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Everything posted by MDL

  1. IIRC, when Jack told Mac that he was going on this assignment, didn't he mention his replacement, referring to the replacement as a "she"???
  2. I also like Baker. As far as the detective/receptionist balance, a cop friend who watches the show told me that it is smart to have an armed, trained detective in that role because "she is the last line of defense for the PC, if things go horribly wrong." While I think that hie words were a bit over dramatic, in this day and age, maybe not.
  3. This seems like a major change in both cut and color. I've missed the last 3 weeks due to work. Is this the first appearance of the new "do" and color?
  4. Thanks to all for the info. I gotta get home from work more quickly!
  5. I'm confused! (not unusual) :) Wasn't the Lou Diamond Phillips (Delgado?)character killed in an earlier episode? I confess that missed the first 8-10 minutes, so they may contain the "cure" to my confusion.
  6. I think that Erin's boss is a first class dick. She may have disobeyed an order, but her reasoning was consistent with the philosophy shown on the show. His "I collect with interest" comment came across (to me) as a thinly veiled threat. Also, if he follows through, how long will he last with Frank, Danny, etc. watching over their daughter/sister??
  7. I thought I heard the fake CIA guy say, as he covered Vance, "this one has a firing pin". (Somehow I messed up with the quote button)
  8. Questions: when Kynes viewed the video(?) of the pod soldiers getting killed by the invisible opponents, it looked like there was a figure looking at the 2 dead bodies. 1) Was there, or did I "miss see"?? 2) Did that individual bear a resemblance to "Her?"- the person Kynes went to see, (needing a face mask/respirator, by the way) and came out burned/branded and puking? 3) What are those thongs supposed to be? I know that I missed a few episodes, but damn this is fragmented storytelling.
  9. I agree about feeling that I missed something plot wise. While work schedules made me miss 2 eps, I did check recaps, but... That said, I felt like the plot had cycled back to square one-Will doing detective work, Bram running under the radar, and Katie, well just being Katie. There is a lot more, but it felt a bit like a "retred".
  10. I don't think that Gibbs and Vance were looking for something that would hold up in any court except their own- the court of "vengence for killed family members".
  11. Wow, 12 hrs later and nothing....anyhow,my question: Was the camp that Amy and Broussard entered at the end of the episode the same camp that "Sawyer and family" were being held at,? It looked similar, but it was all shot up. I might have missed a few minutes of the episode (damn work calls), but I thought that I was following the story line, so: did I miss a battle, was it offscreen, or was there a time jump?
  12. Gee a cliffhanger....who dies,who survives....how creative....NOT. Also, not that I'm an expert, IMO based on the size/violence of the explosion, the fire, the rollovers, etc. Nobody could survive that IRL.
  13. As soon as Pride said that he was going upstairs to change, I waited for the shots to ring out.(no kidding :) ) I was surprised when they showed the shooter, but had we seen her before (can't always watch due to work schedule), and did it look like she was injured/beaten???
  14. MDL

    S15.E23: Fallout

    They didn't waste any time getting Gibbs back in the lab with Kasie, and asking her what her favorite "work drink" was. A cheap shot at PP, or trying to get things back to "normal"?
  15. So Snyder continues to be both a weasel and now a mole...what a shock!
  16. Was the killer the played by same actress who played a serial killer a few years ago on "Bones"? I don't remember the actress' name, but IIRC the character was called "gravedigger".
  17. As an episode by itself, not too bad. I did think the daughter was a nut case, but then she redeemed herself. However, as the first of "two episodes giving Abby her well-deserved sendoff" it sucked. A routine crime of the week until the last 10 seconds, ending with a gunshot? Based on the previews it looks like Abby was shot, and is in bad shape. If this is the sendoff taking into account the fans love of Abby, I might be done with the show. My only hope is that Abby recovers but for some reason leaves NCIS-maybe to work with the people in Reeves' home for veterans Even if that's the grand finale it sucks.
  18. A coworker told me that his teen age daughters informed him that the corresponding female equivalent term is "clam jam". I'm not sure if I am more enlightened or disturbed by this knowledge! :)
  19. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who got that (if it was intentional!!)! I remembered the movie and scenes, but couldn't come up with the title. IIRC that was quite a cast-in addition to Hepburn,wasn't there Efrem Zimbalest jr., Richard Crenna, Alan Arkin as the scary baddie.
  20. Poor Raj, he came so close to (maybe) finding a new girlfriend. I would feel sorry for him, but once again he was done in by his own "sexist jerk running off at the mouth" personality. Will he ever learn? That said, did it not occur to either the scientist or the engineer that perhaps they should check the video on the drone, and delete anything that could put them in an unfavorable light? Yeah, they are supposed to be geniuses, so why didn't they think?...... But why start now??
  21. While I've been neutral to "why?" on the character "Jack", I have felt the recent glimpses into her psyche/pats are intriguing. The scars, the shoulder patches, her talk with Vance, and tonight her near panic at being "Caged", (even though it was in a room that was larger than my apartment!) pique my curiosity. I liked the subtlety of her initial reaction at the locked door. I also liked how Vance seemed attuned to her reactions and consoled/encouraged her. I'm curious as to their history together?
  22. Walter lies to Paige about the lecture, then calls Flo(rence) and asks her to go with him....DICK.
  23. I wondered, where did Jadis get the car, the gun, her flannel (?) shirt? That made me wonder -were those items hidden in the trash heaps, along with the applesauce? That made me wonder what else could be hidden there. While such a suddenly revealed "treasure trove" of stuff would be a cheap plot trick, it wouldn't be the first or the worst for this show.
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