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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. "I'm going to have a good time today, and do my eating at the barbecue...my stays are so tight, I'll never get through the day without belching!"
  2. Please forgive me if someone has mentioned this before (and I'll just assume someone probably has--I have no delusions of being exceptionally astute), but during a rewatch this week of season one*, I noticed that Cooper's room at the Great Northern is 315. * I can't help it; this new one hasn't quite grabbed me yet (I'm having trouble with the general aesthetic), but has made me nostalgic! And it's helping my memory...as I was a young college-age spring chicken during Original Recipe TP!
  3. I will definitely grab a pair of fabulous vintage boots or clunky '70s (or '90s) shoes; anything I can wear socks/tights with is "safe"! Plus, I have a "shoe guy" for my secondhand stuff (now who needs a therapist?) -- if I find a non-sock kind of shoe (like platform wedge sandals) that I just cannot live without, Shoe Guy will redo the inside for me! Peeve: a coworker makes little grunts/sighs all day long. She has earbuds in so maybe she doesn't know she's doing it. It's like little "mm"s and "uh"s. These sounds also follow each instance of her seasonal nonstop cough.
  4. Got one of those myself. I love her...but she does tend to inspire a peeve or two.
  5. Cooper's face when he first introduces Harry to Albert. Cooper returning to his room, tooting twice on his whittled whistle, and doing a little "yes!" arm-swing. The llama in Dr. Lydecker's office. "The Norwegians are leaving!" And I second "Damn good coffee...and hot!" and, "Look, it's trying to think." And from FWwM, Laura's "Bobby, look," followed by a little unremarkable dance. Worst moment: "Just yoooooooou...and Iiiiiiii...togeeeether, foreeeeever, in love." Oh, ETA in "best": "I can't understand you; you have a THING in your mouth," and Andy's outburst at Albert "Rosenflower."
  6. Really? Our Goodwill must be a weird anomaly -- especially because it's really neat and well organized. I'm no stranger to thrift shopping (I like old clothes, random mismatched picture frames, and ugly tchotchkes, particularly cat figurines of the "who the hell would even make this?" variety), and I seriously could not believe my eyes when I first walked in that place. Plus, that was where I found a pair of never-worn Fly London shoes in my size for $12! PEEVE: Higher-ups (and self-perceived "higher-ups") at work who are awful about replying to e-mails. Seriously, assholes, maybe set an example as far as effective communications go regarding work stuff? You think I'm e-mailing you for fun, that I have no one else to communicate with (like you good people here in this forum--thank you!)? FFS, this rampant "I'll get to it later (if ever)" attitude is stupid and counterproductive. I am by no means implying that everyone here should drop everything to cater to me, but why would you bother adding a two-second "task" to a to-do list instead of just--oh, I don't know--doing it at the moment? Dumb asses.
  7. I love how Frank seemed to begrudgingly like the tea.
  8. Right?! I wanted to cry for him! That is, until he aggressively drank the coffee like that; then I laughed and laughed. Oh my goodness, I went to college in the early to mid-'90s and I knew 100 of these types, man! And it was art school, so you can just go ahead and multiply that "cooler than thou" attitude exponentially. Oy. I love, love, love Twin Peaks but even back then (when, admittedly, I probably acted a bit cooler than thou as well), I just didn't dig DL's movies. I still don't (and it is not because I am unable to comprehend them, I swear!). Interesting side note: My BF knows Angelo Badalamenti on a pretty friendly level; he works and grew up in the town where AB lives and still sees him fairly regularly.
  9. We have something around here called where they'll come pick it up. I cannot for the life of me at this moment remember its name but it has something to do with veterans--Purple Heart Pickup, maybe?
  10. Exactly! I mean who wouldn't know what to say on these?! And the the way we end up "judging" is on the return rate--usually people who did not follow instructions (e.g., just brought a new cat into a household with other cats, and let it out of the carrier right into the fray instead of setting it up in a more private area for a few days, or not giving a dog enough time to be comfortable enough to play). It's horrible. We had a woman return a great cat after just a couple days because the cat scratched and bit her son, who had been manhandling the cat out from under a bed. Th cat had just gotten there--who cares if he was chilling under a bed! She was advised that he would likely hide out at first, as he is very quiet and a bit shy, but so sweet. Oh, and her son that got beat up? Not a little kid; he was in his 30s. Anyway, they dumped him back with us--and GOOD; he now has a home with another volunteer who'd had enough of him being rejected simply because he was not aggressively affectionate right off the bat.
  11. Working in an animal shelter has, unfortunately, shown me why these measures are in place. I agree that they can be a real pain, and even backwards in some instances. But it's a case of bad apples ruining it for the rest. At my shelter, if a person even hints at declawing a cat, for instance, the application is not even considered. The weird thing is that maybe we should be doing follow-up check-ins or something, but we don't--and I don't know of any shelters that actually do even though the applications often say that it could happen. I assume it's a matter of lack of manpower and resources, or even just the "bothering people" factor.
  12. OOOH! People who borrow books, and then assume because I read it already, they're free to pass it along! This only happens with friends who don't do a lot of recreational reading, I've noticed--maybe they just "don't get" book people!
  13. Same with me and my friends. We even had a few stretches of time over the years with one or another person out of work, and the rest of us would just pay for dinners and nights out for that person rather than have that person not go.
  14. I know--it's nuts. We have such a nice view back there; I just don't get it. Meanwhile, I'm up here using an ashtray, which I regularly empty and clean! I am some kind of sucker, haha!
  15. We have smokers in this condo (I am one of them) who throw their butts in the grass behind us! WTF--we live here! Why would you do that? It's very green and pretty out there too. We all pay maintenance fees. Why am I out on my balcony smoking (with my safety-conscious covered ashtray, mind you!) overlooking trees and a rock wall and flowers and rabbits (sometimes a bear!) and...cigarette butts?! Why?
  16. Dear god, talking about it seems to have brought my technological issues out in droves! A frozen Nook for which none of the "tips and tricks" work despite all the online success stories, my iPhone has no more than two bars (or dots*, rather, on mine) even though I am right here in my house, and an Apple TV that gives me maybe 15 minutes of watching before I need to unplug it and start over (Hulu has The Lucy Show, you guys!). Oy gevalt. * I don't even know for certain if the dots in the upper left corner indicate reception or WiFi or whatever. Do they? I'm sorry; I'm incorrigible in this regard!
  17. It was something about the ugly truth behind shared videos of dogs doing cute things...and that's all I'll say. The person who shared it was not trying to glorify or upset anyone, just raise awareness I assume. But just...UGH, FUCK EVERYONE, man. You are lucky enough to have a life that a dog fits into--be grateful and kind! Ugh, tears again. I am a lost damn cause. Oh no it is not, haha! I remember dropping $400 during a lunch break because I'd had enough of my old iPod being an asshole! To me, anyway--it's happy now with my BF. He tells me to stay away from his guitars, amps, iPad, etc. If only I could channel this thing I have for "good" (quotation marks because my "good" may be someone else's bad).
  18. Got it, thereadhead77! Thanks--turns out I was giving up just one step before I got to where I needed to be (though I'm still baffled as to why my phone didn't match the instructions I found online). Thanks to you, I am now safe from sad videos!
  19. I have a 6. It's up to date; I cannot for the life of me find a thing! I was looking for autoplay and the toggle, but nothin'. Haha, here's a peeve--and I kind of hope someone else has this just so I know I'm not nuts: some kind of weird innate body chemistry that screws up technology! My BF is much more skeptical in general than I am and thinks I have such a thing going on. I've had three Mac laptops in the time that he's had one, and DVD players do not survive with me. Also, I've had to replace my DVR four times in five years. OH, and two iPods that crapped out on me...one of which I gave to him and now is fine!
  20. Thanks--that's actually one of the things I tried and I've got no autoplay setting anywhere! Let's just hope this was a fluke; my heart cannot take it! Also, my phone is a jerk. I threw it (so I guess I'd be a jerk too if it had actually broken).
  21. Speaking of devices, I can't find on my phone how to disable video autoplay in the FB app. I looked it up and the instructions don't match my iPhone. The reason for this? A video I had no interest in seeing just started playing while I was looking at something above it, and the content was so horrific that I am trying not to cry at work (and/or text my therapist!).
  22. Not really. First, I own and they rent (the owner of their unit lives elsewhere). And our condos are unique (a nice way to put it*) in that we're like an island unto ourselves: there is only one person on the board currently, the property owner just sold to god knows who, and our put-upon building manager is often MIA due to dealing with a bunch of other properties. Plus, I don't want them to get "in trouble"; I just want to be in charge of my own smells, thank you! * On the bright side, we have no silly rules concerning, say, what style of visible-from-the-outside curtains/blinds you're allowed to have. Totally unrelated, but still regarding peeves: Sometimes I wish I had a GIF of that scene in Private Parts where "Hopalong Howie" says, "I quit...I think I quit."
  23. I have my space heater on right now at work. Some of you may remember my previous saga (last year?) of aggressive office AC, resulting in cracked face skin followed by a half-dozen dermatologist visits and tons of antibiotics, not to mention the wearing of hoods, scarves, and gloves (good luck with the typing!). I have a different desk now, and someone has since corrected the overhead vents, so now--thank goodness--I am just regular "office-building cold" as opposed to sitting in a frozen wind tunnel (man, I hated feeling my hair blow around while I tried to work!). My peeve today (and often) is my neighbors' weed habit. I woke up this morning with a nasty headache and my living room smelled like a party. Had the latter been true, I'd have understood my headache...and maybe had some entertaining half-memories of a fun night. But no, it's my rude-as-fuck stoner neighbors, who share a wall (and possible ducts) with me and who won't smoke on their balcony or at least buy a decent fan (but what can I expect of people who let their dog bark endlessly without seeming to care that he's unhappy for some reason?). And if I have a headache, do my two cats have headaches too? I am actually praying that I'm wrong this time and it was a skunk? (If that's the case, then good thing I didn't leave the note I had in mind, haha! It was gonna have profanity).
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