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Everything posted by CoyoteBlue

  1. It'll be the new "jumped the shark". "Oh, yeah, that's where the collapse started." The minute we saw LoserBrother at the fire, I knew it was him. They keep teasing me with the notion of Gabby dying and I don't know if I can take the continued teasing. If she's not dead next episode, I can't watch next season. I just give up with her Gabbiness. #FREECASEY! #FREECASEY! She loses her damn mind and it's Casey's fault he doesn't folie à deux along with her? Shut up, Antonio. And shut up, Boden, with the "maybe you became an alderman to pull strings for your girlfriend's stupid ideas!". Sure, let her ruin a crack baby's already-traumatized life. GAH!
  2. The Swiffer commercial where two pre-K kids make a cake from goddamn scratch while flinging artfully open flour sacks and brown liquid everywhere. And apparently, it makes Mommy a bitch when she gets stressed by the filthy kitchen. Now, she realizes that not supervising your children as they wreak havoc in your kitchen is totally just a part of growing up!
  3. Gabby's raging jealousy is delicious. You started this, Gabby; he's going to have to talk to a few women in the course of his new job. The kid actor was amazing. Definitely had something in my eye, dammit. I'm sure the aunt is going to hang around at least a couple days to arrange the funeral and get the kid packed up and stuff - gives the kid plenty of time to get his feet under him a little and return Pouch before they leave for CA. I don't know if the consultant can be evil. She's not chewing the scenery enough. I'm surprised they didn't give Board of Ethics guy a fake mustache to twirl so he could be sufficiently cartoony for a Chicago Fire villain. In that vein, the Chicago Emergency Services Trilogy has whiplash-inducing differences in tone between them. Fire is a three-ring drama circus, Med is a boring drama-less drama and PD is actually a decent cop show with tension and storylines and characterization that persist.
  4. I thought they'd let the surrogate keep the baby if it didn't go to term? Well, bonus! In two months, she'll have a healthy baby to sell to the highest bidder. Or just parents who aren't complete assholes.
  5. You have to love the way she makes sure her booberfly tattoo is prominently displayed.
  6. So I wonder how this vulnerability will play out. It seems that Lucifer might be pushing her away either to keep from being mortally vulnerable OR to keep Amenadiel from realizing the Chloe-mortality connection. Is it just Chloe (among mortals) that can hurt him, or is it her presence? If so, will he be able to shield her from bullets in the future or not? He got burned rescuing her from fire (which, really, is total bullshit - fire is his element, ffs!) - was it because he was near her? Touching her? If it's a psychosomatic thing, can he drop the physical vulnerability around her when she's at risk to protect the emotional vulnerability? I really like how they seem to keep everything rolling. Like, there's not some giant secret that they spend all season talking around without advancing, but likewise there's not new things popping up and getting completely resolved every episode. Everything seems to have time to breathe and develop without stagnating.
  7. Well, some of the problem he had with the munchkin cat is that humans bred a cat that can't jump and run and play, because it has stubs instead of limbs. Buying these purebreds just encourages the breeders.
  8. the first thing I thought was "Oh god, get them off, get them off!" It looks like some kind of mutant insect is swarming over the shirt. They should come with a warning: "Do not wear when high or intoxicated." I do think that Ken did this and I agree that it was a smart choice. There's a point when continuing will just make things worse. Go home, get some sleep, mull it over a little and return ready to go the next day. But... Do they no longer live together? Because everyone talked like Ken hadn't even been seen since the night before, which begs the question of where he slept.
  9. I'm not sure what games people go to that they've ever seen something like Dom's dress. At least Sam's dress in entirely different fabrics would be cute and sporty. Dom's was a high-fashion sack.
  10. From the article: Considering "a physicality, feral intelligence and bruising candor that make him magnetic to women" really couldn't be said about Phil, I assume it's just a way to make a neat idea sound like more than just another courtroom drama and pull in Dr. Phil watchers.
  11. She was upset because she leaves in a canoe for five minutes and the guys are immediately freaking that she's jumped ship to a "girls' alliance". Then they don't even talk to her about it but obviously pull another girl to the side to ask. Shows how much they trust her and yes, I'm sure Nick becoming their new bestest bud in her place didn't help. Also I was thinking "Lactose intolerant, anyone?". Even if your body usually handles it fine, I could see the physical stress and fatigue leading them to a very uncomfortable night.
  12. They did very briefly when he sang Sinnerman - just before the "I ran to the devil" verse.
  13. They acted like the gun would be untraceable? But having come from police evidence, it should be the exact opposite of untraceable. Any bullets recovered from a shooting would immediately point back to a gun that was already in police custody, thus implicating a member of the police and narrowing down the list of (probably numerous, considering his Luciferness) suspects. This is brought up so many times in the comic when people think they can use fire against him. But I guess Lucifer's all squishy and vulnerable and toast-able now. I would think that's damn near kidnapping, driving off with an unaccompanied minor. Whether she asked for the ride or not, you'd think the driver would want to avoid the potential police chase.
  14. I've figured out who Sister Crazy Pants reminds me of - Carrie's mom from the movie Carrie. From now on, I shall call her "Piper Laurie".
  15. I think that's "Heart and Soul", not Chopsticks. Remiel (who actually took over Hell in the comic) went batshit crazy, so... maybe. :) And Remiel volunteered, IIRC. Lucifer is an angel, fallen or not, and in this mythos, he has no problem walking into the very heart of Heaven. I was expecting him to zap the Spider with his Luciferness and drive him crazy like that guy from the pilot, though. What could Father Frank pull out of his hat that Lucifer (or any of us) haven't heard a million times before? "God has a plan, we can't understand it with our tiny human minds, believe the God, obey the God, blah, blah." Repeating that crap over and over doesn't make it make any more sense than the first time I didn't buy it.
  16. The part where a universal donor (O-) is told "No, she's AB, it'll never work!" made my eye start twitching. People with AB blood are universal recipients! They can take anyone's blood! At least make up some rare blood factor other than type that would be critical to the organ not rejecting or something. Or did I miss them adding that kind of caveat?
  17. My guess would be "a shitload of alcohol". He sounded wasted in a lot of his talking heads. I would never make it in one of those houses, because I would have told "Sister" to STFU from the start. "Your therapists ABANDONED YOU!" Yes, to deal with your disruption, bitch. S. T. F. U. I don't know if I can survive this season with her screaming the entire time and being insane.
  18. Yeah, if I had the option between trained (probably local) medics and an heat-exhausted, dehydrated ER doc, I'll take the medic. There's no way to know that Peter was thinking clearly and quickly enough to make any life-or-death medical decision at that time. I don't know about that. Usually, people keep digging way past where we ever expect the bags to be buried. Once one bag is uncovered, I'd never go below that level, assuming they're probably all at about that depth. They don't want them digging to China - it's about covering the most square footage searching, not digging the deepest.
  19. They could have just moved it down to the basement and kept the new one. It's a basement couch, at best.
  20. Yeah, I knew he was doomed the minute that ultrasound came out.
  21. I excuse that for now because he just got out of a serious relationship and then got blindsided with Jean, so maybe he's falling back onto bad habits. But yeah, I thought he'd grown beyond such childishness. Just enough room for what they were planning, not enough room for her to stay the night comfortably.
  22. If they still had the science-y goodness at the university, we wouldn't be wondering why in the hell Kripke and Leslie were there. Those two used to be a part of the visible social sphere of the boys at work - now, along with the science, they're the assumed-but-invisible part of their lives.
  23. Wow, that was a snooze. And next week looks even worse. I was surprised they assumed that the credentials were so amazing that it could only be an FBI agent. You could photoshop some shit off a cop show and print it out in Kinko's - and most people wouldn't know the difference. Who generally knows how to tell a fake set from real other than an agent? There are police impostors who manage to pull people over convincingly and you need more than a suit and an ID card to manage that.
  24. 1) I am just hoping we get to see someone spot Tai's tree and the copious smears of blood all over it and wonder WTF happened there. 2) Jason - You may have spent time in a desert, but apparently, you didn't learn about covering yourself OR sunblock. Don't brag about the fact that you don't learn.
  25. Well, Chloe just grazed him once with a handgun, and when he was with Delilah, he got shot several times in more vital places by a high-powered weapon. Might be the difference between your friend punching you on the arm and a boxer punching you for realsies in the jaw.
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