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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Tonight's episode was the most accurate depiction of Vanessa to date, I thought. She is really exhausting, almost manic on the feeds. Talkity talk talk talk nonstop, and almost always about game and always trying to sway everyone to do what's best for her game. She usually ends up getting what she wants, so it's working, but it is still exhausting to watch. She constantly makes everyone give her their word on whatever, tells them "don't you dare lie to me," and then she lies to them. It's crazy.
  2. Shelli's crying DRs are on my very last nerve. She cries no matter who is nominated, even when she's the one who nominated them. Did she not realize how this game worked when she signed up? It can't be that traumatizing every single week, it just can't be. And yes, Clay, two months is a long time to be apart in your relationship .. that has existed for 45 days. ETA: James worked in a prison for three years. He worded that very weirdly. I'll answer this in the Episodes v. Feeds thread since we're not supposed to talk about feeds here.
  3. I'm glad they showed Shelli and Clay throwing Austin under the bus, but there was so much more of a pathetic effort to save themselves. They tried for hooouuurrrsss to get James to nominate Steve, but refused to even mention Becky's name when James was pressuring them for the name of their "rat." Of course they can't show it all, so this isn't a complaint- overall, I think this episode did a pretty good job of showing what really went on. Plus, they reminded everyone how ridiculous Judas is!
  4. Jackie declaring "Game over, I won!" was hilarious. This whole episode was great. I started a new thread for discussions about how the episodes differ from the feeds, but it will not include discussions about anything that happened after the stuff that is shown in the episode. It's here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/29956-episode-v-feeds-to-tell-the-truth/#entry1387247 I'm headed over there now to post some thoughts about the Clay/ Shelli / James convo.
  5. These people stress me out so much. The votes for eviction have changed so much just since veto ceremony and we still have almost 48 hours to go. I suspect that whoever vanessawants to leave will be the one leaving, and I suspect that will be Clay, but then these fools get my hopes up that it'll be Shelli. ETA: if anyone is interested, I created a new thread called Episodes v. Feeds to discuss the differences between what's aired and what we see.
  6. Yep! Becky definitely has her shady moments but the way that conversation was edited made it look like she was lying to Clay and Shelli when the opposite is true. It's been driving me nuts that they're not showing all of Vanessa's insanity. Granted, they'd have to have ten to twelve episodes a week to do it, but those marathon cuckoo sessions have played a big part in some of the decisions that have been made. On the other hand, the episodes are managing to capture Austin's creepiness perfectly.
  7. They sleep in whatever bed they want to, with the exception of have-nots. Usually by the time the feeds come on, they've already been on the house for several days and have sorted it out, but it changes over time. When someone is HoH or a have-not, their usual bed space is open and there might be jostling around, where the former HoH and have-nots find a space to sleep. the HGs figure out who they want to share a bed with early on, but it's not always the same bed and sometimes it changes. So, basically, it's a total free for all. They're not allowed to sleep anywhere except the beds, so especially early on it forces them to negotiate their own sleeping arrangements. I don't recall seeing it being a major issue but I remember Victoria got her feelings hurt last year because no one wanted to share a bed with her. She was apparently a bit high maintenance. Shocker, I know.
  8. Here's a thread to compare what gets shown in the episodes to what feed watchers see. After an episode airs, feed watchers can post here to say "Wow, they didn't show any of the talk about backdooring X" and curious episode-only watchers can ask "Did that discussion really only last five minutes?" This is *not* a place to discuss comps, nominations, and re-noms that have not aired yet. We don't want to spoil things for episode-only watchers; instead, we can all just talk about some of the social game that doesn't make it to air. However, because we will be talking about stuff that isn't on the episodes, it will get a little spoiler-y. When in doubt, tag your comments and let the reader decide whether to read. But seriously, don't post about comps and vetoes and nominations that haven't aired yet.
  9. Yes! I am so confused about why they can't tell she is lying almost all of the time. Her fake crying? Her tendency to just keep talking and talking, usually in circles and usually contradicting herself? The fact that 80% of what she says later proves to be untrue? How can they not notice this??? James and Jackie have proven that they're not stupid or especially naive and it just boggles the mind that they believe that Vanessa is an easily manipulated victim in all of this. And that she's isolated or, as she calls it, "solo dolo."
  10. Do you guys remember how ridiculous we thought James was way back in week 1 when he said that he doesn't mind getting blood on his hands, and instead will just rub it on his face? Well, aren't we the ridiculous ones now! He was not kidding around. Out of all the HGs, James has grown on me the most and has surprised me the most with his gameplay. The Mumbling Clay montage nearly killed me. Absolutely hilarious fake captions. Well played, BB, well played. I don't mind Shelli or Clay, or even them as a couple, but it is fun to watch power swaps and betrayals and whatnot. I was worried we were about to see another season of a big alliance running the house with no "surprises" until F7 or whatever.
  11. It seems like Shelli may actually stay if it's between her and Clay, although it's hard to predict with any certainty with these people. I think Vanessa thinks having Shelli around is good for her game, but she could just as easily decide that she can coast to an easy F4 with Liz, Julia, and Austin. Or an F5 with them and Steve, with Steve as her F2. I think Steve definitely votes with Vanessa but I cannot get a good read on what the twins and Austin will do. Maybe they realize they could be three votes in an alliance of six and join James, Meg, and Jackie to take over the house? Doubtful, but it might be a good move. Either way, I think James should use the veto and put Vanessa up against Shelli. It almost guarantees that Shelli leaves, but either way a major player from the other alliance is gone. Although that presupposes that anyone in the house realizes Vanessa is a major player in that alliance, so ... All this just to say that I've spent entirely too much time watching the feeds to be this clueless about what will happen at veto ceremony and on Thursday. I'm really enjoying it.
  12. Shelli has really got to be kicking herself for not keeping Jason. "Saving" him from Vanessa wins his loyalty, and sways Meg and some combo of James/ Jackie/ John, if not all three, leaving them still in a majority alliance with obvious targets on the other side - Austin, Vanessa, and the twins, plus an easy target in Steve.
  13. This is absolutely amazing. Clay and Shelli can't believe James doesn't think they're his best friends, and James is holding his own like a beast. He made a plan, he stuck to it, and he won't second-guess his decision at all. He's basically Bizarro Vanessa, and it's great. Vanessa spiraling and throwing Clelli under the bus hard. And meanwhile, Johnny Mac and Jackie having some great little game talk of their own. One HoH is so much more exciting than two. That said, I can understand Vanessa's frustration at BotB ending before they thought it would. I don't think she would have put up Jason had she known, because she literally did the math and figured there was a 6% chance that the other side won both HoHs and so it was worth the risk. The odds of ADC being HoH change dramatically without BotB and I don't think Vanessa was ready to draw this line in the sand yet. I'm not saying it's unfair or anything (I hate BotB and I am loving today's feeds, so I'm thrilled), I'm just saying I can understand why she's upset.
  14. James should put up Austin and Liz. If one of them wins veto, Vanessa goes up. Only problem is if Vanessa wins veto and takes Austin down. In that case, he can't put up a pawn because the votes would be uncertain. I doubt she would win, though, because she won't want to choose between the two. Much like she didn't want to win this week's veto.
  15. James is such a wild card, there's no telling who he puts up. Not Meg, almost definitely not Jackie, probably not Johnny Mac, but otherwise .. ??? I have no idea how much this deal will mean to him, especially after how Shelli and Clay just hosed him on the Dark Moon deal. Jason told him to put them up- does he dare do it and put a huge target on himself? He hasn't seemed to care too much about people putting him up so far. I have no idea and it's exciting and frustrating all at once! Who am I kidding- he and Meg think Vanessa was manipulated and she's on their side so he'll probably just do whatever she tells him to. But wait- who would she say? Jackie, obviously, and maybe Becky or John as a pawn? Or have James do her dirty work and get rid of Austin? I am way too invested.
  16. Jackie was my hope for a shake up. I think Becky and John would both take the easy route and put up Meg/James, thinking it's too early to make a big move (how'd that work for you, everyone in season 16 who isn't Derrick?), and I really have no idea what James would do. Possibly Shelli and Clay because he said he would, but possibly whoever the last person to talk to him tells him to put up. He can be fickle. Who am I kidding? Shelli or Clay will win.
  17. Or Shelli/ Clay with Vanessa as a backdoor plan of veto is used. I think Jackie thinks the coup,e is really the mastermind of the alliance. Well, shit, doesn't matter now.
  18. I really need them to be tilting this wall more often, at a higher angle (lower angle? You know what I mean), and for longer periods of time so that I don't stay up until 5 am drinking wine. I'm really tired of Clay and Shelli making schmoopy faces at each other during this. I think James might be asleep. ETA: they probably are recycling water- I know they've told the house guests to not let the showers run unnecessarily because of the drought so I can't imagine them just wasting this much water.
  19. WanderingSnark, I can PM you if you're serious. But if it drags on for hours and hours, it'll have to be in the morning! It was a jerk move. I know people give mean messages often and I'm usually okay with them when they relate to gameplay. But hers was personal, and it was about something she knows is a sore spot for Jason. He's said some nasty things too, and I don't think those were right either, but she went in there and recorded that message with the intent to hurt him. That's just mean. Austin continues to sleeve me out. I loved seeing Shelli squirm. And I remain astounded that no one seems to pick up on all of Vanessa's lying tells.
  20. That kid's hand was disgusting. I don't care how many injuries Bill has seen over the years, that should have been alarming especially when it just kept getting worse. I am a cynic, but I think Amy was a PR stunt. They found a nice good-looking blond woman with fishing experience, brought her on the show, and then had her admit that only big brawny men can do this job. Now whenever someone complains that there are no fisherwomen on this show, they can say "We tried! She couldn't do it!" Even though Amy appeared to hang in there better than a lot of the greenhorn men we've seen over the years. I've looked for After the Bait online but can't find it. Anyone know if it's available anywhere other than cable TV?
  21. Laura slyly giving Liz a hard time was wonderful. I hate that we know she's going to keep the secret because no way do we learn about Jason before sweeps (which is ridiculous); I'd love to see her blow this all up, and I can't think of any good reason for Laura not to tell, which means some good old-fashioned character assassination to support a stupid plot point. Yay!! Silas is so dead. But will it be Ava or Franco? Do I care? No. No I do not. I have no idea when this happened, but Michele Stafford's acting hasn't been giving me rage blackouts lately. Well done, you! No comment on her storyline, though.
  22. Would it be possible to have a running no-spoilers feeds-versus-episodes thread? After an episode airs, people can talk about how what we saw on the feeds differed from what we see on the episode, or how the DRs added to it, etc.? Non-feed watchers could learn more details about conversations or relationships, etc. We still wouldn't talk about comps or things that happened *after* the events shown in the episode, but it would be fun to have a place to talk about how "that conversation actually lasted 3 hours" or "they were actually really pissed about who got picked" or whatever, and my understanding is that the editing thread isn't quite the right space for that.
  23. I fell several days behind on episodes and I'm just now getting all caught up on this thread- imagine my surprise upon learning about Ron! I refuse to get my hopes up but I will go so far as being cautiously optimistic. Related: an article I just read said that the new writers might move the Jason reveal up to before November. Good god - they were planning to drag this shit out for four more months!?!?!?!??? I died. I am so glad TG is gone that I can't even muster up any irritation at the bullshit way this major legacy character was written off. The last two years (two? seven? three hundred fifty-three? who can tell) of all the fake Luke crap was so awful that it made me hate everything about the character. Having him exit by revisiting the worst story ever and then giving his final farewell to Sonny certainly was a truly awful exit, though. We can all pretty much predict where the Dante/ Lulu stuff is going, but I'm totally fine with it. It's classic soap stuff and if the actors all bring it, I think I might enjoy it. I like everyone except Valerie and I think the story has the potential to be really interesting: the history between Lulu and Dillion, the fact that Lulu and Valerie are cousins who just met, Dante worrying about being like his dad- there's a lot there to mine.
  24. With this cast, probably. Yet another negative effect of BotB. With four nominees each week, you have to be so much more careful to not piss off people who aren't in your alliance lest they end up in charge the next week. As for Shelli and Clay: my best guess is that they're really conventionally attractive people and not seem pretty nice to everyone, and so they all trust them. generally, we are more likely to trust pretty people and I think we're seeing that in action. I think something like BotB could have worked but not the way it's currently set up. Make BotB individual comps and randomly pit the nominees against each other one on one, and have the HoHs have to do the same, but make all three happen at the same time. You could have had Clay v. Becky and James v. Liz, which probably would have made Jackie and Vanessa think twice about letting the other one stay HoH: if Clay and Liz both lose, having Jackie stay HoH could be disastrous for Sixth Sense. If the HoHs are going to collaborate on four nominees, treat them as four separate nominees and let them fight it out, and make the HoHs get a little skin in the game. It's not perfect, just a thought, but it wouldn't be worse than encouraging everyone to nominate weak players and vote "with the house."
  25. BotB is terrible because it discourages HoHs from targeting anyone other than "who the house wants." I just think back to how different last season might have been if Donny had won solo HoH and done whatever he wanted instead of negotiating his nominees. I don't mind changes to the game, like making the veto picks theoretically random, but they shouldn't be changes that make he game less strategic and more boring.
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