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Everything posted by Crs97

  1. Well, isn't Margaret a delight?!? Wow, if this truly is the treatment Elizabeth received from her mother and sister and husband . . . who needs enemies?
  2. I don't know why he thought Christmas Day would be better. MASH did a similar storyline, but I thought they tried to keep the soldier alive until the 26th.
  3. Rebecca showed it to Kate, had her touch it, told her it was magic, and then said she would hold onto it for Kate until Kate woke up from surgery. I think Andy really happened. We saw him away from Randall preparing to jump, Randall came in and talked with him, and after Beth arrived we saw Andy putting on his watch but leaving his drink on the balcony.
  4. I wish I could like this 1000 times!
  5. If I saw a half-eaten box of cookies and one child was complaining of a stomach ache while the others were running around with no problems, I would assume achy child, no matter what his/her size is, ate too many cookies. Sometimes mom-sense is just guesswork, but this show loves to have Rebecca be wrong. Is no one else concerned that Randall literally had to talk a man off a ledge, and they just let him go? I would not have assumed my chat worked so perfectly that I could let him go off on his own while I leave to celebrate Christmas.
  6. What I have found interesting is that you think you are watching a story about Queen Elizabeth, and each episode reminds you that you are truly watching a story about "the Crown" when you see she even fights it and loses every time.
  7. Kelly Bishop has a Tony from A Chorus Line as well. I love Edward Hermann and will stop to watch him on my television. YMMV
  8. Actually, I think he might have to accept the idea that he is like his father.
  9. Did I miss something? He proposed in season seven and she rejected him. How did we get back to his not wanting to go against his family for her? They begrudgingly accepted her and knew he was proposing, didn't they? Personally, I got the feeling she was the one pushing for it all to be casual and "what happens in London." I wonder if he would have dumped Odette if Rory had indicated she wanted more.
  10. I loved the fact that for all the screw ups in the practice runs, they would have been on time to drop Ray off on the day of the trip. I also loved the boys' attitude that it was disappointing not to have the girls choose them, but they put themselves out there and that's all they could do. Finally, I was glad they didn't have Claire fall for JJ. Heart-breaking, but realistic.
  11. I didn't get the feeling that Toby joined the group simply to lose 8 pounds. He said he gained almost 100 pounds after his divorce, and I got the feeling he probably wanted to lose all that weight at the beginning. I think he decided after all that work that it was no longer worth it to deny himself. I got the feeling that he decided he was just going to be happy with who he now was.
  12. Since Beth didn't know and it hadn't even showed up on a credit card statement yet, I doubt Rebecca knew he was looking for William. The best line I heard was "When I became a parent I promised I wouldn't make the same mistakes my parents did. It worked; I made different ones."
  13. and the kids won't know Jack was out drinking. As far as they know, he was working hard to provide for them. His halo is intact. So far what we have seen is Rebecca does the hard, thankless work that no one notices and Jack gets all the fun stuff. That is a pretty common problem, as people have mentioned.
  14. But Boden isn't his dad or legal guardian. His mom could totally sue, as could the guy who got beaten up because a child was asked to control the situation. Severide continues to be not so bright there.
  15. You know what line bothered me the most? Randall's "I want mom to hurt as much as I do." That's how a petulant child talks. You're 36, Randall. And by the way, Randall, did you spend nine months hearing that one of your triplets might be in trouble and then give birth to a still-born child? She will always win the "hurt more" competition.
  16. Crs97

    MLB Thread

    I know I am in the severe minority here, but I actually liked having the all-star game decide home field advantage. No griping about which league is more competitive, and it gives the all-star game some meaning. Let's face it, the football and basketball all-star games are jokes. I don't know why they even play the football game - no one from the Super Bowl teams attends, and the rest barely walk around on the field. They should just send them a plaque and free trip to Hawaii because that is the only reason to be named to the Pro Bowl team. Basketball - does anyone even think about defense? It's a ridiculous game that no one remembers ever. Baseball is the one sport that they can play all out in the all-star game with lower risk of injury. I was interested in the outcome. The AL puts out its best, the NL puts out its best, and the winning league gets to control the World Series. It seemed fair and gave most of the players an incentive. Now they have no reason to try and I go back to having no reason to watch them play.
  17. When Queen Elizabeth was complaining to Queen Mary about doing noting, I wondered why she hadn't gone to the hospital to see patients for herself. Part of the reason her parents were so beloved is that they stayed during the blitz and toured the ruins to provide comfort. Does she not remember that?
  18. I agree with the intention, but think about the dojo's speech, that intention, and a father in a wheelchair. Is he somehow less willing to left up his son? Do the other dads have to step in because he can't handle it? How does that further the dojo's speech about being the foundation? Are physically unfit dads less than? It fit perfectly for a moving scene for Jack, but left me shaking my head rather than tearing up. Show runners say they found it on YouTube for a child without a dad so all the other men lifted him in push-ups. They knew what to expect; this sprung on Jack didn't feel organic.
  19. Why would someone need to be watching the kid while they were at home getting dressed? The kid is probably around 3 so unless they leave knives or other sharp objects around I don't think he would need constant supervision. I think the point was that we never saw or heard Louie. When Casey got home, you would think Louie would have come out from wherever he was to see him. Or he would have followed Dawson out of the bedroom if he was hanging out with her while she got dressed. Instead he didn't even seem to be in the apartment, and clearly he wasn't at the family party. We keep seeing them out at Molly's and then double-dating with Antonio and Brett, and their child with his attachment and emotional issues is nowhere to be found. It's jarring and takes me out of the show.
  20. Unless Rebecca was specifically asked if she knew the birth father, then she was not under a legal obligation to provide the court his information. The court would have terminated William's rights due to abandonment and Might have charged him with child endangerment if they had known his name.
  21. I have two friends who have done it. Both had serious complications from the surgery and were re-hospitalized. Both have lost the weight and kept it off, to the point that neither looks healthy anymore. I assume they are still following up with their doctors, but both worry me, as they look older and gaunt and sickly, but both say they feel great. Five years ago I lost 40 pounds over ten months and told hubby I still have the same body issues, just in a smaller frame. Unfortunately I have gained it all back so am trying to get up the gumption to do it again, but so far the spirit hasn't moved me. Unfortunately it does seem realistic that Kate's whole storyline is about her weight because it seems like when you are trying to lose it that is all you can talk about. I never felt so shallow than those ten months when I was hyper-focused on diet and exercise.
  22. He was still using back then and had abandoned his child in a fire station (I assume this happened before the laws allowing for anonymous drop-offs at hospitals and fire stations). I don't think it would have ended as happily for William as you might hope. Frankly, I am surprised that Randall didn't have any withdrawal issues after being born to drug-addicted parents.
  23. I think the clicking noises Randall kept hearing were the locks; seeing her inside and unable to hear him saying they were outside and okay, he finally recognized she was in her own prison.
  24. I think Severide did that. I think it's crazy that a high schooler was allowed to ride along much less suit up and help out. I also wondered where Louis was. Too big to be napping every time we were in their apartment. Muddy Stella behind the bar and delivering drinks? Yuck!
  25. I am adding Tom Clancy to the literary list of someone who needed a strong editor to keep him on point.
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