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Juneau Gal

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Everything posted by Juneau Gal

  1. I caught that! Hilarious!! Sonja is much more intelligent and aware than her “Sexy J” persona would lead you to believe.
  2. Please everyone, read the book that this was adapted from. It is so much deeper and better and most of your questions will be answered.
  3. I lost a toenail after running the NYC Marathon, a blister formed underneath and it popped the nail right off. Lol. Didnt hurt, but I’d just finished running too far so everything else was hurting, a toenail was the least of my worries. Kristen’s was due to a stubbed toe weeks ago, so it probably didn’t hurt as much as her screaming implied. Did not need to see any of it however!
  4. I don't believe she is in The Crown.
  5. Yep, 100% agree and posted the same thought several episodes ago. I too have been bothered by how large the actress portraying Julia is, silly I know, but it kinda takes me out of the show. Julia Child was a tall, statuesque woman, but not heavy. Sarah Lancanshire when in Happy Valley was not this heavy, so I thought maybe they were padding her for Julia. That and her labored breathing is off putting.
  6. She really really did. Just a few days ago I went down the internet rabbit hole on that Little House episode, having never seen it, thanks to a random post on Facebook. To then see Francis look so much like the other actress was.........kinda spooky.
  7. There seems to be a lot of that this season, attempts at being wacky that come off as forced or out of place. The first three episodes in particular read as lots of wackiness to me and it was jarring because I never got that feeling season one. I’m starting to find Julia insufferable and I don’t like that.
  8. I have enjoyed this show for the costumes and the settings. The storytelling is neither here nor there for me; nothing egregious, nothing spellbinding. BUT I'm not going down another Edith rabbit-hole of a character who is never, until the bitter end of the series, allowed to have happiness. Yay Aunt Ada finds love and marries! BAM! next scene Aunt Ada's new husband has cancer. Puhlease! There is bad storytelling. There is sloppy storytelling. And then there is lazy storytelling of which Julian Fellowes seems to be the king. I'm not wasting my time on this and that makes me sad, because there was so much potential for this to be good.
  9. Good gravy I hate Kyle. Annamarie is 100% a miss. She can exit NOW. That’s all I’ve got; you all have covered it all nicely.
  10. I’ll tell you this much, I’d be pissed off if someone branded me with the first initial of their name without my permission. It’s so Kyle though, isn’t it? Operating at the emotional level of a pre-teen. Give her credit though, her K was better than the “art” the professional inked on her. Kyle is so mind boggling hypocritical along with the cheer squad of Faye etal. defending her after she pushed and pushed at Sutton to ask her question. If the marriage break-up rumors were already in all the print rags, then Kyle knows what her cast mates are wondering about, it’s not a shocking secret. I think she has desperately wanted them to bring it up so that she could control the narrative and so far, they really haven’t been playing her game. Probably because they could care less and enjoy watching her twist in the wind after all the years she has been HORRIBLE when others were going through personal issues. She’s a nasty piece of work and always has been.
  11. Whitney laying into Lisa for not making every moment about Whitney and her loss, all with a smile on her face and twinkle in her eye. Yes, Lisa is 100% self-centered, but I’m beginning to think Whitney is not just a shit stirrer, but borderline sociopath. Girl ain’t right.
  12. I think the problem with the series is that Julia’s life was at its most interesting BEFORE she made it. It would have been interesting to see her foreign service work, meeting and dating Paul, going to cooking school, etc. They rushed right into her WGBH days; she’s a success, so now what can they do for her character development? Not a whole lot, so they have to focus on the supporting characters. We, of a certain age, know the TV Julia, that’s not new to us. Learning more about her life before all that would have been new and interesting.
  13. One of the things that had Paul leave the foreign service is that he was, wrongly, accused of having “homosexual tendencies”. He was an artistic man who married later in life, supported his wife’s career efforts, enjoyed what were considered at the time more feminine pursuits, and all that equaled gay in the eyes of the government. Sad that any of that was ever, and in some cases still is, an issue.
  14. A charming, melancholy, heart breaking episode. I have very much enjoyed the first three episodes and wonder where everyone else is. Did the new season sneak up on everyone and viewers don’t know that it has dropped?
  15. Stockard Channing, oh my. Fun episode. Lots going on.
  16. Turner was not dismissed by George after her advances, what was she dismissed for? I can’t remember. Thanks in advance.
  17. I finally gave up and bought AdBlock to put on my devices as it had become impossible to read this site on my iPad. It’s ridiculous the ads and pop-ups on this site.
  18. I really liked the last scene with the intervention. Although Robin just was not allowing herself to accept the truths the women were speaking, it was all done in such a calm, direct manner. Gizelle got right to the point of the get together, they all let each other speak without interrupting, and kept the focus on Robin and concern for her feelings. Refreshing change from the usual screech-fests of these housewives shows.
  19. Kyle has reverted to being the teenager she was never allowed to be when she was an actual teenager. She's a rebel, don't you know! Hell, even her tattoos are the poor quality, immature type a teen would get. You are richer than god, Kyle, get yourself some good ink not line drawn hearts and moons. Her flouncing and pouting around, complete with eyerolls and muttered asides, are familiar to anyone who has ever known a teenager. Kyle has never been the smartest or most mature person of the bunch, but she was mollified by her financial privilege, having the "hottest" husband (which I have never gotten as I see Mo as mouth breathing average at best), and swanning about on TV. I will say, and know that I posted this on some thread LAST season, that I noticed Kyle being much more abrupt with Mo and at that time wondered if there was trouble in paradise. It's a tale as old as time; she poured a lot into her family, now the girls are either out of the house or reached an age of more independence, menopause is knocking or full on, her husband is finding his fulfillment in work (and perhaps side dalliances)and has less to no time to partake in housewives shenanigans, and where does that leave Kyle? And without alcohol to numb the pain......This episode brought it all home.
  20. Really nothing in the Vanity Fair article is new information. The author comes across as someone who never watched these shows before and is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, by what she saw at first viewing. Meanwhile we longtime viewers are, "Yawn, tell us something we don't know." Also broad-brushing the whole franchise when only RHONY was "investigated" is not good journalism. It all comes off as a vindictive smear campaign from a terminally bitter and unhappy person, Bethenny, who owes 99% of her financial success to her time on Bravo. She'll be on their doorstep in a month pitching a new show and wondering why it doesn't fly.
  21. Me too. While the other husbands were boasting, in front of their wives, about how they would leave them/have an affair if they couldn’t have sex for a period of time, Pavit lived that scenario and, as far as we know, did not step out and continues to love his wife. I think THAT makes Erin and Sai very jealous and was the impetus for all their chatter and attempts to tear the couple down. As the season developed it became clear to me that Jessel and Pavit have a sweet, tight relationship, albeit she does need to appreciate Pavit a bit more.
  22. Ugh, this is just........bad. So many nits I could pick, but for me the most egregious is Frasier's continued disappointment of Freddy dropping out of Harvard. Freddy is in his early 30s so this dropping out happened years ago. The Frasier we knew from the original series would have been initially disappointed, but by this many years later would have gotten over it and it would not be such an ongoing issue. At most it should have warranted a quick nod in the first episode and then move on. It's tedious. I understand that they needed something to explain the "estrangement" of the two characters, but a simple "we were both too busy with our own lives the last decade" would have sufficed and be more believable. That happens a lot between parents and children as the children become adults. Frasier teaching is a tired old trope also; it's like these writers are frozen cavemen thawed out and writing a show from the past. This show is just bad and it saddens me. I'm bowing out so that the whole reboot doesn't color my feelings towards the original.
  23. I believe you are correct. The background arm; somehow even more pathetic than no photo at all. 🤣
  24. Was the owner the short, squat Susie Myerson-esque woman who came up to the table with Jenna’s “date” that no one seemingly paid any attention to? I cringed for that woman big time.
  25. If someone doesn’t come out with a full production Death Rattle Dazzle, I’ll be very disappointed.
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