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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Bishop, I'm so glad to have another member in the (very small) Spencer-liking club!
  2. That's interesting, dubbel. I hadn't thought about who Michael might soften toward first, and now I'm really wondering. Before the drugging duo debacle, I would have said Morgan absolutely, but now I'm not sure. He's definitely already softening toward Kiki, so maybe she and Morgan stay together and that's how Michael starts to forgive Morgan, by being around them/ listening to her? I just don't don't know. Morgan was the least guilty family member into AJ matter, but he's really ratcheted up his level of culpability lately. I recently dumped Comcast (best day ever), and I get all the network channels crystal clear with a $25 antenna. TiVo even has an over the air DVR. Between the antenna and Roku stick, I can watch everything.
  3. I don't fault Dante too much - he wanted Michael's permission to search so he could check the Q's mansion off the list; it's so much easier without a warrant. Ultimately, Dante didn't search because he didn't have permission or a warrant, which was the right thing for him do (oh my god- this show got a legal thing right!!!). But I can't fault him for trying to get permission to search instead of getting a warrant - many non-guilty people will consent. Michael was just hurt and pissed.
  4. Even crazy Nina has to realize that people are gonna wonder when the baby who she kidnapped before disappears from the hospital while Nina is there. Not that shocking, girl - get a grip. I remain convinced that Silas took her and plans to return her. Or it was Hayden, because why not. Being in Michael's orbit is the best thing that could have happened to Sabrina. I actually like her now! I never hated her like some of y'all, but I certainly never liked her. Attn Ron et al.: this is why we screen test new actors/ characters before shoehorning them into a years-long story. I'm so tired of everyone apologizing for and making excuses for Luke. It's getting as bad as Sonny. He didn't mean it! He didn't know what he was doing! He's damaged! Blerg and yak. I cannot even believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather it come from Sonny because at least MB isn't a totally over-the-top ham who thinks he's doing Oscar-level work.
  5. Does TG think that what he is doing is good? It's so bad that it can't even be UCG. Beyond cringeworthy. "Bring the light to me also!!!! I mean, what? Although Luke saying that if he can keep the other Luke away, he'll be okay, sounded a lot like setup for Luke to cure himself through sheer strength of will. I guess it makes sense, since he's apparently diagnosed himself. I think Michael should have let Dantr search, but I can understand why he refused. Dante *should* trust him, and should know that Michael isn't the kidnapping type. Michael was angry and scared (and still a little bit drugged?), and he saw the futility of searching his house, but didn't see the futility of explaining that to Dante. I think he also really wanted / needed to be trusted in that moment, especially after what happened at the Metro Court. He's taken a few hits in the last few days.
  6. I know for a fact that at least one of them is in her PJs with a box of wine after a long day of fun.
  7. It's amazing how many different guardians (legal or otherwise) baby AJ has had in her very short life. Ava, Nina, Nina & Franco, Kiki, Sonny, Michael, Kiki, and whoever is about to kidnap her. Even on a show where almost every kid has had a who's-the-daddy story or multiple stepparents, or has been kidnapped, or all three, Little AJ is shattering the record. Which is part of why I'm so irritated - I really wanted Michael to have her for a while, in large part because I'm so sick of the custody revolving door.
  8. I hope Nina kills Kiki. Two birds, one stone. Kiki has gotten really disgusting, but even more annoying is how totally annoying she is. Her expressions, her voice, her unearned indignation- I hate her. Morgan is terrible too, and that just makes me sad. Avery? Now, her I adore. But I'm terrified that we're about to find out that she is Morgan's baby, and he and Kiki will have permanent custody. I used to really want Morgan to be her dad, but I didn't mean *this* Morgan. Now Franco wants ELQ too? What is even going on? Somebody test the damn pills already!! I hate Spinelli a little more every time I see him, and I hate that he makes me like Maxie less. I really hate their ridiculous revisionist history too- there is no way that they make each other better people. All evidence shows the opposite.
  9. We are going to need a warehouse to store all these damn t-shirts.
  10. Of course she is. Womens can only have a story if it's about getting a man or getting a baby.
  11. ulkis, you're so right - Carly will NOT tolerate Morgan calling Jason a robot! Does the simpleton not know that his mom loves Jason most of all? I think (hope?) they're setting it up for Carly to side with Michael (and soon, Jake-with-a-memory) against Sonny and Morgan. Ideally, Morgan will come around because I liked the kid, but they've pretty much destroyed him so I'm not holding out much hope. Look at Kiki, keeping secrets since nineteen ninety never! Julian better not make me hate him by doing something so stupid as defending KiGan. Or is it MorKi? Seems most of you are using MorKi, which suits me just fine because it's funnier and dumber-sounding. I tolerate Sabrina so much more out of Patrick's orbit. I actually like her now and I'm not afraid to admit it. I hope she figures out that Michael was drugged, and soon. I remain rage-filled that they're doing tis to Michael right now. This story would have been just as good and probably even better if baby AJ had been with Michael for a few months before all this went down. But no, with this show, every storyline is either rushed, or drawn out way too long. It's called pacing, Ron, look into it! Wrapping up soon? Hahahahahahahahaha! Thanks so much for the belly laugh- I needed it. I'm confused about that because I thought Olivia was defending the bartender today and trying to find her for (someone) to talk to, bit she was off that day. I don't think she's fired. When they didn't get mad at him for ordering hits as a 12 year old? That's all I can come up with. Yes. This is the Carly I know and love. Well, I don't love her as in liking her at all (we'll never have drinks), but I love how the character can have some depth and even some consistency, and I think LW plays Carly beautifully in those situations.
  12. I beg to differ - I think Rodney was trying his absolute bestest in that challenge, but he is just too dumb to ever figure out a slide puzzle. Rodney was killing me, in a cringeworthy way, with that weird and juvenile begging to go on reward because he is the hungriest one out there (while Mike looks like he's already lost thirty pounds) and then saying he didn't really care anyway when Joe said no. Dan's not far ahead in the smarts department, it seems, what with the talk with Shirin and then not even recognizing that those weren't even actual letters on his puzzle!!! I get that the alliance of seven intends to pick the others off and then fight it out, but I think seven people is too many to have that kind of agreement with. It can work with four, but with several more than that, people are going to be considering their ranking in the seven pretty soon and may start jumping ship. There's always that moment when someone could do the math (not Shirin, apparently) and realize that they might be able to rank higher with the other tribe. If I was part of the seven, I'd already be thinking about it. Tyler and Carolyn, I'm looking at you. Sierra, I've given up on you, I don't even know what you're doing. Plus, a promise to be in F4 is a lot more motivating to not flip than is a promise to be in F7.
  13. Absolutely agree that most of this show was boring. I kind of like what they're doing with Morgan and Kiki, though. To be clear- I am *not* saying that I like Morgan and Kiki, but I think this story could have legs if written well (Ha!). Maybe Kiki is going to tell someone what they did because she's realizing how awful and dangerous drugging a person can be (Kiki's first realization ever). Morgan will stop speaking to her just as Sonny and Carly are furious with him, and all of a sudden Morgan is totally alone. And too stupid to understand how he got there, or to figure out what to do about it. And Kiki leaves town and moves into the bunker with her mom and dad. All I know for sure is that I don't want Michael to be tortured anymore right now. Give the poor kid a damn break already. Why is anyone bothering to save Luke's life? I like Nik, and I liked him with Hayden. I don't even really mind him keeping the Jason secret, despite being related to Sam and friends with Liz, because I don't want old Jason back and I certainly don't want the Liz-Jason-Sam triangle (with Carly circling like a nosy vulture) back.
  14. I'm dreading today's show because I just can't with any of the Luke stuff. Has anyone in the whole world actually cared about this whole convoluted story? Does anyone still care about Luke and his drama? Does anyone think this good tv and good acting? I honestly don't know, because it seems like most of us are (or have been) over it, and I never read any other forums since you all told me how awful they can be - I just don't have room for anymore rage in my life!
  15. I really hated the show today, and not in the way that gets me all fired up. It was boring hate, which I think is the worst kind of hate possible. Hey, show? Having Luke, at this point, give a big ol' exposition apparently meant to explain away the huge holes in this interminable story (meeting up with Jerry, Faison, Jeromes, etc. during his disappearances) doesn't fix anything, and sure doesn't make up for the last twelve months of nonsensical BS story and crappy acting you've thrown at us. This may be the weirdest thing I've ever said on this board, but the thing I hate most about watching this show is the last couple seconds of The Chew "song" or whatever that my Tivo always catches. It makes me so angry. Until he fell down. Twice.
  16. I'm very confused by all this "Maya is the most honest person in the whole wide world and always tells me the truth even if I don't want to hear it" talk. I mean, I'm sure it's for the buildup to the big reveal and Rick being all betrayed-crazy again, but shouldn't it make even a little sense? I'm pretty sure I have not been watching Maya be honest with anyone, including Rick. Hell, she lied to him to get him to turn on Caroline, and then kept on stroking his ego and telling him exactly what he wanted to hear. That's not really honesty. Unless we're counting her "Maybe that huge portrait of me shouldn't be there" statements as evidence of her total honesty? I don't even know.
  17. I knew I'd be facing lots of Spencer hate in here today! But I get it- I understand why people hate him, but I just can't stop liking the little jerk. I also like the actor and I think the kid is doing a good job with the material. I do wish he'd stop saying townie though. What Morgan and Kiki are doing to Michael is horrible, but it was their absolute glee at doing it that really disgusted me. It's notmeven about the baby anymore; they just want to destroy him because he's being mean. I guess Morgan is growing up to be just like Sonny. Yay. I don't want anything bad to happen to Michael, but I kind of do so that this all blows up spectacularly in MorKi's faces.
  18. I really want Brooke to have been stabbed because I am so over her, but I really don't want Quinn to have stabbed her because I've really been liking her lately. Carter's face at the end - I don't even know what that was. Other than hilarious, of course. Is he confused? Is he angry? Is he about to sneeze?
  19. I can't remember how long Hayden said Jake had been gone, but it makes sense that there could be some period of time between him leaving and then showing up in PC. The question for me is: WHY would Helena find this random fella who just left his wife and think "A-Ha!, I will put a microchip in his brain to force him to help with an overly convoluted plan that my long-time nemesis, who I've suddenly decided is my bestie, has come up with to takeover Sonny's territory / kill his own family / get ELQ stock / take over the world / I'm not even sure what, because apparently he killed his mom and now is not even really himself"? I guess I'm not over the lack of any logic in this whole story yet.
  20. Dammit, I just lost what, if I may so, was a remarkably good post. It was all about how I like Spencer but also really enjoy y'all snarking on him, I quoted several of you, I talked about the Ron Twitter joke (I am sure it was a joke), I mentioned that Spencer's speech seems to be clearer, there was something about Lulu and Dante, and I was incredibly insightful and funny .. It was good stuff, and trust me when I say that you would have loved it, one and all. And then I opened a new tab to read a linked article, and it all fell apart.
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHA, Jake is "dead to the world!" Haha- get it?? Dead, to the world, because he's actually Jason and everyone thinks he's dead? Get it?!?!?!? I never fast forward this show. That's not hyperbole- I don't do it. I watch every episode start to finish, although if asked why, I couldn't tell you; I just don't fast forward. Until today. Couldn't get Tivo to go fast enough through almost all of the Luke stuff. I did catch a bit of one scene where he was talking about trying to kill Lucas. Interesting that he remembers everything, and is now all affectionate and apologetic. And by "interesting" I mean "nonsensical and stupid." Then the President came on, and so I ended up watching about five minutes of actual show. So, Pat's dead? Wrong dead Spencer, show! Excellent suggestions for my new words! I may start saying "I'm trying to Chaplin this, and I just can't make it work" when I'm trying to apply logic to some of this crap. But it's hard to decide- they were all great ideas. But, wouldn't trying to make sense of this show be the *opposite* of FrankenRonning it? :-)
  22. Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word]. I thought she looked like TB when she first entered the scene, and since that was after LW's entrance as Luke's mom (don't get me started), I figured we were in for yet another Amazing All the Carlys episode. You can probably imagine how I felt in that moment.
  23. My favorite part was that the staircase directly above the basement was fine. What is holding them up?!? GH: Laws of nature need not apply. I am going to need an explanation about everything related to Luke and Legion of Doom. Top of the list: why do any of these people give a shit about Luke at this point?
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