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Everything posted by CoyoteBlue

  1. Jesus, Na'im, you are out-dicking Bulent. If you ask for a tool and the person says "I'm still using it, I'll let you know when I'm done.", the only response is "Okay" and then STFU and go away.
  2. It's like they went half reasonable people and half crazy shitstirrers. Maybe that's the ratio these days. The original concept could be interesting if you choose rational, healthy members of those differing viewpoints, but yeah, it's reality TV, not reality.
  3. Muslim Summer, you look serious about it being an issue she has the same name. Like, taking it as a personal insult. CJ is suuuch a fratboy dick but somehow, Muslim Summer and Lashana make him come off as the reasonable one in that boat. And again with Muslim Summer putting words in Lashana's mouth. "She said she's a dictator! She said she's going to physically assault us!" Aaaand now she's crying martyr. "I'm not saying it's a racial thing, but I'll leave that for the world to see!" Yeah, you know they're filming this shit, right? That we can see you making things up? (Yes, I know they're editing the shit out of everything as well - it's reality TV - but enough with the martyr complex.) Maggie's a bit of a delicate flower. This is not the show for you, sweetie. It's gonna break you. Heh, I was using aptronyms for everyone in The Ark for most of the season because honestly I didn't care about most of them. 😄 Same with Survivor until mid-season generally.
  4. Jesus, just make Heather put up or shut up, okay? The first time she bitched about it, they should have told her to shut up and go make fire with her methods then instead of sitting next to them bitching the whole day about how they need fire. No shit, woman, that's what they're trying to do!
  5. Crowley has enjoyed a kind of favored status despite mostly being on everyone's shitlist Downstairs? (Or at least on everyone's annoyance list...) He's not exactly safe but he has a lot of freedom and independence in his appearance and actions that no one else in Hell seems to, except maybe Beelzebub. I can buy him having been one of the upper ranks of angels AND not really having Fallen like the others. He might have said "Let there be light!" but it wasn't the Big Bang - just a nebula. 🪐 ETA: The Gabriel/Beelzebub relationship actually reminds me of a fiction series by Macx about Aziraphale and Crowley getting into an actual relationship after the Antichrist and then eventually assisting Michael and Beelzebub (the beleaguered right-hand entities of their respective deities) as they navigate the same.
  6. Will N&A: Castaways fall under this topic or the basic Naked and Afraid topic?
  7. Shut the fuck up, Jeff. Just. Shut the fuck up. I'mma let the DVR record the rest of the eps, just in case I see here that Jeff gets taken out, but I doubt I'm going to have the stomach to watch Jeff continue to be an asshole. If I wanted to watch Asshole Survivor, I wouldn't be watching N&A. I want to see people surviving against the environment, not being sabotaging hypocrites.
  8. 23andMe and the kids of the-uncle-we-never-knew-we-had. Apparently Grandpa had a first wife and a son that none of the grandkids ever heard of. Uncle then went on to have like, three different babymamas, two of whom gave up their kids for adoption. They found me looking for Uncle (who died in the 90s). I hope we weren't supposed to be sympathetic with Jessie, because she needed a good old-fashioned ass whuppin'. She knew her entire life that she her father was a sperm donor and should have known that it's not like sperm donors are doing that with the romantic hope that their seed will take root and blossom into children who would one day go on a quest to find them to create a REAL family. They are most likely college guys wanking into a cup on the regular to make a couple bucks. The whole point is that they don't ever want to know the results of their wankfest, or else the guy would just donate sperm directly to someone who wanted it. She was a brat and horrible to her mother and spit on their entire family. Jessie didn't really deserve for it to turn out as well as it did. But I'm glad they all made it work.
  9. Everyone else get a repeat of episode one tonight too?
  10. And yet they specifically showed Beyonce in that sun-ray crown outfit.... If they meant "something that can be worn to a state occasion by a modern-day (or even near-future) royal", they should have said that. Instead there was plenty of talk-up about celebrities, etc, being "queens". Christian pointed out that the two pieces didn't go together at all and suggested they find something to tie it together - they chose a leather shoestring about her waist. Yeah, that did it! Meanwhile, the dress looks like a figure skater got run over by a cheap lingerie knockoff truck. It was horrific. SOMEONE involved in that outfit needed to go - it's unreal that they chose Victor. Even if they didn't like the drama of the corset, it wasn't the complete travesty that Depression Bride was.
  11. Gary's "playing the game", too, but he's playing it right. He knows you need to work with the others while taking care of yourself. It's not either or, Jeff. You're constantly hoisting yourself on your own petard there and no one is buying your martyr tears. I will say that I don't entirely fault Sarah for "sharing" the fish between the two people who went fishing together. It's not like he sat on his ass or ran around searching for caches while she got food for him. For all his selfishness, I think Jeff would have at least split their catch with her, had he been the only one to get a fish. Gary just flat out gave Jeff the other team's impala meat, that they found and chose not to share with Jeff, for Gary's own benefit, so he's a bit of a dick.
  12. Jeff refuses to part with anything unless he thinks he can immediately benefit. Most of them are essentially trading as well; they are just willing to trade extra stuff now for benefits-to-be-named. Like sharing out doubles so when the other groups get food with those items, they'll share back due to that consideration. Jeff's entire attitude is "what's in it for me?" so everyone else got tired of it and gave his exact same attitude back to him. Why share food with him if he's not willing to pay for it, just like he won't share hides unless they can pay for it? If he's only out for himself, why should they give him food when he won't return the favor? The man doesn't know the meaning of the word "humility" A lot of these folks have understandable pride and bulletproof self-esteem regarding their skills; no problem! Jeff boasts and gloats constantly over every little thing he does, like he's the Second Coming just because he got a single thumb-sized crab, while his self-congratulatory hooting and hollering is scaring off big game. And then he whines that he isn't getting handouts when he refuses to give them himself.
  13. Did not know Corey is a paramedic! "I have a lot of different pillow needs!" Love that Ken blocked her in and told her to "sit and rest". I feel like she's not the safest person to drive in any case. I don't think she made eye contact with anyone the entire time.
  14. Are there seriously no rules about dicking with other competitors' goods? If he does this, I hope the entire group finds out and descends on his camp and strips it bare. Sorry, Stacey. You got stuck with the raging asshole.
  15. Even the editors hate Jeff. Matt: "A challenge like this, it's gonna bring out the weasels." [Cut to Jeff] "People have misunderstood me for years..." Looks like some of them bulked up a bit, sensibly. Always love Matt; shame that Gwen got med tapped Wes/Amber - Maybe a shelter WOULD have been a good use of time! Hope he and Matt team up to help each other Dan and Cheeney / Steven and Sarah seem solid. Poor Waz stuck with Gary. Do your best to drag his ass to Day 22, buddy. "Is the tree spiky?" Fuck you, Gary. Don't make Waz tie you up. Gary: "I've been a crutch to a lot of people." Uh-huh.
  16. If Angie had punched herself in the face and left everything else the same, the girl and mom could say that Angie came to do the welfare check, interrupted their fight, tried to arrest him and then he fought her, knocked her out, the girl panicked, thinking she was in immediate danger (and their savior cop has just been neutralized), and she stabbed him, getting "lucky". And that's just if you want to spin the story a little to make it a more obvious "My mom and I are in danger!" self-defense case.
  17. Yeah... then the hobo's bosses come after it and there's a hostage situation at Three Rock because the money is gone and they want to extract their pound of flesh and it's Biker Gang Vendetta, Take 2. Which might be better than what I'm expecting - the guard finds it, Bode takes the blame to keep Goat from getting into trouble and loses his probation hearing.
  18. Watching this again (yay constant marathons on USA!) and it always cracks me up that on the crane, Buck says "Make sure we're all clear below!" and we get a shot of Bobby confirming, that truck in the background. And then the beams fall directly onto the truck, splashing Mystery 55-gallon-drum Fluid everywhere and crushing the truck bed. That... That is not "clear", Bobby.
  19. Bahahahah! Yes. When did Bode learn humility? What was with him crying to Mommy to take over? You can't keep Bode from trying to take over any given situation when his actual life depends on it and yet now, in an entirely tame scene, he can't handle putting out a couple of spot fires, triaging the available kids and waiting for backup for the trapped ones?
  20. DOES LOCKDOWN NOT MEAN "LOCKING ALL THE DOORS"?! Damn, Lady MacTrust managed to get one last good stab in Spacefluencer - I can't tell if she knew Cat was banging her husband and wanted to torture her beyond death, or if she didn't and just managed to torture her anyways. Ah, so reassuring to know that all of humanity has boiled down to a bunch of goobers trying to avoid being genocided by two idiot narcissists. BSG Memorial Personnel Count: 121 +5: Airlock Boarding Party -5: Airlock Boarding Party +1: Marco -1: Marco -1: Lady MacTrust -3: Lane, Trust and Angus go to 15 -1: Garnet to the rescue! -1: SusKelly
  21. So he IS Elon! It wasn't an issue originally when they were all wearing the suits that connected to the helmets as daily attire. Honestly, no one has a knife for personal protection at this point? I bet Alicia could have done some serious damage on the bridge in the final fight just by sheer rabid-mongoose-esque energy and a sharp object. And why are we just punching mutineers? Trust and Lady McTrust should have been shot out of an airlock already. Then work things out with the Ark 1 folks who didn't require neck snapping/stabbing/shooting to subdue. Is there any reason in the next episode that Ark1 wouldn't just have Trust and Lady McTrust over to Ark15 with their compliments? I'm guessing SusKelly told them all about Alicia and Angus as well, so Ark15 is going to try and go "shopping' through Ark1 for key resources/people. BSG Memorial Personnel Count: 127 -1: Sus Kelly's Engineer Sacrifice -1: Jail Guard? I feel like SusKelly would just snap a neck for expediency at this point and he... did not look good.
  22. So have these documentary guys never heard of voiceovers? Like, stop asking for a play-by-play in the middle of surgery! He can explain everything in post, ffs. I cannot believe they had the balls to title the episode "when to fold". :)
  23. Alicia might end up showing SusKelly the human recycler up close and personal. Wife UnTrustWorthy is such a smug, self-important c***, she fits right in on Ark One. I'd wonder how her creepy husband keeps getting so much tail, but we have enough proof in real life that socially-repellent rich troglodytes manage, so... With any luck, he'll go through the female crew just to wipe her smarmy little smirk off. They have to stop parading people through the ship for the Ark B hoi polloi to gawk at and get worked up about. First Kelly, now these two. Wife UnTrustWorthy is strutting around like she should be treated like an Empress. Did Brice ever check Ark 3's medical database or ask SusKelly to see if they'd come up with a cure for Klampkins? JFC, they doubled down on "let's make sure information is so tightly keep secret that a few key losses will risk everyone's survival" this episode. Super-secret fail safe EMP! Sucks that UnTrustWorthy was right; I mean, Garnet made the right decision given what they knew. 2 might have exploded, but 3 and 15 are tooling around the galaxy with that retrofit. UnTrustWorthy, if you think any five of these people have a common goal, you're loony. And that includes basic survival, judging by their actions so far. BSG Memorial Personnel Count: 129 (No deaths)
  24. They almost exactly recreated how Kevin Lee died so I imagine a lot of Chim's acceptance of Albert leaving the LAFD comes from the reminder of what can happen to even the most dedicated firefighters.
  25. Because there were only 2 hibernation bays - the one that disintegrated slowly enough for all but one crew member to escape, and the one that was destroyed immediately and catastrophically
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