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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. No curse, cuss verbiage is any less profane than the other--yes, this incudes SHIT, DAMN, ASS, and any numerous other salty bits of language. Since ALL kinds of people have exercised usage of the aforementioned, I fail to understand "P Diddy's" relevance in the use of profanity, and I certainly can not attest to any nastiness on his part. I am, however, pleased that his parenting included college education for his children which is more than can be said for most of the 'Ho'wives. ☆☆Heather does not use profanity any more often or intensely than her co-workers. Also, her language is not any more vulgar than the others simply because one prefers/chooses one profane word over another.☆☆
  2. I think that there are those who have a preconceived notion of whom THEY believe Heather to be and, when Heather acts like her true self, believe her to be a fake. I "like" Heather. On the show, Heather is not narcissistic, pretentious, elitist, nor classist. Although not broadcast on BRAVO, she appears to have a full, busy, normalish, and, at times, fun life. She IS more intelligent than DUHrinda, social-LITE Ramona, sLOANja, and C(o)UNTess Lay-a-man. Fortunately, Heather's "coming on too strong and agressive" behavior has aided in her varied successes, ventures, and philanthropic endeavors. Considering that we are not supposed to be viewing Soap Operas, Heather's behaviors are hardly those that are disturbing, ignorant, fake, theatrical, or predacious.
  3. I was with my beloved father at the time of his passing. He was standing then slowly crumpled to the ground--dead. At his funeral, I was TOLD that I grabbed the casket and had to be quite forcibly moved away by my brother. It has been 12 years and I am still not "over it". My mother (definitely the familial matriarch) passed 3 years ago. Both my sister and I were with her. I crawled into my mother's bed and remotely heard the doctor debating about giving a sedative to me. My sister who conversed daily with my mother shook my mother and continuously begged and pleaded with my mother to "WAKE UP!" upon her last exhalation. She remains extremely emotional about my mother especially when people tell her that they are happy that she is "getting over it". I have blank spaces in my recollections of both my parents' funerals. Also, the realization that my mother and father would not EVER be seen by me--never ever again--hit me with such force that, at times, I felt breathless with the breadth of that absolute. With and despite my humble acknowledgement for the thoughts and opinions of others, one is unable to truly prepare for THE Very idea of No More Parent(s).
  4. For some reason, I feel nauseated when looking at David. Needless to say, I do not find him attractive. I did indeed favor the manner in which David dealt with Terry. Sorry, RedHawk. I was attempting to quote you and then comment.
  5. Every time that I hear Tyra say that she graduated from Harvard or the like, I get irked. I'm sure that the ACTUAL graduates are not amused. ☆There is nothing wrong in not graduating from Harvard.☆(sorry about being off topic )
  6. I never found Dorinda to be nice. She always exhibited this condescending "you better step back from that" persona not because she does not stand for foolishness but, rather, that her inflated ego and cultural narcissism precludes any notion that she may err and/or be held to account.
  7. I had to shop in the teens section(I am talking about Junior sizes 5 and7) until my 30s--years following the birth of my 1st child. My natural size was constantly remarked upon, however, I did not look haggard nor did I espouse unhealthy living habits. Aspects of Bethenny's PURPOSEFUL stardom are based on the "SkinnyGirl" business AND persona thusly allowing critique.
  8. Also, Bethenny is a 40something year old who has birthed a child. Hardly properly comparable to a teenager.
  9. Although egotism and narcissism may be the lingua franca for the 'Ho'wives, Ramona nor Avery deserved Mario's ignoble behavior. The potency of his actions were breathtaking -- publicly prancing about with a woman akin in age to his daughter. The utter humiliation. Mario could have filed for divorce at any time, yet chose the most childish and hurtful avenue. Yes, Ramona is ridiculous but her personality,... do(es) not provide for mitigation of Mario's MISbehavior.
  10. I stated very early that Dorinda was not the voice of reason,... Her dismissive, peevish, and curt behavior towards John was illustrative of this condescending aspect. I remained bewildered at the great number of extremely positive remarks towards Dorinda when Kristen--although a bit childish but not mean or harsh--garnered such a collective slap. Ramona has a weave and needs a stylist to maintain the "look".
  11. Since Brandi is no longer an employee, is the contract applicable?Sorry, I wrote this question prior to reading the comments of others.
  12. Why does Brandi♋ hate Kyle so intensely? PLEASE do not include "GameNight". Others have behaved much harsher to/about Brandi♋in both word and deed. WHY the intense Kyle hatred. Why does she STILL talk about Kyle? Also, does it not appear as if Brandi is attempting to destroy Mauricio's business. Can she be sued? Oh. My. Gosh. She is so irritating!
  13. I agree, especially pertaining to Sonja. Her gasping and ofttimes delicately confused demeanor helps to mask her greed, austere haughtiness, mature self-absorption, envy, and "haute ton" meanness. Sonja is like a slightly XanaxED Ramona. ◆◆This is in response to the AbouvE post by Midnight Cheese.
  14. BREAKING NEWs: This just in!! It has finally been discerned. Both Ramona and Bethenny have a PhD in LUNACY with a specialty in SHIT-STIRRING and ASSHOLENESS... Our intrepid and learnED duo decided upon this thesis following the 1st season whereupon both, sadly, became addicted to Fame'ho'ing and needed a continuous supply of Andy's special brew referred to as ™Beelzebub-Lite.
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