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Everything posted by MDL

  1. I thought, and may be wrong, that Beta blasted his recording over loudspeakers to attract the hoard of walkers. (maybe it was the overdone sound track, but I thought that it was a plot point??)
  2. Shallow?? maybe it was the camera angle, but several times, due to her new hairdo, I thought that Kensi looked like Hillary on the "Love it or List it" show.
  3. When Kensi first appeared tonight, it was in a long shot, and I almost didn't recognize her. Was this the first ep with the new 'do??? Any backstory as to why?
  4. Wow, 12+ hours and no comments! I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Two things: The plot seem needlessly convoluted, perhaps having an excess of characters. Was anyone really fooled when Callan left the bar? That is, was anyone surprised that he wound up going to see Anna? Was she at Callan's place, or was that her own, or some safe house?
  5. Did the Mayor, do an "attitude 180" regarding Tommy, after the rich woman (the widow??) laid out the "I contributed $400,000"etc. veiled threat ?
  6. In what episode did we see Gibbs' 'friend"? I don't recall him. Maybe it's just my memory!
  7. Regarding the (overlong?) karaoke ending with "I Will Survive": When this was filmed, were they not sure about the show continuing????
  8. MDL

    S17.E14: On Fire

    If Gibbs did kill the guy, I bet it was to prevent Bishop from doing it. He's trying to avoid her having the angst he has endured.
  9. MDL

    S17.E14: On Fire

    Did anyone else flashback to when Bishop killed the guy that killed her fiancé. (Sorry I stink with names.) I bet that she would've killed this guy, if she had the chance. Is this another step down the road to where Bishop trains with Odette and becomes "Ziva 2". That said, I think Gibbs shot the guy. In part because the guy deserved it, and in part to protect Bishop. So are Bishop and Nick more obviously "an item"?
  10. Thank you. Now that you explained it, I remember the pole, and the sign.
  11. I was so blown away by the "twist" that I forgot to ask: What, if anything, did the North Pole have to do with the story? Usually the title of the episode at least obliquely relates to something in the story. What did I miss?
  12. I agree Secnarf. Blindsided here as well. I also thought Odette was going to be Sahar, and as the hour dwindled to a few minutes, that idea made no sense. But I never suspected Phinn's mother would turn out to be the baddie. I think back to how many people on this site were saying "I hope she's not a new love interest for Gibbs". Well, she wasn't. As I said, blindsided, and didn't see that coming. I liked the "callback" to Ziva shooting Ari, with the "on the stairs"position of Gibbs when he shot Sahar. Not subtle, but effective.
  13. I seem to be in the minority here, in that I didn't hate the episode. I also didn't love the episode. I guess "liked" would be the best word. I also confess that I do like "bad ass Ziva". I think she stopped taking the pills so she could be more focused, but then it seems like the anxiety recurs. I do want to see how this plays out, but is there any doubt that, before the end of it all Sahar (sp) will die at Ziva's hand?
  14. I liked it. But.. to me Fornell at times looked like a crazed feral cat- out of control. (realizing that his daughter is near death). I liked Diane, she was her typical bitchy self-but isn't that what Gibbs needs? Emily was her usual bitchy/needy self, until she "cracked" and reverted to being the Daughter that admitted to needing help-loved that reconciliation,although it was a cliche'. When Diane said "we" near the end, I had no clue as to who would be next, although I did recall the hints that Ziva was alive. Was she real, or was she another Gibbsian hallucination? And did she say"Gibbs you are in danger"??
  15. Doesn't "real life" contain unresolved issues? (Yeah,it's a TV show... )but somehow those unresolved issues make it more l ike "their lives will continue on beyond what we have been able to watch.
  16. I got the impression that the drink we saw her half finish was not the first . Also, regarding consent: "after the big pregnancy reveal( to the audience, not the other characters), when Leonard said (words top the effect) "why do we have to keep this under wraps", she said "if something else was wrapped, I wouldn't be pregnant" L said" you were drunk and attacked me".... All in all I liked it a lot, because the characters-warts and all- will live on and do whatever they do, we just won't be abler to see it happen. I'm good with that.
  17. I agree. ................................................................................................................................................................ different idea: Regarding the team knowing, and not sure how to approach Gibbs, I can get that. But after their "talk" at the end of the ep. I thought that Gibbs was more "OK" with things than Bishop or McGee. 3rd idea: Is there a difference in the teams responsibility with respect to "Gibbs' crime" because it occurred in a different country?
  18. Not only did I like the fact that Gibbs told the team about killing Gonzalez, but I loved the no-nonsense Gibbs style of (almost) blurting it out. " I killed the man who murdered my family...." However painful that admission might have been.
  19. I like how the episode showed Tim being more "grown up/mature" as an agent, in how he dealt with Gibbs, yet keeping him true to his high tech/nerdy roots.
  20. Sorry if this was already posted, but this was the first time I'd seen Gimple on TTD. IMO He came across as a squirrely, twitchy, yet arrogant little nerd (?) who was so nervous to be there that he twirled his goatee, almost whispered (no pun intended) his comments, and just generally came across as a douche. Agree/disagree??(apologies if it was my assessment that was bad .)
  21. I didn't realize it was a rerun, but that would explain Bishop's "old" hair... I thought that it was disjointed, and did get a "vibe" between Ritz (?) and Bishop-not sure if it was friends or more.
  22. Is it inappropriate to wonder if that was/is the only thing with sharp teeth in her pants? (Sorry, the wording made me remember an old joke.....apologies if is inappropriate)
  23. I thought that it might be to better blend her skin with the walker mask ,so that her skin wouldn't show through the holes in the mask (gross!)
  24. MDL

    S16.E13: She

    I'm confused: did those notebooks contain Ziva's notes about her first case, this case, or every case she worked on throughout her time at NCIS, or even before? Also-she obviously returned to the "secret office" during the time frame of this case, but how did she know about the discovery of her secret office? ( I'd guess the lady who owned it called her) ???
  25. I missed the very end of the previous episode, where Jesus was killed, and the beginning of this episode, where they began transporting his body "back home". My question: What was done, if anything, to keep him from turning into a walker?
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