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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Just what is needed, ANOTHER used car lot. Can't they just use the one FF was watching porn at?
  2. Let me translate that from Jillese for everyone: We found this one church that lets us consistely grift from them.
  3. Emily D. Baker was talking about this on her live show on YouTube yesterday. She was all, she was indicted in 2018, she was convicted in January 2022, sentenced in November 2022 -- "it's time for her to go to jail. Go. To. Jail." She was staring hard at the camera in a "can you believe this isht" kinda way. Anyone else is in jail pending the outcome of her appeal. But pretty blonde girls who scammed some pretty famous people apparently get special treatment.
  4. YAAAY. But when? Because with the writers' strike (which I FULLY support) that will probably delay things.
  5. I binged the entire thing last night. Which is not something I really do. I usually need to take a break. But the episodes were short enough that it wasn't tiring. It was a nice show. No one is an asshole. The daughter is a smart ass but she and her dad seem to have a good relationship. The team seems to be good at their jobs while also not being so intense they are jerks. the storylines were fun. Best part - Peyton Manning shows up fairly often. He's executive producer so if he wants to be on -- he gets to be on. but its so funny watching him ask if his stuff is worth more than Eli's. he is so competitive.
  6. Neil needs to start acting like an adult. This isn't middle school. Drawing pictures of your crush while you are at work is juvenile. Abby needs to also mention it would never work because SHE IS A JUDGE AND HE IS HER CLERK. God I wish the writers would understand this. When Rand showed up in a previous episode there was literally no mention of trains. Now Abby is all "everything is train related will that get boring?" They mentioned they went to a corn maze together. When they had dinner in her chambers they were talking about friends and trivia night. He was helping her solve an issue with her colleagues. All stuff normal couples do. I really wish they would stop doing stuff just for plot purposes and pay attention to consistency.
  7. They used to do the whole thing -- with a lot more rounds -- in one afternoon in a hotel room in Philly. (Bert Bell was Commish, he lived in Philly, he got to pick where the draft was). No draft "war rooms" or big boards. Just teams going, yeah, I'll take that guy. Probably worked out just as well as all the over analyzing of a player now. For the record I knew Bradford wouldn't work out. Two shoulder injuries in college, he was glass. I knew that would be a problem.
  8. Well dontcha know that Jill deserves praise for leaving Ma and Pa with Kaylee and Jonathan so Kaylee can have the joy of serving others in a Godly way?
  9. 7th branch of the military. (sarcasm just to be clear)
  10. What I did not love was the pond scene. because in episode 2 Kate said Hal doesn't cheat. It would make it easier if he did.
  11. Makes sense. Also dumb move. Because if the hype is not there organically its not going to move the needle. If the TEAMS think a player is hot, it will affect where they are drafted. If its the media, it won't. Very happy the Jackson deal got done. Might not be what he wanted exactly but its done. Then they picked Zay Flowers to give him a damn target so he doesn't have to do it all himself.
  12. Will levis was projected to be a 2nd rounder -- until recently. So something changed to change the PERCEPTION of him. But tape don't lie. Just like with Jalen Carter. You have all that tape on him. One pro day should not make a drastic change to your evaluation of him. At least with NIL, I wasn't wondering how all these unemployed athletes could afford all that bling. I noticed their entourages were decked out in bling too. And yes we have the inappropriate girlfriends who are all "Cha-ching" happens every year. Carolina had to stall to give Mahomes and Kelce time to get off the stage and for the Lombardi to be stowed away. But at some point, about pick 15/16 I was all the pick is in, we don't need more blathering just ANNOUNCE IT ALREADY.
  13. oooooh. Loved the book, the first Erik Larsen book I read. but because of how good it was, not the last.
  14. I think this is just an appeal of her not being able to be free pending her trial appeal. So its kinda a one issue appeal?
  15. a mermaid style dress is not right for her. even if it were fitted properly. Alana you know you are a big girl, size up, its okay.
  16. I swear she has more ways to get out of jail then a monopoly game. Just send her to jail already. She IS a flight risk. Your average person would not have had their report date delayed due to pregnancy and probably wouldn't even be out on bail. So stop treating her like a special snowflake. That's how we got here in the first place, no one told her she wasn't super special and didn't have to follow the rules the rest of us did.
  17. WOW. What an ending. I just binged the whole series this week. At the end all I could think was "Whose been hit? Whose been hit?" Which if the writer/producer was on the West Wing that makes sense. BTW, Ms. CIA Lady, your behavior is exactly why office romances are frowned on. You are still CIA Station Chief and Stuart is still DCM. You still need to give him information and he still needs to ask for it. Even if you broke up. But WOW what a show. I hope it can hold the magic. Definitely hoping for a season 2 and not an Emerald Point NAS ending (google it kids, and yes I am old).
  18. Things were different when she grifted the house. They were a younger family, that looked like they were just starting out and could use a helping hand. They also hadn't been grifting EVERYTHING for years. This was before the cars for the kids, and sending them to college, and just grifting everything. Even evangelicals might be "hey wait a minute, do these folks pay for ANYTHING themselves? What are they doing with all our love offerings?" Especially if they use social media and see Jill's 485 vacation pictures every other week. The kids are older, some are not even part of the group anymore. Whereas someone might have wanted to make sure the kids were fed and had a safe way to travel, now they might be thinking "those kids are old enough to have part time jobs, not be traveling to ask for money from others." I think Jill has been to the well too many times and the well is fed up. Her grifting seems to be falling off lately. On the other hand, I still wouldn't be surprised if somehow she manages to pull this one off.
  19. Oops, mixed up class A and Class C. Like I said been looking at Class Bs mostly so forgot which one is the bus like one. Honestly starting to think when God called DBD to full time ministry He/She/It/They got a wrong number and are trying to drop hints that the Rod parental units should get jobs and SUPPORT THEIR KIDS.
  20. Just googled it and Google says between 50K and 100K. But honestly I have been looking at motorhomes (mostly class b or travel trailers) and finding a class C which they have for 50K is a pipe dream. 100K or more is likely. But yeah, heaven forbid these lazy grifters actually work and earn money to buy their own damn traveling circus vehicle. Or even have a job to pay for real repairs instead of Dave patching a belt. Big surprise it blew out again. Also if they stayed home instead of going on grift tours, they wouldn't be putting so many miles on an old rv that is on its last legs.
  21. You mean the real way to dress modestly? Its not just making sure all your bits and them some are covered. Its about not drawing attention to yourself with 12 layers of mistmatched clothing and spackle.
  22. I agree, if Bobye's testimony upset her husband, there would have been something then. It's been almost a year and a half since she testified. Also there are most likely issues COMPLETELY unconnected to anything to do with the Duggars and FF. Their belief system however .......
  23. WHOA. This is a Big. Deal. I do hope she is safe and gets the help and support she needs.
  24. That's why I think the NFL rules are pretty reasonable. Instead of no betting at all, which it used to be. Tony Romo couldn't even have a fantasy football convention in hall connected to a casino in Vegas becase "GAMBLING." Now, with the NFL making money off gambling they can't be that draconian anymore. But, they also don't want allegations of game fixing, which will destroy 1) the betting on games which they get money from and 2) destroy the audience which will hurt the tv contracts. So they compromised. In a pretty sensible way -- don't bet on your own sport, and don't do it at all when you are part of the team (in the facility, while on road games). Its not really hard to comply with these rules. So for someone to get busted, it takes a real DGAF attitude. Which is more of a problem than the gambling.
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