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Everything posted by CoyoteBlue

  1. So Upton is the New Al (the person willing to be old school and take care of business) and Halstead is the New Antonio (the person who will push back at Voight about doing the right thing)? It feels like they're trying to refill those roles which, ot be fair, were kinda important to the dynamic.
  2. He was in a coffee shop just down the street so he was available to run over if he was needed or vice versa (like Devon dropped in for advice).
  3. The issue is when white kids take other people's culture and use it in disrespectful ways. Using clothing with actual cultural significance as pajamas or costumes, wearing a hairstyle and considering it trendy when you wear it and ghetto when the originators wear it, using a culture's religious items as jewelry, that kind of thing. So Dayoung's style was not particularly special beyond "Korean fashion inspired" and wearing it would not be appropriative. If she had, say, made Buddhist robes into a mini skirt and use prayer beads as a belt, like a Sexy Buddhist Monk Halloween costume, it would be both appropriative and extremely tacky. ETA When they announced the safe people, it was my exact list of top outfits. *sigh*
  4. Of course he loved it. It was a pantsuit, the hallmark of old ladies. I can't believe he takes such immense pride in designing for old ladies. (And I say that as someone right in his demographic - that is some fugly old lady shit.)
  5. ALL of this show's villains have been moustache-twirling, unabashedly evil, cardboard characters. Bell was, Doctor Cancer Killer was, MedTech CEO was, and now Red Rock.
  6. This year was just a flat-out clown car of Freaks From Central Casting. That old lady "artist" is going to get on my last nerve, I can just tell. Beating the knives with a meat tenderizer. I do not know how Alton refrained from just snatching that out of her hand; he looked actively in pain at that, especially whern she called it a "multi-tasker". I can't remember if she was the one who tried to scoop something up with a potato masher, like, how the fuck do you not know to use a spoon? And the trainer lady who is just ME ME ME! LOOK, I AM DOING JUMPING JACKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHALLENGE. Dear god. The "need to catch a spouse" people seem sane and well-adjusted any more. I appreciate the younguns who professsed a need to be able to take care of themselves once they left the nest. I'm really glad about who got booted (can't recall his name, can't be bothered to look it up). He wasx on the verge of collapse the entire time, jesus. He starts right off with "I'm the hot one, I don't need to cook." and ends with trying to wink at the camera and blinking instead.
  7. Heh, I don't know that a lot of people know how to peel potatoes with a paring knife these days. I thought I only saw one peeler and the others were using knives.
  8. Wtf is that cat in the Chewie dog commercial supposed to be? Specifically those pointy white things at his "waist"? Are they supposed to be paws? Does he have three paws on the floor? Argh! Also, I could swear the kid is a boy and keep reading that's they're a girl?
  9. It's possible to test the baby's lungs for maturity and that's usually the indicator that it can live outside the mother. Weren't they trying to force-mature them with steroids? While I can get that Cain could farm out people whose families gave up on them coming back, that kid will rock the boat when it's evident Mom's not getting any actual rehab and once she sees the veg farm. I'm surprised Cain risked it, especially with the girl being able to call up that talk show host and get attention.
  10. I avtually looked up whether dogs can get ebola when I realized they didn't have an adorable little hazmat suit for him. His jump gear is still one of my favorites. And Brock is too damn hot to be your wingman, Sonny; thank god he's attached to the dog they'll never kill.
  11. Or there's this thing called the Internet (and Pinterest)? It sounds like she made the kringle, didn't buy it, so it doesn't matter how far away from WI she is as long as it sounded tasty and she downloaded a recipe.
  12. After last time with "No, I want to hear you say it out loud. Call." "...Call" "For" "For" "Backup" "Backup...but!" I would have thought Gil would have tattooed it on Malcolm's hand so whenever he looks at his watch, he'd see it.
  13. THIS! And sorry if you have regrets as a father, Glassman, but Shaun did NOT need to go back to his abusive parents for anything. So his dad dies! So what? Good riddance! What earthly good did it do to rip that old wound open just so they could pour salt in it? There was never an indication that Shaun needed some good old Hollywood "closure", so they just dragged him into that for their own purposes.
  14. October next year, they'll be required (or the REAL-ID equivalent), so if you already own them, it's easier to just use them. I use mine to fly all the time, even in the US.
  15. Well, honestly, Linda's not much better. Gene's definitely a chip off of that block.
  16. Eh, It's not like she asked him to go roam the halls; he was just twenty feet away behind the same locked-down doors as the rest of them. There's no reason they should have expected CrazyTown to get his hands on an all-access pass and break in.
  17. I jsut realized during my rewatching that I have no idea how they caught the Surgeon. I mean, seriously, one ten-year-old calls the cops and on his word alone, they arrest a prominent member of the community? What did Martin do with the bodies? What evidence was lying around the house? What reason did they have for a warrant? Like, seriously, from Malcolm whispering that his dad was going to kill Arroyo, what did Arroyo do? Walk up to Martin and say 'Yeah, I'mma put you in cuffs right now until I can get that tea tested"? I mean, originally Arroyo was called out there to make sure that it was just a prank call; no one took it seriously. What made them change their mind? It's bugging me now.
  18. Because Glenn had to change his diet for health reasons and couldn't eat candy, he snatched Garrett's candy out of his hands and threw it away. You'll notice at the end Garrett pulls out a bag of M&Ms and starts munching contendedly.
  19. We have a "quiet room" at work and it is fucking amazing. It's dark and has a couple of recliners, some prayer rugs, and futonesque mattresses in the cubicles. Great place to take a nap during lunch, some people watch shows on their phones. I also thought they'd open it up to everyone instead of just tanking it. Mouch was really wanting to relax with that potpourri and knows how to chill. Herrmann is too tightly wound to enjoy that room.
  20. I've lived in the area my entire life and only known one actual person who had a noticeable Southside accent. It's just the most noticeable accent because the rest of us pretty much sound like newscasters, so Southside Chicago apparently sounds closer to Boston (Southie Boston?) than other Chicagoans.
  21. Will and Natalie, the TBI Twins. It's a sad day for Chicago medicine when you have to ask for a doctor without a Traumatic Brain Injury at the ER.
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