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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Our place has one manager, who also manages several other properties, and one person on the condo board right now. We're like an island unto ourselves over here, and I have no delusions that the fucking vents will ever be cleaned again. I periodically unscrew the one inside of the dryer, climb on a chair, get my head upside down in that shit, and get at it with the vacuum (and regularly do the half-ass version of just poking the skinny attachment down in there). I also don't leave the dryer running when I'm not home. Still, I worry. Maybe I should have this done myself...still, that protects me not at all from adjacent people's errant lint!
  2. Haha, oh my god, the stuff I could commiserate with you about! We've got content writers who know their stuff very well, but not how to get it into writing like adults--or even sixth-graders for that matter. Sometimes it's funny but other times, I rage...like when they flat-out will not check the spellings of official names (products, places, people, whatever); they think they don't have to because I am there! Try explaining to amateur "writers" that that is not my job and in fact takes away from the time I need to do my job!
  3. Look at it this way: at least it's not your musician-by-trade BF doing it inside the house? It only happens every so often, which is good. But he also sprinkles hundred-year-old John Denver/plane jokes (the kind that a "funny dad" would tell) in here and there, which is bad. That sounds like our condo's setup. I moved here in late 2012 and I recall that building management was having the vents cleaned right around then, when I was having the inspection done (good timing, that). But I don't think management has had it done since, even though I've inquired about it several times. It worries me and I cannot understand why no one else gives a shit! Ours is on the second floor (in a large closet that shares a wall with the closet the washer and dryer are in)...as evidenced by the ceiling repair in our first-floor bedroom. Nothing too major, at least. But I sure did love buying a new water heater on my own birthday last year! No matter where ours was, it would be upstairs to someone; our condo is two floors, but it's above another that is also two floors (one ground level, and the other a basement). Same here! While my job is words and copy, and has zero to do with numbers and formulas, I still use Excel to organize the different copy "elements" that designers need for their layout pages; makes it much easier for them to follow and for me to proof later. I absolutely pains me to look at the spreadsheets sent to me from another department (I need the info in them to make my own). Seriously, I not only have to print them out, but I have to first add borders to the cells...and still need a ruler to read and follow them! That department needs a damn lesson. Haha, as a copy editor, YES! People blindly depend so much on Word's horrendous grammar/spell-check functions (and Google Docs is right up there with it) that they think I am wrong because "but Word said...!" I actually have a list of Word's misguided attempts (and the list is in Word, haha!). That said, though, I do think that it's helpful as a reminder to check stuff with the red or green squiggle; don't necessarily believe Word's suggestions, mind you, but at least take a look (which authors should be doing regardless, before they send their stuff to me). Also, two spaces after a sentence is an old typesetting issue; now, the "extra" space fucks up line breaks and kerning (depending on what justification is set) in Adobe publishing formats. As far as I know, Word doesn't automatically deem this an error.
  4. My go-to in that situation (which, thank goodness, isn't too often) is a frantic waving of both hands (I KNOW--it just happens!) and head-shake. From what I can tell, they usually get it. I think the hands are that kind of universal "no, no--forget that!" flapping gesture that's sometimes almost involuntary.
  5. I used to have this issue (sort of) with the narrator on Deadly Women (not Candice, but the voiceover lady). No matter what she was saying--"He drove his car over to her office, stopping for coffee on the way."--it was fraught with intrigue and peril, and also super-nasal.
  6. I am sure any unfounded insult you could say would somehow apply to it.
  7. I feel safe in saying you're better off. It was terrible.
  8. I am not certain this goes here, but did anyone watch Casting JonBenet on Netflix?
  9. I don't blame you one bit on that! Reality-show producers across the board seem to think we won't notice inconsistencies like clocks on the wall showing an elapsed time of two hours for a seemingly five-minute conversation, or the fact that the conversation started in bright sunlight and ended in pitch-black. Or a completely different shirt on someone, or chipped nail polish when it was fine just a "minute" ago...
  10. Well, regardless, it seems like something Dylan would want to do anyway. Though maybe because of Emma, he wouldn't.
  11. I feel sad that this show is done and also that no one added an inscription to Norman's half of the headstone.
  12. I am quoting myself, and that's weird, but OH, that typo! I am a copy editor, people! Good lord!
  13. Oh, I know that many places do the order to the store and the reserves and all that. However, my problem is that there is barely anything in the actual stores lately and the stuff that is often is not on the sites. And Walmart's website can suck it--it's the worst.
  14. I hate, hate, hate when they don't tell you how much your stuff is--they're just done and then they stand there waiting! Can I add retail websites that sell not only their own stuff but show you stuff from other vendors? I have no idea why this is and it's annoying. I have been looking for a small 3-piece outdoor bistro set for our balcony and tried all the obvious sites. First of all, nothing I look at is in the local store itself, and I would like to see/touch it first! Second, half the shit is not even from the store I'm looking at--the Sears site (which I hate anyway) links to stuff at K-Mart, and Target to outside vendors wanting $1,000 for some damn shit (I like nice things but what the hell? If i have $1,000 to spend, I am not likely starting my search at Target). Same with Home Depot! So I guess forget the supposed convenience of internet browsing; I will have to go old-school and just drive all over the damn place. While I will be happy to find something, I will also be annoyed while wondering, "why did you not have this on your website?!" It's 2017, retailers--let me sort my search by "in store," please finally!
  15. He looks so hurt by it! His face just falls! And does he have a dog? His arm looks like he's walking a dog, but I don't see a dog.
  16. I don't watch anything on CBS all week, so I wouldn't have seen and thus confirmed that. Not that it would have mattered, as our DVR did record CBS last night from 9 until 11; the only problem there was TAR was not on at 9, despite the guide info, so the DVR recorded whatever show was mislabeled as TAR. Normally, I'd just skip it and go right to episode 5 but I do want to see whiny old what's his name get the boot so I'll wait until it's on OnDemand.
  17. Me too! There was some completely different show on here at 9pm, even though the guide said The Amazing Race. My DVR recorded from 9 to 10, but no Amazing Race showed up until 10, and that was episode 5.
  18. I am now trying so hard to recall the other places I've really noticed it. Damn me--usually I am quite awesome at retaining nonsense that I don't need!
  19. I always find it weird too but think it's regional; I've read it in several places, one being Damien Echols's bio. I have a friend in that area; maybe I'll ask him if he's noticed it.
  20. I like Erika, and think Dorit's OK, and I can see how both of them can legit take issue with the flashing goings-on. However, at this stage, I think Erika is being deliberately obtuse (and I also thought so when she took umbrage with Eileen's "kill your child" remark--it's a figure of speech), and I feel a bit sorry for Dorit. I usually can't deal very well with seeing people cry. But I don't believe that Rinna at all, and have no idea what she was even trying to convey with that. Of all things to bring tears? That? Haha, so if my BF ever steps in (after being beckoned over) should a bunch of fools ever start conspicuously squawking at me in front of everyone, I'll be sure to tell him keep his meddling ass away from his own GF!
  21. Maybe they had all intentions of doing so, but then saw LR in action and declared, "Yikes, no stimulants for that chick!"
  22. Sort of--but I am recalling a life far different than that of these HWs. First, it was way back in our late teens/early 20s, usually at parties that didn't consist only of...partakers. So the ones who did would adjourn in a group to the privacy of a bathroom or bedroom. I have no idea why at a party where everyone but Rinna and that little dude was participating a bunch of people would cram into a literal bathroom, leaving just them at the table (haha, tell them to go to the bathroom), especially when they're adults who own the multi-room house in the first place. To me, it sounds like another thing she wants to sound "cool gal" about--like "I know stuff, you guys!" I sort of think that any one of these people's age/status/whatever would probably just go do his or her own coke on a solo trip to the bathroom and not have some weird "Whee! We're cool teenagers getting away with shit!" attitude. They seem like they'd keep that private. I remember I was at a party once, waiting for the bathroom--tiny bathroom in a tiny apartment--and a guy came out and gave me like a little winky "it's all yours" thing as he passed me. I was like, OK, whatever, and went in to find that, neatly on the back of the toilet tank, was a line. I didn't know that guy, so why was he (ostensibly a poor college kid like me) sharing his expensive drugs? Was he one of those outwardly slovenly art kids (you know the kind--the patchouli-scented neo-hippie type) but with wealthy parents (I was probably the former, definitely not the latter)? Was I supposed to leave some for the next person waiting? What the hell was this strange game?
  23. That's perfectly OK! But considering that this dude seemed to have kept all the paint he'd ever used* maybe he could have gone back and done a few swipes when he put the place on the market, haha! * Luckily, during one visit with my real estate guy, the seller stopped by and showed me the old paint--and I told him, nuh-uh, you dispose of it when you go; I ain't got time for that mess! Knowing him, he probably just put it in the regular trash.
  24. Well, OK, I guess? I have no idea what that has to do with anything I said in that quoted post above, but perhaps you have a point? I really wouldn't know anything about that; I only had an opinion on the show itself.
  25. Favorite space-maximizing tips? This is for a two floor, two-BR condo...with two people (and two rambunctious cats) living in it--and those two people love books, tchotchkes, and random ephemera (and, on my end, clothing). Out-of-the-ordinary hints very welcome--in fact, encouraged. Websites about this always seem to start with a "throw stuff out" approach; I don't necessarily like that (and that's cheatin'; anyone can maximize space by taking things out of it, haha!), though I do it periodically, and am actually a very neat and organized person. Limitations: Oddly designed walk-in closet for my clothes (previous owner was a bit wacky. Example: when he painted the bathrooms, he not only left the admittedly tough-to-reach space behind the toilets blank, but he also opted not to take down the shower curtain tension rods [yup, tension rods...that you can simply take down in all of two seconds] and instead painted around them--and sloppily at that!--leaving two white circle-ish spots in each bathroom. Along with paint splotches on the rods themselves.) Under-the stairs storage closet--the stuff in there, way back in its triangular-shaped depths, is typically stuff we don't need to get to too often, as we have to burrow past coats and stuff. Boyfriend who is rarely up to participate in a real-deal, all-day culling session--and who pretty much took up our three storage closets (but not my clothes one) even though the entire second BR is his "hideout." I'm all for sharing but I need his help to organize the big closet that has a lot of his stuff in it because I have no idea what he wants to do with it! My weird thing about keeping "like with like." It truly bugs me when this can't be sometimes.
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