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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Haha! I am neurotic, so I like to have two pairs of glasses, mainly so I can always leave one in the car; while I don't really need them while I'm just walking around, I do need them for night driving. So when the eye doctor said I needed reading and distance, I freaked out about, "Oh no, I have to buy FOUR PAIRS?!" (plus the hijinks of, like switching back and forth all the time watching TV, reading, laptop, running out for smokes at night)To which the doctor responded with a look of sheer shock. I ended up deciding on the no-line progressives, and a "just driving" pair. So far so good, actually...but now I want to use a vintage pair of tortoiseshell cat's-eye frames and I think the shape might be wrong for the lenses, dammit! A similar-minded coworker and I are trying this; he has the same issues I have only he's a photographer for this department, and I am an editor. Seriously, we could just replace the job-related words on our complaints and they are exactly the same issues. Both of us are also seemingly incapable of lowering the standards we put on our own work to sink to "their" level. I want to be proud of that but I feel like it just bolsters the "you do this to yourself!" attitude from other people!
  2. Thank you! I feel a little bad about somewhat derailing the thread but I would be very peeved at frozen birdies. (I'm sorry, mods--I just had to share about the birds, and it definitely wouldn't fit in the other forums I frequent!)
  3. Well, thank you but we're not doing much but peeking in and hanging signs; no one wants to upset the mom. It's funny that I just read this now because it's rainy and not too warm here tonight (60 degrees) and I'm worried about them (I assume the duck will be fine, and her babies are still in the eggs)! It was much warmer over the last couple of days--will they be OK? I have no idea! Anyone?
  4. They're like the embodiment of the word "fragile," the little sweeties!
  5. Oh, I did--that's actually how I found out that there was no need to take action. In my office, it's policy to assume coworkers will somehow absorb information simply because one has thought it and called it a day. For instance, we have a long list of products to be featured in a monthly catalog. Well, that list changes on the whims of the buying department (jerks). Instead of telling the production team (where I am unfortunate enough to work, haha!), they make the changes to the list without highlighting them in some way (because they are lazy and also use Excel not unlike a toddler might). The only way to see what's different is to double-check over 200 rows of info...which is extra fun if you do the entire thing to find that only two updates were made, and could have easily been typed into a three-second e-mail. Call me crazy but that is not efficient use of anyone's time (but theirs, I guess).
  6. I apologize for the off-topicness, but I want to say that I feel better now because I am home and, on the way in, I got to check on our condo duck, who made a nest in the front landscaping and is now sitting on her eggs in there. And, right outside our front door, we have a bird's nest in a tree--like seriously two feet from the door. The other day, her pretty blue eggs hatched and now we have teeny-tiny bird babies to also check in on. They're so delicate and cute when they put up their heads and open their little beaks that I want to cry. I have a video but I don't know how to post it! Oh, and my neighbors hung a sign to warn people to be quiet and respectful when approaching the door, and posted others in the shrubs to keep the landscapers from bothering our duck!
  7. I am pulling my &^%&%$%$#$@ hair out. I am losing an entire day of proofing this ^%$^%&^^%%$## simply because no one here can be arsed to check their e-mail. Still waiting for this *&%&%$^%^##@# printout. EDITED TO ADD: Finally found out that my e-mails regarding this printout were indeed received, and further, that I don't need this printout yet after all (because of other people's stupid errors). Only instead of--oh, I don't know!--replying as such, my ever-responsible coworker simply ignored the messages instead. Sorry, but this situation calls for a hearty fuck you. I have never in my life had to struggle so hard not to get out of doing work, but to do it.
  8. I made the best batch of baked tofu cubes last night -- just tossed in olive oil, tamari, and a little cornstarch. That damn cornstarch is a godsend! Heard back from the client. Instead of replying with the details I need, she tells me that if I can do it (which I already said in the previous message) she will send the info. Oy vey, why not just send it with the reply?! Waiting again... And again: my "real" job needs a pretty extensive proof done by Thursday. They know I need a printout of the document (a big old 11" x 17" set of 40 spreads); this is routine yet they forget to print me one all the time. Had to e-mail that person reminding her to please do that so I can do this...and crickets. At least my coworkers' collective inefficient nature gives me time to work on the freelance stuff--I'm being paid twice!
  9. Hahaha, true! But, lady, if you want this done fast and well, you gotta reply! After all, the project's urgency makes no never mind to me!
  10. Those Gardein Ultimate Beefless Burgers are lifesavers, I tell you! While I love a good veggie burger, many times I want a copycat*--one that imitates a real-deal meat burger! Wow-whee, these are it! * Back to peeves: I know a few obnoxious people who deem it wrong to eat something designed to closely imitate the real thing. No, I don't get it either. OK, non-food peeve: why does it seem like the more ways there are to communicate, the more slowly people are to get back to you? Ugh, Friday afternoon a client asked if I could take on a freelance project with a turnaround time of less than a week. I took a look at it on Friday, decided that if I start it today (Monday), I should have no problems getting it done quickly. I e-mailed her to say OK and awaited the info/details I need from her. No reply yet. Yes, it's still morning but my availability could change based on what fresh hell my real job introduces this week.
  11. If she eats lots of dark green things, she'll get the protein she needs...though I assume those dark-greens are often the more difficult things to get little kids to eat?
  12. Unless it was sushi, every single meal I ate had to contain some kind of cheese or another; my refrigerator and cabinets were filled with a range of high-end fancy ones all the way down to anything and everything covered with that bright-orange powder (including that super-sized plastic barrel of balls!). Cheese was the last vestige keeping me technically vegetarian after I'd scrapped everything else (meat was easy, to be honest). I hunted and scoured and researched and sampled replacements with varying results. And now, I feel like I've got the cheese cravings completely covered. So, if you ever want some easy suggestions (store-bought or homemade) for your daughter, PM me--I am no kind of kitchen wizard so all the stuff I do is very easy; if you are someone who already knows how to cook, I'm sure you'd have these things down faster than I do even now.
  13. Ahahahhahhahhahhaaa! Replace all the coffee-related references with various onion formats and you get my life. No, I have not and will not "just try" a Bloomin' Onion, as its main component is exactly what I just said I do not like even in small doses. No, I would not love your grandma's onion-festooned green-bean casserole. No, one cannot just pick them off and carry on. And, here's a two-parter: (a) You have no way of knowing whether I will "not even be able to taste them!" (b) Then why the fuck are they even in there?! I don't like them. Who gives a shit?! Unrelated: why did I even venture into the Twin Peaks thread? Because not everything everyone hoped for was presented in the damn premier, clearly that must mean that it never, ever will be and it all sucks already!
  14. Do we know that the originals are relegated only to cameos henceforth? I mean, OK, it didn't make me feel like the first episode did way back when, but it just started; everything can't happen in the first two episodes. I'm with you here. Despite my love for Twin Peaks, I never cared for DL's movies regardless of what all my grunge-era art-school friends said, haha!
  15. I have to remind my mom all the time--and it often doesn't work and, hooray, iceberg lettuce salad for me...again! I swear, every time: "I'll just make you some fish then. ...You don't eat fish? Why not? Since when?" It'd kind of similar to that thing parents/older relatives do regarding stuff you liked when you were seven or into some kind of trend that etched something onto their brains: "I saw this Scooby-Doo ceramic bathroom accessories set thought of you--here!"
  16. That's interesting! But I like mine on the green side. (And, haha--"wrapped in plastic"! Timely; I just watched Twin Peaks.)
  17. Thank you! You'd think that was an odd kind of compliment, but it's not really! I think we're generally assumed to be preachy assholes!
  18. Ohhhh, haha! I'm sorry--I misinterpreted! I blame the memes and the attitudes. Oy, my own dad basically called me an uninformed sheep of my chosen leanings (I'm not the "first to have been tricked into drinking the Kool-Aid," I believe were his words--love you too, Dad! I always thought you'd be proud to have a daughter who educates herself and makes her own decisions) and my doting uncles keep flinging around "snowflake" (as if making a concerted effort to make changes indicates something pampered and delicate about a person!) and a made-up word that ends with "tards." Nice.
  19. Haha, MrSmith--I don't even know if I knew that I was quoting the same person for everything! And I can't find anything you say that I disagree with (no nerve hit, I swear). I suppose my main issue is that the ones posting the nonsense don't know anything about the people whom the memes are meant to call out. For instance, maybe the dude at McDonald's is working for his education already! Comparing him to an underpaid soldier is apples and bologna, as the determination of one paycheck isn't based on that of the other, and the McD's employees wouldn't be directly pulling dough out of the military's pockets--it's not one group "hogging" some finite pile of money. But, generally, this current climate is really bringing a certain type of hypocrisy to the forefront in so many issues--and not one intelligently or accurately summed up in a dumb meme!
  20. I've just gone ahead and eaten a salad with parmesan shavings that you kind of can't easily get rid of. I look at it as a "bonus," haha! (I love cheese, I just have chosen to give it up.) It would be cool, however, if menus were consistent in listing ingredients; I don't need my hand held or anything, but when I see Item A has what looks to be a complete list of what's in it, I'll assume that Items B-Z follow suit. And my peeve with that is not even necessarily non-vegan stuff--its ONIONS! Come on, the Whatever Sandwich says it comes with tomatoes and onions; when the This Other Thing Sandwich says tomatoes but not onions, I assume it means it! And that's my policy with leather and suede too (and makeup, lotions, etc.); I didn't toss out all my old belts, purses, shoes, and jackets, and I might actually keep a gift that someone gives me without realizing (a wallet or something). I don't buy anything like that new anymore, but I will buy it in a vintage or secondhand store. From the POV of someone who does not want animals harmed my benefit, it definitely seems much worse to summarily trash it! I mean, the damage has happened already and I would rather not have that be completely in vain. Similarly, if my friend's bathroom has a soap from a brand I don't support, I'm not gonna not wash my hands with it! And as for Thanksgiving, I did buy and make my BF sliced turkey and mashed potatoes with butter because he likes it. We "hid out" at home last year; I think I ate a vegan frozen pizza, haha!
  21. I'm a filthy hippie vegan and I make little errors here and there! Part of that is due to not wanting to create a big old scene about it while ordering food, and part is trying to be cool to people who try to accommodate me. While I'm not gonna eat turkey on Thanksgiving, I might just adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy on the side dishes my BF's family went to all the trouble to make for a dinner they specifically invited me to. It might make me a poser or hypocrite in the eyes of staunch (or militant) fellow vegans, but I still have to live in society and I have no desire to make anyone feel bad. All I know is I do my best not to consume any animal products; it's not their job to make sure that happens. Oh, I have no doubt that it's possible to do so. But I also think those memes are targeting people that don't have the time or knowledge or energy or lifestyle or even environment to take that approach. The memes are posted by people who seem to tend to not take a deeper look at what might drive someone else's decisions; they see it, agree in the immediate, and repost.
  22. This reminds me of a FB peeve: that elitist meme people keep posting about low-income, overweight people feeding their families McDonald's or whatever--always posted by people who, it seems, don't know how gross and uninformed they are as to how much fast food costs vs. healthier grocery-store options. Same goes for that infuriating rant about fast-food workers not deserving to advocate for higher wages--the one that includes a comparative rundown of what military people earn, and also, I believe, says something ever-so-intelligent like, "get out and get an education if you want a better wage." Actually, most memes I see lately fill me with a peevish aggravation. Ugh, yes, I think that many otherwise rational people do sometimes think/feel these things! It's nuts to me; in social situations, I sometimes try to keep what I'm eating on the down-low to avoid the inevitable questions that sometimes verge on accusatory at worst and patronizing at best. And the there's the ill-informed debunking. Always with the debunking attempts!
  23. A million years ago, I was at a Soundgarden show--the Badmotorfinger era, so smack in the heart of the grungey times--and Chris had leapt off the stage and was crowdsurfing. Knowing I had a rabid crush on the man, my friend held him by his boot so he wouldn't float away before I got a good look at him. I touched an ab!
  24. Ugh, I'm just so sad. Closely following Mother Love Bone, Soundgarden has always been my favorite from back in my college years. I'm gonna go home and wear my falling-apart Soundgarden shirt from 1992... although it's 95 degrees here and that thing is long-sleeved. I'ma do it for you, Chris!
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