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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Weird. This show seems good about some things and others... not so much.
  2. I meant for the ER. No doubt Hope's personal physician will be much more supportive. It would have helped to have a one liner about them getting in touch with her regular doctor.
  3. Surely they must have some Caroline/Ridge montages in the works?
  4. I have mixed emotions on the flashbacks/montages. I really don't like the music they pick for them but they have been interesting for me, as I've been watching for much less than a year. If they are done well, they are a shorthand for the characters backstory and an alternative to loads of exposition in the dialog. (Which makes sense for the foreign market, too.) I assume the main reason they do them is to save money. Considering how the other soaps look so cheap, if they have to do them to go on location - or even outside - then okay by me. I can live with it. They could mix them up a little, though.
  5. Re: changing names. I just Googled it and the regulations in CA appear fairly straightforward. As long as you aren't trying to commit fraud or evade the law, no problem. You can even change your gender. Pretty sure that's not an easy option where I live... http://www.courts.ca.gov/1051.htm
  6. Yes, this is what I was thinking of. Thanks for clarifying. :-)
  7. GH has an Asian character. They sabotaged him from the start but from what I can tell, he's still around. I did love Ji Min, back in the day though. (A good actor and nice to look at it, so of course he had to die.) ETA: Unfortunately the callous doctor seemed in character to me. But I thought a celebrity like Hope would have merited some extra attention. And speaking of the ER, does Hope always give her name as Hope Logan, not Spencer or Logan-Spencer? (edited again ;-) because evidently Wyatt is really a Spencer, not a Fuller anymore)
  8. I felt sorry for Hope today - so kudos (I guess) to KM - this is the first time I've actually felt anything in any scene she's done. (Other than irritation...) And I honestly felt sorry for Quinn and Wyatt, too. Just don't get me started on Liam - though you all have covered that pretty well. In the ER, couldn't Liam have just said 'she's my sister-in-law and we're trying to contact her husband'? That would make him family, with a right to be there...
  9. I had read earlier that Hope fell down some stairs but those stone steps weren't exactly what I was picturing. As she tumbled all I could think of was - don't wealthy people have security cameras on their grounds? I hope so, for Quinn's sake. And I have never seen Steffy, so I'm a little curious about her.
  10. I was thinking coma, at least. Then when she wakes up, she's someone else?
  11. I can't even pretend to rationalize the show making Laurel look so bad in S2 - with flashbacks showing her scheming to get Oliver for herself and away from Sara. Or her reaction to Sara returning from the dead. I'm bitter about that, especially since all that remains onscreen is Laurel's addiction. I guess it gives her something of a life (AA meetings and bonding with Quentin) but what a waste of time it all was for the audience. This show is still under my skin though. I'm even bitter about how much fun the crossover episodes were. It's proof that the writers and producers can bring it if motivated...
  12. IMO, racial diversity took a real hit (not that it was ever all that great) once all the soaps were gone from NY. One Life to Live was probably the best. But to do people of color well you need a diverse writing staff and the way they keep recycling staff and stories, I don't expect to see that ever happen before they all get cancelled.
  13. I actually have several of them (and read them all back in the day) and I agree, they are pretty good. I remember the good old days of haunting the bookstore every month waiting for the new Trek novels to appear. (circa 1980s). I envy the British fans, who had the same experience with Doctor Who.
  14. The James Blish ones, not the movie ones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_%28Blish%29 And I love Jo Grant.
  15. I was happy to see Slade go by the end of S2 but I do miss the actor and his marvelous voice.
  16. I wouldn't want Wells to be Felicity's father, what with the murdering people thing. I'd be okay with him knowing about - or being involved with - his disappearance.
  17. I didn't get a Pretty Woman vibe from the dress/necklace scene but more of a Kaylee/Shindig vibe. (Firefly) I think it's an interesting part of Felicity's character that she likes pretty dresses and isn't the stereotypical geek. :-) I laughed when she inhaled the couture dress.
  18. I thought Barry was more like 10 when his mother was killed? I just binge watched the show to date this weekend, so it's all kind of running together in my mind, though. One thing that bugs me about super hero shows is how ignorance is supposed to keep someone safe. Has it EVER worked out that way? :-)
  19. Me, either. They had a firmly established BFF relationship as kids. Even if Joe hadn't taken Barry in, there's a good chance their relationship would be exactly where it is now. Barry having a one-sided thing for Iris is kind of a relief after the mess that was the sister-swapping in Arrow.
  20. I'm interested in seeing how this plays out. Do the "because comics" fans who want Laurel as BC outnumber the actual Arrow fans? I'm personally thinking this is a step too far but who knows?
  21. Ugh. That was almost 6 hours (Arrow) of my life I will never get back. But then it did show me where the charm, camaraderie and what little light Arrow used to have went - to the Flash. Which was fun and intriguing and I enjoyed almost every minute watching it. So I guess I'm ready for the cross-over even though I'll probably stop recording Arrow once it airs. p.s. The episode Sara was one of the worst pieces of television I've ever seen.
  22. I don't like TM choosing sides in a mob war but it wasn't as if they went hunting for Dominic specifically. Despite Harold trying to embed morality into the code, we know the Machine is just as likely to throw Elias's number as any other potential victim, so either it doesn't care what he does or it really sees Elias as the better choice when it comes to mob bosses. Since the Machine sees crimes in the planning stage (primarily terrorism but catching irrelevants too) I'm assuming Harold had to teach it to ignore a certain amount of organized crime or those crimes would overwhelm the potential results. If so, then Harold inadvertently caused this situation. :-) I don't know if they ever addressed how organized crime fit into the Machine's algorithms. I might have missed it.
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