need an emergency c-section.
  11. I definitely looked up the Sutherland portrait and understand both sides, but side with Churchill: it was an important piece of art, but if I were related to Winston I might have burned it, too. I thought that Sutherland was correct, but unnecessarily cruel, especially considering it was supposed to be a gift to Winston.
  12. My comment was a little tongue-in-cheek, especially knowing how the writers changed history for drama's sake (or kept the prevailing opinion of the time, even though evidence shows now that Margaret changed her mind but threw Elizabeth under the bus to remain sympathetic to the public). This series has been driving me crazy, as much as I love it, because they keep showing Elizabeth promise to take care of something only later to find she can't. Now, as soon as she says absolutely, hubby and I groan!
  13. I am the youngest, too, although not so young anymore, and would have sympathy except I haven't seen Margaret try to do anything other than party, sleep with a married man, and remind her sister that "Dad liked me best." If we saw her ask about taking on a charity or actively seeking some sort of fulfilling work and being thwarted, I would feel for her. Instead, when she was given a chance to shine, we discover she was late to events and rude to many of the people she was meant to inspire/encourage/thank. Yes, it is hard to be away from the man you love, but her actions and threats were petty and childish, even for someone in her early-20's. I'm not impressed.
  14. My first reaction would be to stop, look around, and ask what's wrong. If my husband looked as panicked as Randall, I wouldn't decide it was time for a manners lecture. The more I think about it, the less I seem to like Beth. Hmmmm.
  15. Good God, woman, stop making promises you aren't sure you can keep!!
  16. I don't find myself with much sympathy for him because we never see him actually try to do something and be thwarted. It's not like he has tried to get involved in much and been told no. As far as I can tell he goes out with friends to drink and sometimes sees his kids.
  17. What bugged me was that apparently she is the only one who has to sacrifice. Michael's reaction isn't that they should do whatever it takes to make sure she is comfortable in her role as queen; instead he goes whining to Tommy that the job is supposed to be his, his, his. Well, now that he has got it I hope she makes him as uncomfortable as possible.
  18. Because Gabby gets >50% of the story lines, reaction shots, etc.
  19. Crs97

    NFL Thread

    Didn't they just sign him to an extension? Talk about buyer's remorse?!? I can't believe he has had a head coaching job this long.
  20. I wouldn't be thrilled if hubby bought a boat without our talking, and I would be very concerned if I knew it was a sign of depression, but I wouldn't be yelling at him to undo the transaction in the middle of the party.
  21. Okay, thanks, I seem only to find books dealing with the abdication.
  22. In season one Casey wanted to start a family with Hallie right away. He was sad to return Andy's kids to their mom after taking care of them. So the show has let us know that he wants kids, just not with Gabby apparently.
  23. Has anyone ever written about David/Edward growing up to explain why he was such a mess and his father would know he would screw up the country?
  24. I specifically listened for the long beep because I know how much shows love to use them, but it never changed from the short ones. I assume "nothing bad ever happens on Christmas Eve" will be just the newest thing the kids will use to bash Rebecca. "You broke your promise!!" Sigh
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