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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. I like the idea of Jake going to work with Michael. I didn't get the sense that Liz would rather he work for Sonny, but that she is worried that too much time around Michael will make him remember who he really is. My previews were all wonky but I suspect Liz wants Nik to hire him. I don't even care what's going on with TJ. I continue to enjoy Nina! She and Ric are playing off each other well, and her desperation today was more believable and less shrilly and ridiculous than before.
  2. Personally, I don't care about this one because I intentionally clicked on a spoiler a few days ago, but some folks around here avoid even casting rumors and confirmations (and often I am one of those people). I realize now that I don't know the technical rule, and it's probably fine to post it because it's been reported, but I think a lot of us spoiler tag this stuff on the side of caution. Or maybe I'm totally wrong. Guys? And not trying to call you out, TessH- really just asking because I think it's nice for us all to be on the same page!
  3. For the most part, I enjoyed this episode. The exception? Luke and Laura. Obviously there is some Big Secret, but, as Lulu said, there were a thousand better ways to do that. It's just unnecessarily cruel to Tracy, and nobody wants that. Otherwise, I liked it. Dante holding Lulu back worked for me, because L,L, and T needed to say what they needed to say without her interfering, same way Tracy told Dillion to back off. And I loved Lulu running to Tracy. They've been supporting each other for a long time, and I really liked Lulu basically telling. Her parents "Fine, great, glad her happy, but you're terrible people." Nina, Silas, and Franco amused me, especially Nina and Silas. The actress seems to playing Nina differently, and I find myself enjoying some of it. I can't describe it, but it's working. And her ridiculousness combined with sardonic Silas is the most I've ever liked either of them!
  4. I'm so confused. At first I was all "woo-hoo! Bring on Morgan and Ava!!" Then it turned into "Wait, they don't seem to have any chemistry..." When Ava screwed up and said she missed it, I thought Morgan had set a trap for her. But it's Morgan, and that seemed a little too complicated for him. But I can't believe he'd really start kissing Denise. Like I said, very confused. I absolutely do not want Tracy marrying Luke, but why the hell did the show have to put her through this? It is not at all the only way to write out Luke. I hate it.
  5. You already do! Although they're pretty rare these days, there are bearer certificates, and whoever has physical possession of them is the presumptive owner of the stocks. They let shareholders remain anonymous. But again, they're not issued very often anymore. I am not enjoying any of this engagement stuff, in large part because I grew to really hate Luke during the last year and can't get over it, and I'm not enjoying any of the Sonny stuff (although the latter is not new). I am, however, kind of enjoying some of the Nina and Franco stuff, and I can't even articulate why. Maybe because so much else of the show annoying? Michael can Get It, tiny fish mouth and all.
  6. Please god no. I mean, I never watch the opening credits anyway, but I don't even want to know that Sonny gets more special placement. I will be Dante-levels of over it. Dead. Dead! You have killed me with your perfect gif.I love RoHo, and I would be perfectly willing to accept Franco as a totally new and different person. Let's just pretend that he happens to share a name with the person who did all that crappy shit, and let him start anew as a new character. I'll hand wave it.
  7. That's the exact Dante face I was talking about! He honest to god just cannot even. I loved it. The reasons you FF'd Nathan, Franco, and Maxie are the reasons I liked it...
  8. Dante is so over it. He's killing me (in a good way). I liked Franco with Nathan and Maxie today. I generally like Nathan and Maxie, so that helped, and I've always been a fan of RH. Franco's been better all around lately, even though I still can't stand him with Nina. I'm tolerating Nina better with Ric, which is surprising. Is Ric broke? Why? I can't get over Sloane's jaw. It's distracting.
  9. I didn't mind the ability to spew out a lot of answers hoping to get the right one, or the lack of head to head competition. But I do think that, for a TV game show, if the rules have to be explained after every commercial break, it's probably too complicated. Sure, a new show is going to require a little more explaining for contestants and viewers, but this show requires waaaaayyy too much explaining. That, combined with the host's nonstop too-loud obnoxious chatter made this unwatchable for me.
  10. Interesting, rivernightsnancy- I didn't know that about coconuts. I wonder if they introduced them slowly, while they still had other water and food, they could a climate quickly and use the as a major food and water source. I really like that the cameramen are part of the group rather than hidden off to the side. It gives this show a very different feel than most others, and means no one out there is returning to camp to eat and sleep.
  11. I'm happy to see Shawn go because I hated what they did to his character and it never made any sense that he was one of Sonny's flunkies, and he was totally ineffectual as a hitman in ways that weren't even interesting. However, I worry that he's leaving to make room for Jason to come back into the fold as Sonny's right hand man, and I absolutely do not want that. I think I'd like a Jason Q/ Jason M mix. Maybe he remembers both pasts and is conflicted about the murdering Jason, but also doesn't want to be goody two shoes medical student Jason, and so he lands somewhere in the middle. A gray Jason, if you will. I was trying to think of a character to compare what I want to, but it seems like all the current characters are black or white, no nuance or gray areas to any of them. Maybe Luke of old? Sean Connery? My memory is also not great, which is not helping. Anyway, that's what I want. And a pony.
  12. I know I watched today's show, and yet I recall basically none of it. I did notice, however, that Shawn and Jordan are really not capable of carrying a supposedly emotional scene. That jail stuff was hard to watch, it was so bad.
  13. Coconuts also have vitamins and electrolytes and calories and whatnot; I'm not sure why they're not finding as many as they can and just drinking and eating them all. Gotta be better for them than boa, right?
  14. I think I liked it! I'll definitely give it one or two more episodes, at least. Especially now that Taylor is gone, because that guy was getting on my nerves, even if he was right about the beach. Super annoying. I like the actual survival aspect of the show, but I guess it's good that they have medical personnel nearby. Day two, and people are already falling apart, with previews looking like more of them will.
  15. Brooke and Eric just might be the worst parents ever. Haranguing Rick and basically firing him right in the middle of all this drama with Maya is not exactly supportive. I'm pretty annoyed with Maya for leaving the cabin. I understand that she was hurt when Rick was so focused on how this "scandal" would affect FC and was worried that he would be a laughingstock. Those are not words of comfort and support. However, Rick had just learned that Maya was transgendered, which he handled surprisingly well (especially compared to what we all expected!), and then immediately saw all the shitty articles making fun of him for it - that is a lot of information for one person to absorb and process all at once. And hadn't Maya also been worried about the effects on Rick at FC? She's had months to prepare for this conversation; Rick got blindsided. He said some things he shouldn't have, absolutely, but when he chased her outside, begging for a chance to process it all, I was on his side, especially because he had been so supportive of her initially. I'm not saying Rick is 100% right and Maya 100% wrong, but I am saying that I think she should have given him more of a chance to work through what seemed to be the thing that really bothered him- the ridicule that he was in fact already on the receiving end of.
  16. Well, he outlasted them because he outplayed them. Maybe he wasn't a master strategizer (arguments could be made either way), but he won 5 individual immunities in a row when he was a sure boot without immunity - not sure how that isn't outplaying. And to quote Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad.
  17. I didn't believe Jeff when he said this was a great season, because, well, he's Jeff. The first half was horribly boring when it wasn't being a display of the worst of the humanity. But the last half really did pick up, and I enjoyed it. I am glad Mike won. He had his jerky moments for sure, but I respect his gameplay because he was "public enemy number one" for a long time, and managed to stay in it. I wanted him to win mostly because he was less terrible than all these other assholes. I didn't like Carolyn from day one, and I'm glad she didn't win, but I was really surprised that she got only one voter. Really surprised. Why did Will and Rodney vote out Sierra at five? Why not Carolyn, who they had just tried to vote out, and who had an even better chance of beating them? Confusing. I don't buy Dan or Will's apologies on the reunion show, because I've been paying attention to social media where they both defend their actions and admit no wrongdoing. They were all bullshit tonight. Jeff really hates Dan, doesn't he? Wow. Just wish he had given Will the same treatment. That was so surprising to me! Why in the world would either of them vote for Rodney to win?? Either they were being silly, or there is a story there that I would like to know.
  18. Poor Dante. Every single person he loves constantly puts him through emotional hell, relying on him to help with their lies, harping on him when he tries to do the right thing, shooting him in the chest, putting him in the middle of their disputes and expecting him to chose sides... I'm looking forward to the day he just throws his hands in the air and screams "I do not give a shit - figure it out for yourself!" I've always liked, or at least not minded, Olivia, but lying to Dante to only then tell him the truth is such an asshole move. I mean, dead baby lies are never exactly kosher, but she's really ratcheting it up a notch. It must be so hard to act that out when she's still pregnant. I'm surprised she's doing it. I am really enjoying Michael and Sabrina. I like that he gets her conflicted feelings over Carlos, and that she is self-aware enough (now) to realize those feelings. Did Sabrina sleep with Carlos when he spent the night? If so, assuming she and Michael are about to do the nasty, are we getting the set up for another WTD story? I will ... well, I probably won't actually *do* anything other than bitch about it on here. But still. ETA: Billy Miller is becoming much more attractive to me. His facial expressions today were adorable.
  19. My understanding (from interviews, I think) of Tyler's "sit there and look pretty" is that it was just a catchphrase of his, and he used it a lot, to everyone, even when talking about himself. I'm okay with it, and don't see it as sexist- it's like he's making a joke about the "pretty girls don't have to work" stereotype, not embracing it. Reasonable minds can differ, though. Dan's Ponderosa was insane. He never will change, because he never will acknowledge that anything he has ever done was wrong. His post-game interviews have demonstrated that clearly, and those are happening now, after he and everyone he knows have seen the episodes. He still maintains everything he said in his Ponderosa video. He has this misplaced confidence and arrogance - he didn't learn anything out there because he already knows everything about himself, his alliance stayed loyal (ignoring, I guess, Will and Tyler's votes), he was too nice and not villainy enough, so on and so forth. I don't know if it's narcissism or regular old personality disorder or a defense mechanism or what; what I do know is that him does not make him like able. I found it interesting how everyone was discussing the things Carolyn did and told about. I'm sure they talk about the whole game a lot, but I don't know if there are as many "surprises" about other people as there seemed to be about Carolyn having the idol and about her telling everyone about Dan's advantage. Maybe Rodney's role in forming that alliance, but there's not much else I can think of. It got me wondering what, if anything, it might mean for Carolyn at final three, especially if Mike is also there (unlikely!).
  20. I haven't listened to Heidik on RHAP yet, and I didn't watch his season, but over the years I've gotten the impression that he is douchebag extradonnaire. I listened to the Jim Rice interview, and I was shocked at the douchiness there. Is he better or worse than Heidik?
  21. I'm sure it annoys a lot of people, but I crack up every single time there's a Joss=Corn reference. I like the little actress, I like the potential Joss has as a teen or adult, and I like that the show and the actress have embraced her corn-ness. It works for me because, with the exception of Halloween, it's usually just referenced or in a throwaway line, rather than beating me over the head. Plus, come on, that child is clearly actual Children of the Corn material.
  22. Yes. Are you new here? (I kid, I kid!). But yes. I don't really care about Dead Baby Falconeri (too soon?) one way or the other, other than my annoyance at yet another WTD story. I think we are averaging 1.5 a year, which is absolutely ridiculous. I guess my biggest problem is that I can't figure out Olivia's long term plan here. Is she really thinking that she will be able to leave town with a live baby, and no one will know? Great, I have that story to look forward to in 2-4 months. I thought Ned and Olivia did a terrible job acting like the baby was dead, but those two actors did a great job acting like they were acting like the baby died. That seems like it would be hard to do. At first I was outraged at TJ's responses to Jordan, but you guys brought me around. It does make sense that he'd harbor some anger toward to her, and that he still considers Shawn his support system/ real parental figure. I'm looking forward to him learning more details and dealing with it all, and fortunately this is an actor who can pull it off.
  23. I'm still furious about all the time Hayden spent saying shit like "I know you don't trust me, but this is important", "It's about your identity", "It matters to you too, Sam", "No, really, you're going to want to hear this, even if I lied about being your wife" for the entire show. Again, I like some suspense, but there is a limit, and Monday's show went way past it. What do we get now, weeks of Hayden recovering, possibly losing *her* memory for a while? Weeks of Sam trying to piece it all together, in the slowest and most frustrating (and clueless) way? Nik and Liz sneaking into the hospital room to finish the job, Jake saving Hayden's life, Nik and Liz having the same conversation over and over, twenty more people finding out and debating whether to tell Jake that he's Jason? To me, after a little time of him building new relationships, the most interesting part of this kind of story is what happens when the amnesiac finds out his past and all the confusion and relationship conflict that comes with it. Day after day of discussion about whether to him is *not* interesting to me.
  24. Hayden, less explaining and asking him to trust you, and more just telling him, for the love of wine. Why not just say Jason Morgan before dying instead of telling Sam someone else knows?? I'm all for suspense, but this is just fucking ridiculous. Sonny's drink cart seems to be missing. Do they not have an intern that could have picked one up over the weekend? I think TC has done a great job for these live shows. Nik has had all kinds of facial expressions and personality!! I wonder why certain characters were nowhere to be seen for these live shows...Shawn should have been one of them. Other than, it's exactly what we all predicted.
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